The time has come through my own personal curiosity and financing to fully investigate the Rife technology that so many have found to be beneficial in treating illnesses from AIDS to Cancer to just killing off the common viruses for cold and flu.
Many years ago I have heard of such a device that had been suppressed from the general public for decades. Why would anyone want to keep such a miracle device from doing its good for humanity? Could it be money? Power? Ignorance?
After reading about Royal Raymond Rife, The developer of this technology as well as an advance microscope that to this day we haven't achieved such ability. For those who are not totally familiar in the story of Rife, click here for the complete history. Its worth the read!
Many devices are available complete and ready to use. There are major differences that may make them user UNfriendly and hide the true nature of the protocols by substituting codes for the frequencies that kill off the parasites.
To begin this project, and after over 10 years of previous study and experimentation, I selected what "Rifers" call the R/B Unit. This is the apparatus developed by Dr. James Bare D.C. and is based on the theories of Royal Raymond Rife. The unit consists of many different components that can easily be purchased off the shelf from many different suppliers.
My first suggestion: Buy the book by Dr. Bare and join the Rife discussion list.
From these you should be able to get a good foundation on the technology and the building of your own device as well as what others are doing with this knowledge. The list also seems to off topic into homeopathy and herbology. There are several doctors in the group and several countries are represented.
Keep in mind, you need the book to follow modifications and complete assembly of this unit for I will not go into great detail on the construction. My intent is not to rip off others of their research, but to present further findings from our own investigation. Our choice of equipment covers the following:
Geny2 Signal generator $209
(This requires an IBM compatible computer to use)
Uniden CB Radio $39
Polamar 225 RF Amp $99
Rife Technology Tuner $189
Astron RS-35A Power Supply $149
Argon Plasma tube $60
Misc cables, parts and shipping $80
$825 Total at this time. When complete, should cost about $100 more (cart, etc)
Dr. Bare's book suggests between $890 to $1000 to start. He is right. It is best to stay with his formula and vary later for improvements. Get it going then goof around.
A simple block diagram of the unit I am building looks like this:
This is the completed system we will use in the project. The meter in the forefront is a Fluke Model 87 with frequency counter that we use to monitor the frequencies when tuning the system.
The next photo shows what the plasma tube looks like when lit. Adain, we are using a 100% argon filled straight tube. There are other mixes of gas, but we selected the argon for its photon emissions. Note that the beam will follow the path of RF emissions because the tube is "wrapped" with wire and not hooked up to the electrodes.
There are important modifications that are model specific and are to made to some of the units in order to make the unit work as a plasma wave generator. These changes are covered in detail in Dr. Bare's book. Again, get the book if you are to build such a unit or you will be building a very expensive light bulb.
Join the Rife discussion list and ask alot of questions before letting go the dough..
Subject one: Carcinoma Cancer - Updated!
Subject two: Colon Disorders - Soon!
Subject Three: Sinus and Flus - Soon!