A Matter of Principle

It is election time once again and we are told that we are free as long as we can vote, but our choices at election time are nearly always between the lesser of 2 evils. It is like choosing between fuel oil or gas to throw on a fire to put it out, when what you need is water. They both add fuel to the flame rather than putting it out and both will destroy what needed to be saved in the end. The lessor of 2 evils is still evil and if we vote for what we know is wrong then we are partakers of that evil. God does not condone evil in any degree and we would not expect Him to approve of our conduct if we choose to commit adultery only once a month rather than once a week when what He wants from us is to completely abstain from such activity. Then why do we think He approves when we vote for people who we know will rule in opposition to His moral laws.

We are never to compromise on principle. Compromise should only be on how, by whom and when to implement a certain principle. Over the years our elected officials have been compromising away everything that patriotic Americans hold dear. Historians point to the compromise over slavery at the constitutional convention as the beginning of the great American tradition of compromise. However, if we examine it we find that the basic principle was, that the general government would have the authority to ban importation of slaves. Both sides adhered to this. The compromise was not on principle, but on when that principle should be implemented. The compromise was that the general government could ban importation of slaves in 20 years, rather than immediately. The remaining issues on slavery where to remain with the States.

If we have an elected official who compromises by voting for an unconstitutional law then he has violated his oath of office, to uphold the Constitution. God's word tells us not to go to the right or the left of His word, and this same principle should be used in regards to the constitution. Today's political right and left are both left of center. They are only right and left of each other, with the center moving steadily to the left. A true political spectrum of right and left must include the constitution as it's center, with both right and left as unconstitutional. A true political spectrum has communism, socialism, and fascism on the left with anarchy on the right. Our God given unalienable rights are insecure at both ends of the spectrum and only under strict constitutionalism can our rights be protected.

Even communist countries voted, but they could only vote for which communist they wanted in office. Are we any different when the only people we can vote for who appear to have a chance to win are from socialist party one and socialist party two, who receive all that free network coverage? The only difference between the 2 main parties is in degree. One party is slightly less socialist than the other.

My challenge to you is that when you go to the polls this year, that you vote your conscience. There are other parties out there that do provide us with a choice, such as, the U.S. Taxpayers Party, the Libertarian Party, and the Natural Law Party. The most Constitutionally pure party appears to be the U.S. Taxpayers Party (name later changed to Constitution Party) , with the Libertarian Party and the Natural Law Party right of center.

All comments are welcome. Brutus

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