First off I would like to welcome you to TruthNet International. This is where we will explore the "TRUTH" of many aspects of human life and social issues. The following will be a surprise that will be hard to believe for most of you and for the rest, a confirmation of personal beliefs.
Truths are based on facts. Unlike facts, truths are individual, undeniable and comprised of many facts and life experiences whereas facts are either hard, gray or soft. Hard facts are documented and witnessed by many and can be easily proven in a court of law. Gray facts are based on reliable accounts and has some documentation and are mostly provable through research. Soft facts are comprised mostly of opinion and tests of time that are believed by most to be accurate. Gray and soft facts may or may not lend themselves to comprise the "TRUTH". Sometimes no facts comprise a truth, faith never is an consideration.
The list below are the truths I have been able to discover and without a doubt are accurate. Do you know or believe any of these TRUTHS?
1) Religions conspire to control its masses through fear and ignorance.
2) All governments of our planet are part of this conspiracy in number one.
3) The UFO phenomenon is only disproved by government scientists that work directly for the government or are financed through grants.
4) There is life from other planets trying to reach everyone on Earth.
5) We are at least the fourth great civilization to exist on Earth.
6) Mars has life on it.
7) The time line of our society's ancient history is a lie.
8) The Egyptians DID NOT build the Pyramids.
9) The Pyramids in Egypt, China, Central and South Americas, are at much older than we are told.
10) Travel between stars are possible and it isn't as hard as we are lead to believe.
11) All races on Earth are not originally from Earth.
12) The Earth is hollow and several "races" live there.
13) Reincarnation is true and has been edited out of the Bible by the Hebrews.
14) We are all spiritual beings in a three dimensional material existence that cocreate with God.
15) The evidence from the true contact cases have been tainted by the US government to make them appear to be frauds.
16) (Don't' crucify me for this one!) Jesus did not die on the cross.
17) We are not free nor are we free thinkers.
18) Those who are closest to the truth are arrested, branded as liars, fired from there jobs or are killed.
19) There are alien beings living on and in Earth.
20) We will have to take control of our destiny by learning the knowledge of truth and then reacting to it.
21) Our modern medicine is killing us.
22) Satanic rites are practiced at the Vatican.
23) We are the masters of our destinies and do little with it.
24) The moon is artificial.
25) The moon has alien bases on it.
26) Our methods of dating ancient artifacts are in great error.
27) Ancient artifacts that prove a different time line have been hidden from the public.
28) Generally, we take the most spiritually and morally bankrupt and freely elect them to govern us.
29) The Bible is incomplete.
30) Humans have existed on Earth for millions of years and walked with the dinosaurs.
31) Some dinosaurs still live today.
32) Time travel is possible and is done routinely.
33) The "Gray" alien race are NOT our friends.
34) What we pray for collectively, we will get.
35) Tell the truth and you will never have to remember what you said. (From Mark Twain)
36) We are evolving into a new level of existence.
37) Prophecies are warnings to change our thoughts and behavior.
38) Life is sacred!!!
39) Faith is ignorance.
40) Every soul has the power of prophecy, space and time travel.
41) Some ET contacts are real.
42) Most ET abductions are fabricated.
43) UFOlogy is falling apart and filled with elitists.
44) We can rid this planet of evil without firing a single shot.
45) The Earth is playing out the same mistakes that destroyed the last civilization.
46) The TRUTH is hard to take therefore can be easily labeled a lie by those who are in denial.
47) The world bankers conspire against the citizens of the world and cause wars and famines that need not happen.
48) We are kept busy with trivial matters by our governments so they can execute their plans without notice or blame.
49) The mass media works for the governments through elitists and fear.
50) The mass media reports little of true importance.
51) Our doctors are killing hundreds of thousands yearly through ignorance.
52) Alternative medicine has a better chance of a cure.
53) The A.I.D.S. epidemic is fabricated.
54) Knowledge is true power not money. This is why we are kept ignorant
55) K-12 schools teach nothing important.
56) You learn far more in less time after leaving school.
57) Free energy exists.
58) Oil is not fossil fuel.
59) Newspolls are designed to control the masses.
Only 10 percent of this planet's inhabitance have the knowledge and height in spiritual growth to accept any of the truths that are listed here. The more of them you know, the higher you are. Need
proof? Then let me guide you to the TRUTH. We will be under construction at our two sites for a long time so if you are in need for info, e-mail me. I will try to answer in a day or two.