July 4, 2003
Since publishing this Dissertation, I have reviewed what is happening and am more convinced that my hypothesis is correct. The opportunity exists for someone to carry on the research. I cannot. The Baby Boomers are approaching retirement. The resources that will be needed to treat those who beocome depressed will be astronomical. Medicare may not be able to provide them. The necessity of finding a way to avoid depressive episodes increases.
This dissertation focuses on depression,and its correlate self-esteem. The term depression refers to the affective disorder described as Major Depressive Episode, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM III-R, (rev. 3rd Ed. 1987).
Ingham, Kreitman, McMiller, Sashidharan,
& Surtees, (1986) observe that "the link between depressed mood and
a negative view of the self is a clinical commonplace, but the nature of
the association is not well understood" (p. 375). The American Psychological
Association Task Force on Women and Depression, Final Report (1990)
points out that low self-esteem is an important factor in depression but
that explanations of its role vary. Lakey (1988) suggests that researchers
have not established whether low self-esteem is antecedent to depression
or merely a symptom of depression. The experimental design and hypotheses
of this study address this problem.
The American Psychological
Association Task Force on Women and Depression, Final Report (1990)
recognizes depression as one of the most serious and prevalent mental health
problems in the United States. According to the report depression may afflict
20% of our population at some time in their lives. Ponterotto, Pace, and
Kavan (1989) found that depression, as classified by the DSM—III—R, is
the most frequently seen affective disorder. Investigators observe that
depression is the most common functional psychiatric disorder among older
adults (e.g. St. Pierre, Craven, & Bruno, 1986). Phifer, and Murrell,
(1986) report that between 10% and 18% of the elderly in community settings
display clinically important levels of depressive symptomatology. A later
study suggests that there has been an increase in the rates of major depression
in the cohorts born after World War II (Klerman and Weissman 1989).
By the year 2007 the first born
of these "Baby Boom Cohorts," will reach the age of 60. One has only to
recall the demand the "baby boomers" created for goods and services beginning
with the year 1950, and the social impact created by this group in the
sixties, to conclude that the social and psychological problems associated
with depression and the treatment of these problems in the United States
may reach mammoth proportions. By the year 2040 the elderly are expected
to constitute 21 percent of the population. They will number from 25 million
in 1980 to 66 million in 2040. These factors suggest that the elderly are
an appropriate population for study.
Nelson (1989) analyzed self—esteem and depression in a study of the institutionalized elderly and found a very strong and significant negative correlation. Essex and Klein (1989)
examined a model specifying the links among the physical, functional, and
subjective components of physical health status and depression among older
women. They found that health confidence and positive cognitive coping
response directly affected self-esteem which, together with health confidence,
subsequently had direct negative effects on depression. Brown, Bifulco,
Harris and Bridge (1986) conducted a longitudinal study investigating psychosocial factors influencing both the onset and course of depression in a sample
of working-class women and found a heightened risk of the onset of depression
associated with a negative evaluation of self.
The literature on depression is
too vast for a single paper to present a comprehensive review. A representative
review of the literature follows. Various explanations of depression are
reviewed as a background to the theory underlying this study.
The underlying assumption of this dissertation and study
is that the self is "one," a "unity " as opposed to a "sum" of parts and
that the self functions as a unified whole within the context of a perceived
environment which includes the "self." This notion of unity is not unlike
that expressed by Manaster & Corsini (1982) in their account of Adlerian
Psychology in Individual Psychology, Theory and Practice (pp.30-32).
The relationship of the individual, the self, to the environment is conceived
as a dynamic one. One in which the self responds to a changing environment
which includes the perceived self and within which self-evaluation is a
continuous process.
James (1904) describes a unified self having two
aspects, the I and the Me .These aspects are discriminated aspects, James
argues, and not two separate things.The identity of I with
even in the very act of their discrimination, is perhaps the most ineradicable
dictum of common-sense," says James (p. 176). James compares and contrasts
the I, the knower, and the Me, which he defines as
the "empirical ego",
James (1904) proposes that our self-feeling depends
entirely on what we back ourselves to be and do Our self feeling, he says,
"is determined by the ratio of our actualities to our supposed potentialities"
(p. 187). His formula, a fraction, the denominator of which is our pretensions
and the numerator our successes, is perhaps the most widely quoted formula
in psychology.
This study observed self-esteem, one's self feeling,
at several discrete points in time. We consider that each of these self-feelings
is at once related to and appropriated with all the "self-feelings" that
lay, as it were, in the consciousness of the self. Global self-esteem is
not deemed to be a single snapshot of self or "self-image. Rather, the
term self-esteem is consistent with the idea expressed by Demo (1985),
Self-esteem is also consistent with the idea expressed
by Rosenberg (1965), "global self-esteem is based not solely on an assessment
of [one's] constituent qualities but on an assessment of the qualities
that count," (p. 18). Self-esteem is not considered to be a "trait" or
a "static state." It is more akin to an attitude brought about as a result
of a dynamic process.
The proposed study approaches the individual experience
of "self-esteem" from the point of view of social behaviorism as explained
by Mead (1934). Behaviorism in the broader Meadian sense involves a study
of the inner experience of the individual. In this wider sense Mead (1934)
says it involves "the study of the individual from the point of view of
his conduct . . . but not exclusively the conduct as it is observable by
others." (p. 2). Mead suggests that an "attitude" is recorded in some fashion
in the nervous system of the individual (p. 11). Whether or how the attitude
toward the self is recorded is not pertinent to this study. Attitudes,
whether considered structures within the organism, or a flow of thoughts
that contribute to the interaction of the individual to the situation,
evoke responses by the individual to social situations and. as such, are
called out of the individual. As the individual participates in the response,
the response changes the environment. The "Me" perceived by the individual
is a part of that environment and thus the perception of the "Me" is always
subject to change. The "attitude" of the individual toward the self," is
assumed to be reflected in the individual's on-going evaluation of self,
one's self-esteem.
The process of self-evaluation suggests a duality.
The reality of the self, however, is a unity. The self is no better, and
no worse than it is. For the depressed, however, the empirical ego and
the object of "unworthiness" is the perceived "Me." As successive evaluations
separate the "I" and the "Me" spatially, perhaps the "I, pure ego," eventually
succumbs to the view that it is no better than the perceived "Me," the
"empirical ego," and ultimately identifies with it thereby entering a new
reality, the reality of the depressed. It is this dynamic process that
this study attempts to record.
The Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders DSM III-R, (rev. 3rd Ed. 1987) describes
Researchers generally recognize depression
disorders as "affective disorders. However, wide differences have existed
concerning the classification of these disorders. Researchers use different
terms to distinguish among depressive conditions. For example, endogenous,
(autonomous, psychotic), stands for disorders that seemed to come from
within. Exogenous, (reactive, neurotic), signifies those caused by some
external psychosocial factor (Beck 1973). These distinctions appeared in
the diagnostic and statistical manual of the American Psychiatric Association
as late as 1968. The 1968 edition of the diagnostic manual classified depression
into two broad categories. The first category, neurotic depression and
psychotic depressive reaction, characterize depression by antecedent psychosocial
conditions and is, presumably, reactive to life events, and, therefor more
or less psychogenic. The second category includes envolutional melancholia
and manic depressive illness. These occur when the mood does not seem related
directly to a precipitating life experience, (hence endogenous or as coming
from within) (DSM 1968). The implication is that the latter are biological
in origin.
Beck objected to this kind of
classification. Beck argues that the difference between psychotic and neurotic
depressive reactions is quantitative rather than qualitative (Beck 1973).
The APA modified its approach in 1980 with the adoption of DSM III. The
manual included a new reference, affective disorders. The essential feature
of this group is described as a disturbance of mood not due to any other
physical or mental disorder. The DSM III R (1987) classifies depressive
disorders as Mood Disorders, under Major Affective Disorders. This classification
includes Manic Episode and Major Depressive Episode. The debate continues
because the American Psychological Association's National Task Force
on Women and Depression Final Report, (1990) comments that depression
is heterogeneous. The report also says that depression is not a continuum
from the blues to major depression and, eventually, suicide. Rather, it
argues, depression varies in kind and in the contribution of different
risk factors.
Adolph Meyer, Sigmund Freud, and
Emil Kraepelin begin the modern era in the study of depression (Friedman
and Katz, 1974). During the first half of the twentieth century researchers
viewed depression as either biological in origin or (Kraepalian), "ego"
centered or (Freudian) or originating in an interaction of biological,
psychological and environmental forces, (Meyerian). (Friedman and Katz,
Kraepelin (1913), working with
manic-depressives conceptualized depression as a disease entity with a
physical pathology. Kraepelin worked to develop a systematic classification
of depressive illness, and maintained that the origins of depression were
biological. On the other hand, Meyer (1951) advocated a dynamic psychobiological
approach. Meyer viewed depression as a form of reaction, the result of
biological, psychological and environmental forces. He reasoned that abnormal
mental developments are "attitudes and reactions of the person as a whole"
(p. 601). Meyer acknowledged the importance of constitutional genetic factors,
but would extend the study of depression to psychosocial forces. While
considering constitutional make-up to count for a great deal in dagnosing
and discovering the origins of depression, Meyer believed studying the
deterioration of habits and the undermining of instincts and their somatic
components would yield much more (p. 152).
Freud's (1968) approached depression
etiologically, from a clinical data basis. Freud, the psychoanalyst, focused
on the ego and the superego. Friedman and Katz (1974) observe that the
Freudian influence on depression theory and research was the dominant force
during the first half of the twentieth century and continues to be profound.
In the development of the psychoanalytic explanation of depression, Freud
(1968) distinguished melancholia from the normal affect of mourning. Each
results from loss. Freud (1968) described mourning as an uncomplicated
grief reaction, a conscious process. Melancholia on the other hand, he
argues, works at the unconscious level. Both he claims involve work. Both
exhibit "a profoundly painful dejection, cessation of interest in the outside
world, loss of the capacity to love, and an inhibition of all activity.
. . [but] the disturbance of self-regard is absent in mourning" (p. 51).
Depression follows from a loss of the love object withdrawn from consciousness.
Fenichel (1968) observes that the object may be a person or an object,
and that after the loss a narcissistic identification with the object is
established carried out by the instinctual process of oral incorporation.
Hostility, initially directed toward the lost object, is turned against
the subject's own self, "abusing it, defaming it, making it suffer" (Freud,
1968, p.60). The attack results in a fall in self-esteem. Gaylin (1968)
reasons, if a man is depressed over the loss of a job it is not because
the job symbolizes a loved object but, like a loved object, "it can symbolize
one's self-esteem" (p.17).
Fenichel (1968) hints that diminishing
self-esteem may be an operative component of an adaptive process, or even
a warning of eventual melancholia (p. 111). He also suggests the whole
depressive process appears as an attempt at reparation, intended to restore
the self-esteem that has been damaged (p. 128).
Bibring (1953) viewed depression
"as the emotional correlate of a partial or complete collapse of the self-esteem
of the ego since it feels unable to live up to its aspirations, (ego ideal,
superego), while they are strongly maintained" (p. 26). For Bibring, self
hatred is secondary to a breakdown of self-esteem. Bibring also injected
the term "helplessness," subjective powerlessness, into psychoanalytic
literature to describe the ego's inability to cope (Bibring 1953, p. 24).
Gaylin (1968) suggests that for Bibring diminished self-esteem is the cause
of depresson. (p. 388).
Psychoanalytic theory. while holding
that depression follows upon a loss, real or symbolic, holds firmly to
two additinal notions. The first is that with major depression, diminished
self-esteem, whether treated as an effect, Freud, Rado, and Fenichel, or
as a cause, Bibring, culminates in the total collapse of the ego. The second
is that the depressed person is predisposed to depression, by reason of
a traumatic experience usually occurring in early childhood (Bibring 1953
p. 39). Under psychoanalytic theory, the depressed have a depressive personality.
These were described as the "pathogenic, phenotype" or the class of "moodcyclic
phenotypes" (Rado, 1968) - the orally fixated (Freud, 1968) - and the "person
who is fixated where his self-esteem is regulated by external supplies"
(Fenichel, 1968). Bibring (1953) alone hints that perhaps depression extends
beyond personality, "a human way of reacting to frustration and misery"
whenever the ego finds itself in a state of (real or imaginary) helplessness
against "overwhelming odds" (p.36).
Behaviorists in the classic tradition approach depression
differently. Ferster (1974) observes that the most obvious aspect of depression
is a marked reduction in the frequency of certain kinds of activity and
in the increase in the frequency of others, usually avoidance and mistake.
Lewinsohn (1974) outlined the behavioral theory of depression:
The study conducted with this dissertation measured
internal behavior (Mead 1934) using a subjective self-report measure. As
such, it is not within the classical behavior model. However, the frequency
with which an individual makes the kinds of statements of the feeling of
dysphoria before the onset of depression quoted by Lewinsohn, could be
indications of a change in the level of self esteem in a negative direction.
Put in behavioral terms, a change in the rate of resconposre in a negative
direction resulting in secondary elaborations of the feeling of dysphoria
before the onset of a depression episode may be prodromal signs of the
onset. It is pertinent to observe that behavioral methods used to treat
depressions are those which add to, modify or change an individual's behavioral
repertoire from a passive style to an active style (Ferster, 1971). Viewed
from a self-perspective, the result of behavior therapy is to change self-esteem
in a positive direction.
Recognizing that the behaviorial helplessness model
did not explain lowered self-esteem as a symptom of depression, Abramsom,
Seligman & Teasdale (1978), offered the reformulated helplessness model
to remedy this cognitive shortcoming. They state:
Beck (1974) argues for a cognitive model to explain
depression. Beck's formulation came as a result of clinical studies and
observation of depressed patients. Beck and his colleagues found that depressed
patients persisted in making indiscriminate negative predictions of the
future, and developed the Beck Depression Inventory to measure the behavioral
manifestations of depression and to provide an instrument for use for research
purposes (Beck , Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh 1961). Beck and his
colleagues conducted a series of correlation studies and found significant
correlation between the inventory and measures of pessimism and negative
self-concept, and between the inventory and measures of negative view of
the future and of the self. Beck (1974) describes a "negative triad" upon
which depression revolves, a "distortion regarding the patient's. evaluation
of his world, of himself, and of his future" (p. 6). Beck reports that
the clue to understanding the origin of depression is understanding the
depressed individual's sense of loss,
Beck, Steer, Epstein and Brown, (1990) developed
a self-concept test to measure aspects of Beck's
cognitive model of psychopathology. They describe a negative self-concept
that is developmental, schematic, and progressive. Beck, Steer, Epstein
and Brown (1990) argue that the self-concept is the product of input of
self-relevant data and that relatively stable structures (self-schemata)
serve as information processors leading to data supporting a depressed
person's negative self—concept, data more readily acceptable to the individual
than data fostering positive self-evaluations. Kovaks and Beck (1978) do
suggest, however, that the maladaptive cognitive schemata described by
Beck can be modified.
Both the reformulated helplessness model and the
Beck model are reminiscent of Bibring's (1953) analysis:
The psychoanalytic school suggests the origin of
this affective state lays in a premorbid personality, grounded in a fixation
in development. Bibring (1953) describes the process:
The reformulated helplessness model (Abramsom, Seligman
& Teasdale (1978), with its emphasis on "attributional style," a cognitive
set, offers a pre-morbid personality explanation of depression, and the
model predicts that the attributional style will produce depression proneness,
perhaps the "depressive personality. (p.68)"
Beck (1974) uses the term "depression prone" to signify
the development of a negative schema (Beck 1974, 1978; Beck, Steer, Epstein,
& Brown, 1990). Kovacs and Beck (1978), arguing for the efficacy of
cognitive therapy, state that cognitive structures, "probably acquired
early in development, and if uncritically carried into adulthood, serve
to predispose the individual to depression" (p. 525)
The kind of reasoning that arrives at the notion
that depression follows from being "depression prone" or because one has
a "premorbid personality" or a personality trait or schematic structure
is not new (e.g. Chodoff 1973). The tendency of modern researchers to conclude
that depressives are depression prone brings to mind the debate between
the Kraepelin school and the Meyerian school. Kraepelin (1913) insisted
on an organic explanation. Meyer (1951) included a psychological factor
as well as an organic factor in attempting to explain mental disorders.
Meyer sought to expand medicine from its insistence on physical disease.
Meyer wrote,
Dohr, Rush and Bernstein (1989) compared symptomatically
depressed, clinically remitted, and normal controls in cross sectional
and longitudinal designs using cognitive measures to investigate predepression
bias. They found that depressive episodes affect cognition, but the cognitions
measured were more statelike than traitlike. This is not inconsistent with
the theory that self-esteem may change prior to onset.
A longitudinal prospective study to determine whether
cognitions known to be correlated with depression precede, accompany, or
follow an episode of depression has been reported. The study was an attempt
to contribute to the resolution of the question of whether negative cognitions
precede depression and in some way contribute to its occurrence (Lewinsohn,
Steinmetz, Larson and Franklin, 1981). The study failed to support a hypothesis
that depression-related cognitions are antecedents of depression. From
the hypothesis it was predicted that individuals who became depressed during
the course of the study would differ in their cognition patterns from those
who remained free of depression. The results did not support the prediction.
Self-esteem was included as a general variable but the findings were not
indicative of a diminished self-esteem prior to depression.
Assessing the relative roles of predisposition and
of environmental events in the precipitation of the overt clinical depressive
state Klerman (1974) concluded that clinical states vary according to the
balance between precipitating external stress and the vulnerability of
the individual. Environmental stress seems to play a role in the timing
and precipitation of acute events, but these events are not universal or
specific to depression. "It seems that the most significant factor accounting
for the occurrence of depression is the predisposition or vulnerability
of the individual" (p. 142).
Klerman and Weissman (1980) addressing depression
among women concluded that a simple cause for depression "is unlikely to
emerge, and that more complex, multicausal explanations are necessary to
understand this complex human experience," (p. 72) They argue that clinical
depression is a maladaptive outcome of partially successful attempts of
adaptation and observe:
The multicasual psychosocial approach gives support
to the underlying theory of this dissertation. The multicasual psychosocial
approach recognizes a dynamic process involving an attempted adaptation
of the self-system to the ever-changing environment that includes, among
other factors, the attitude toward the self .
Aneshensel and Stone (1982) tested the hypothesis
that social support networks lessen the adverse psychological consequences
of stress. They found life-event losses and perceived strain were positively
related to depressive symptomatology, while close relationships and perceived
support were negatively related to those symptoms. The researchers presumed
that stress leads to depression. They also recognized that an alternative
model would suggest that existing psychological impairment may result in
the occurrence of stressful events like losing one's job. A change in the
level of self esteem could occur before or after the loss of a close relationship
that provided support or after the loss of a job making one vulnerable
to the onset of depression.
In a longitudinal study Brown, Bifulco, Harris, and
Bridge (1986) found negative evaluation of self, at first contact, associated
with an increased risk of depression one year later. Negative evaluation
of self, NES, consisted of a measure of three components. The three components
were (a) attributed self, physical attractiveness, intelligence, ability
to get along with people and so on, (b) self definition, perception of
her competence in roles such as wife, mother and worker, and (c) self acceptance,
more generalized feelings about the way she sees herself. The study also
examined the role of chronic subclinical symptoms, CSCs, among women not
clinically depressed at first contact with a subsequent onset of depression.
The study included 215 "normal" women, that is, those without subclinical
symptoms. Of the normal group, 15 of those followed up experienced an onset
of depression. Of these 67% (10/15) had NES at first contact, and met with
a provoking agent before the onset of depression. The study did not examine
NES between the first contact and depression onset. A provoking agent was
operationally defined as a severe event or a major difficulty. The focus
of the study was etiologic, but Brown, Bifulco, Harris, & Bridge, (1986)
were unable to offer a definitive conclusion about the role of CSCs in
the genesis of depressive disorders at a caseness level (p. 17). They did
conclude, however, that both NES and CSC are required in the best model
predicting depression. The authors suggest that NES and CSC may be indicators
of a common depression-prone disposition (p. 15).
In a prospective study, Murrell and Norris (1984)
found a significant interaction between resources and undesirable events
on depression in a sample of 1,166 adults, age 55 and older. Resources
included health, self-esteem, social support, education, and urbanicity.
Events consisted of the person's perception of the nature of the impact
on him or her of quite specific environmental changes. They found that
older adults with relatively stronger resources were much better off psychologically
to begin with than those with weaker resources and maintained this psychological
advantage regardless of their subsequent life event experiences. They also
found that within both strong and weak resource groups that persons who
subsequently experienced high levels of undesirable events were more depressed
that those who later experienced low levels of undesirable events. They
did not look at the effect of a change in resources over time.
Phifer and Murrell (1986) examined the additive and
interactive roles of (a) six sociodemographic factors, (b) resources and
(c) life events, in the development of depressive symptoms in a sample
of 1,233 person, 55 years of age and older. They found that "health and
social support played both additive and interactive roles, life events
had weak effects, and sociodemographic factors did not contribute to depressive
onset" (Phifer and Murrell 1986, p. 282). Self-esteem was not included
as a variable.
A study by Dura, Stukenberg and Kiecolt—Glaser, (1990)
compared current and lifetime rates of DSM—III—R disorders in 86 older
adults caring for a spouse with a progressive dementia and sociodemographically
matched control subjects. Dura et al, found that Dementia caregivers were
significantly more dysphoric than non—care givers. They concluded that
chronic strains of care giving appear to be linked to the onset of depressive
disorders in older adults with no prior evidence of vulnerability. Dura
et al, (1990) did not examine self-esteem prior to depression onset.
Fenichel (1968) hints at an adaptive process. Bibring
(1953) suggests that the ego becomes aware of its incapacity to live up
to ideals. Beck (1974) suggests the development of a negative view of self.
Abramsom, Seligman, & Teasdale (1978) posit the acquisition of an attributional
style. The classical behaviorist view suggests a low rate of response contingent
positive reinforcement. The psychosocial approach admits of an interaction
of self-esteem with life events or life situations.
The theory underlying this research postulates that
the self-system is a dynamic unity engaged in a process of adjusting to
its environment which includes the self. The study observed the attitude
toward self through self report, and looked for a change in attitude that
occurred prior to depression onset.
Research has linked life events to depression, and
the mediating role of resources including self-esteem prior to the occasion
of undesirable life events. (Paykel, 1978; Lakey, 1988; Murrell & Norris,
1984; Roy, Breier, Doran and Pickar, (1985). The present study was an effort
to locate a prodromal sign of depression, a change in the level of self
esteem prior to the onset of a depression episode, to which undesirable
life events were linked.
The study also hypothesized that those who exhibit
depressive symptoms during the study will report more undesirable life
events than Controls.
The study utilized a prospective design, exploratory
in nature, conducted in a natural setting. The study employed the strategy
of assessing self-esteem in subjects at three month intervals over a period
of fifteen months and then comparing the degree of change in the level
of self-esteem scores of those subjects who reported depression symptomatology
with the degree of change in the level of self-esteem the scores of subjects
who remained depression free.
Subjects were recruited from the residents of South
Whidbey Island, the southern portion of Whidbey Island. Whidbey Island
is located in the Puget Sound, North of Seattle Washington. South Whidbey
is a unique area known for its exceptional quality of life. The terrain
is generally rolling with elevations from sea level to 580 feet. Over 80%
of the land area is undeveloped and it features trees, prairie areas of
agricultural lands, marshes and open bays. The environment is rural. There
are four village settlements on South Whidbey. Each has a grocery store
and a few shops. The largest, the incorporated town of Langley has fewer
than 1200 residents. Langley is a tourist attraction featuring a small
movie theater, (that doubles as a playhouse), a library, marina, beach
and shops. South Whidbey is served by a State ferry that runs between Clinton,
an unincorporated village at the southern tip of the Island, and Mulkiteo,
a small town on the mainland.
Recruiting was completed through Senior Services
of Island County, Washington a county wide non-profit service organization,
congregations of various Church denominations located on South Whidbey,
notices posted on public bulletin boards, and talks given at service organizations.
The notice is a basic outline of the talks.
Each volunteer received a letter of invitation that
explained the project. The letter of invitation served as the Consent Form.
The letter invited the reader to take part in a study concerned with the
relationship between mood changes in an individual and what that individual
thinks and feels about herself or himself. Each volunteer was asked to
sign and return the Consent Form and to complete and return the Confidential
Information Questionnaire to indicate their willingness and consent to
participate in the study. The Consent Form advised the prospective participant
that his or her participation was voluntary and that all responses would
be held in confidence. The Confidential Information Questionnaire included
the demographic items, age, gender, marital status, education (in years),
annual family income and employment status.
Measures: Self-esteem :
Self-esteem was measured by the Rosenberg Self-esteem
Scale, RSE (Rosenberg, 1965). This scale is widely used in social science
research (Lakey, 1988). The scale is a measure of global self-esteem. A
high score indicates a feeling of unworthiness, while a low score suggests
the person feels himself or herself to be a person of worth, but not necessarily
superior to others. Responses are made to ten items on a 4-point scale
ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The scale exhibits good
convergent validity with other self-esteem measures (Silber & Tippett,
1965) and strong predictive validity. (Rosenberg, 1965). Baker & Gallant,
(1985) in a comparison study of self-esteem measures found that the Rosenberg
Self-esteem Scale was superior to other scales in terms of both convergent
and predictive validity, and that a simple additive index proved superior
to the Guttman version. A simple additive index, was employed in this study
in lieu of the Guttman version. A higher score at a later interval from
an earlier interval indicates a negative change in the level of self esteem.
Scores can range from 10 - 40. Scores _ 20 indicate positive healthy levels
of self-esteem.
The Beck Depression Inventory, BDI, (Beck, 1978:
Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979) was utilized to detect depressive
symptomatology. The BDI has become one of the most widely accepted instruments
for detecting depression in normal populations and has been used as a screening
instrument in research and practice (Steer, Beck, & Garrison, 1986;
Ponterotto, Pace, and Kavan, 1989). In a twenty-five year, (1961-1986),
review of research studies focusing on the psychometric properties of the
BDI, Beck Steer and Garbin, (1988) report high internal consistency estimates
and high concurrent validities. Beck et al, report that with respect to
factor analytic studies, the BDI measures three highly inter-correlated
factors, negative attitudes, performance difficulties, and somatic complaints.
All reflect the DSM III (R) criteria. The BDI is quick and easy to administer,
and when self-administered takes from 5-10 minutes to complete. The respondent
is asked to describe how he or she has been feeling the past week, including
today. The BDI consist of 21 items, rated on a 4-point scale (0-3) of intensity.
The BDI is scored by summing the ratings given to each of the 21 items
of depression. The proposed study employed the cut-off scores recommended
by the Center for Cognitive Therapy to classify cases having depressive
symptomatology, that is, none or minimal depression < 10, mild to moderate
10-18, moderate to severe 19-29; and severe 30-63, Beck, Steer, & .
Scores range from 0-63, with higher scores indicating greater severityGarbin
Life events were measured by a scale adopted from
the Louisville Older Persons Event Scale. The events, their frequency and
their desirability ratings with respect to the project sample are reported
in Murrell, Norris, and Hutchins (1984). To minimize any bias that may
be caused by depression, life events were inquired of at each time segment
and the inquiry was limited to the preceding three month period and dates
were requested. A loss event category consisted of the following events:
separation, divorce, lost home, lost job, less money to live on, friend
moved, child moved, and lost a pet. A Bereavement events category includes:
spouse died, child died, parent died, friend died, sibling died, and grandchild
died. The final category consists of health problems: new personal injury
or illness of the subject or of his or her spouse. The event measure score
consisted of a simple count of the number of events experienced in a given
category for the measurement period.
Procedure: Volunteers were enrolled by letter of invitation.
It took approximately three months to enroll all the participants. Each
participant had a different beginning date. A booklet containing all the
measures was mailed to each participant after he or she returned the completed
Consent Form and the Confidential Information Questionnaire. Each participant's
beginning date, T0, was the date the initial booklet was dated. No adjustments
were deemed necessary or made with respect to different times of beginning.
Each participant was mailed a new booklet approximately three months after
he or she completed and returned the earlier measures. The dates of mailing
and completion varied with each participant depending on the date the earlier
measures were returned. Not all who started completed the several self
report measures from T1…5.
A booklet containing the measures was mailed to each
subject at the beginning of each three month interval relating to that
subject. The booklet instructed the subject to complete each measure and
to return it as soon as possible. Subjects were instructed to date their
returns. Subsequent booklets were mailed three months after the return
of the earlier booklet. Some participants did not date their returns and,
in such case, the date of the return envelope was used to segregate the
data as to time interval. Return of the booklet required minimum first
class postage. Return envelopes and postage were not furnished. One subject
commented on the fact that return envelopes and postage were not furnished.
This subject completed all six rounds. The scores of all participants were
recorded and sorted according to the scores on the BDI
[I have omitted the table of results]
Discussion, Implications and Limitations This study examined self-esteem as it relates to
depression. Initial symptom level was controlled as was overall health
level. Assessing prior psychological state, initial experienced self-esteem,
and health status minimized the potential of confounding these measures
with later psychological state. The community sample used was relatively
homogenous in environmental influences, age, income, and education
level, and balanced as to gender.
Overall, the data generated do not reveal that
individuals suffer a decline in self-esteem prior to the onset of depression
symptoms, nor do the data demonstrate that a loss of self-esteem is simply
an epiphenomenon of depression. The question is still an open one.
The study produced interesting data that deserves
Because all respondents were volunteers, highly educated,
financially secure, and all enjoyed the relatively tranquil environment
of South Whidbey Island, we conclude that the sample may have been composed
of psychologically strong and capable individuals in a uniquely supportive
environment who were able to draw upon their personal resources to respond
and adapt their respective self systems to the stress occasioned by the
undesirable life events they experienced over the course of the study.
Recall that depression is explained by the theoretical
approaches reviewed in our review of the literature, as occurring in the
"depression prone, " those with (a) a "premorbid personality," (Bibring
1953), (b) a developed attribution style (helplessness) that produces depression
proneness, (Abramson, Seligman & Teasdale, 1978), or (c) an early developed
cognitive structures that serve to predispose the individual to depression,
Kovacs & Beck (1978). From the point of view of these theorists it
would be argued that this sample did not include vulnerable individuals
predisposed to depression. However, individuals in this study with high,
positive, stable self-esteem levels did report depression symptoms. This
suggests that individuals with healthy levels of self-esteem may not be
invulnerable to experiencing depression symptoms and possibly depression.
The nature and character of individuals who experience more severe depression
is still shrouded in mystery, but we conclude that the data generated in
this study, if confirmed in a study of a larger sample, would lend support
to the theory that depression may be better explained as following a dynamic
process resulting from the inability of a particular individual to adapt
his or her self-system to cope with internal and external stress.
We suggest that even the poverty stricken data of this study indicates
that state-like vulnerability as contrasted with trait-like vulnerability
is as likely an explanation of the depression mechanism. We believe a larger
broader study would disclose individuals who begin free from depression
symptoms and progress to severe depression symptoms. The approach of this
study is compatible with the Multicasual Psychosocial Approach advanced
by Klermann (1974).
We recognize the limitations of the present study
particularly because of the small number of persons reporting depressive
symptoms and the fact that only mild to moderate symptoms were reported.
We point out, nevertheless, that we did observe slight changes in
BDI scores and changes in self-esteem levels. We believe that we can tentatively
conclude that the depression process is dynamic over time, and that
the process involves an effort on the part of the individual to adapt the
self-system to the ever changing environment which includes the respondent's
attitude of the self carried forward in time. The data suggests that the
process will be influenced by the kind of ecosystem in which the person
finds herself or himself. Individuals free of depressive symptoms at T0
reported changes in levels of depressive symptoms, albeit in the mild to
moderate range. These individuals can be said to have adapted successfully,
perhaps aided by the ecological system in which they found themselves.
These observations are consistent with the findings by Brown, Bifulco,
Harris, & Bridge (1986). The question remains, what happens with those
who are located in more stressful environments, physically and sociodemographically
and who do not adapt?
In any case, of significance is the fact that the
study did demonstrate that a prospective design could be utilized to produce
relevant data. One lesson learned from conducting this study is that researchers
must be willing to take a vow of poverty that includes not only the willingness
to accept poverty of finances, but also a poverty of experimental results.
A larger, broader, community sample will be necessary to flush out persons
who eventually exhibit severe depression symptoms. The demonstrated
correlation between self-esteem scores and subsequent BDI scores in this
study is encouraging for future research that implements the prospective
design employed in this study with the recommended adjustments.
The ecosystem peculiar to
South Whidby Island, reputedly attractive to the retired elderly, might,
as mentioned, in itself, have contributed to the relatively healthy stable
self-esteem levels reported by the respondents and the mild levels of the
reported depressive symptoms. On the other hand it could be concluded that
healthy self-esteem alone provides a valuable resource to individuals in
any setting to cope with external and internal stresses on mood, with high
positive stable self-esteem levels acting as a coping resource to deal
with circumstances that might otherwise lead to depressed mood. In the
study sample, for example, even the individuals who reported depressive
symptoms at the outset and who continued to report depressive symptoms
reported only minimal negative levels of self-esteem at each T.
We cannot discern from the scores reported whether the mild levels of depression
symptoms are a function of high self-esteem or whether stable self-esteem
levels are simply unaffected by minimal levels of depression symptoms.
Acknowledging the limitations associated with volunteerism and the environmental
setting, the results reported in this study would be valuable as a basis
for comparing results in future prospective studies that include individuals
whose initial self-esteem levels are similar at outset to those in this
study but who are located in environmental settings containing stress factors
normally associated with a metropolitan setting and who later experience
depression symptoms in both the mild, moderate and severe ranges.
The study's reliance on self-report measures is another
obvious limitation. Self report measures tend to contain self-report bias.
However, the scores reported demonstrate that the Beck Depression Inventory
is well adapted to reveal subtle changes in mood, See Table 1. Additionally,
when it is understood that the principal objective of the research is to
measure changes in self-esteem prior to the onset of depressive symptoms
as contrasted with determining the onset of a clinically defined depressive
disorder, the Beck Depression Inventory is well suited to the design utilized.
On the other hand, the results of this study suggest that the Rosenberg
Self-esteem Scale, while widely utilized in social science research and
an accepted measure of global self-esteem, may not be sufficiently sensitive
to periodic fluctuations in self-esteem and thus inadequate to observe
more subtle fluctuations in experienced self-esteem. In future studies
a more sensitive measure of self-esteem is indicated, e.g. the Coopersmith
Self-Esteem Inventory, SEI, (SEI; Coopersmith, 1967). The Coopersmith measure
assesses several areas of self-esteem including self-derogation and self-worth
and may serve to detect shifts not differentiated by the global assessment
offered by the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. In a study designed to test
the validity of methods to measure experienced self-esteem, (Demo, 1985),
the SEI correlated significantly with every other measure tested providing
strong evidence of convergent validity with respect to personal feelings
of competence and effectiveness.
The results do show that some respondents who exhibited
mild depression symptoms did not report antecedent deterioration of self-esteem
or report negative self-esteem concurrent with depression symptoms. It
is tempting to conclude that it is probable that self-esteem deficits do
not precede or accompany mild to moderate depression symptoms. However
the nature of the sample and its ecology precludes generalization and as
previously observed both may have contributed to the poverty of the results.
Future research of a much larger sample extending over different environmental
settings that employs the prospective design utilized here with the adjustments
noted could well develop data from which to generalize with respect to
these phenomena.
The data generated by this study were insufficient
to make the proposed comparisons concerning the impact of loss events on
those experiencing depressive symptoms with those who did not. Indeed,
a potential limitation exists concerning the use of the event measure at
any T to assess the impact of events on that T depressive status.
The life event measure is designed to elicit a factual response, but a
respondent's subjective recollection of prior events may be confounded
with his or her current status with respect to reported depressive symptoms.
The measure adopted does call for events occurring prior to the date of
the measure and asked for a date. This may have reduced the limiting effect.
However, some respondents appear to have reported the same event
at successive time intervals. Also, the change in depressive symptoms may
have preceded the event reported. Thus the use of the T event measure may
overestimate the causal effects of life events. Only speculative conclusions
can be drawn from the observed effect for loss events pending further research
utilizing more accurate dating of time of onset and event occurrence. A
well designed structured interview used in any future study could assist
in determining whether the loss event preceded the change in mood and the
use of such a structured interview is indicated for future research. Additionally,
the inclusion of a wider age range of respondents is indicated to assess
whether the impact of events on younger persons is different from the impact
of events on older persons.
Subject to the limitations noted above, when the
scores of those reporting depressive symptoms from the outset of the study
are included the study did reveal that, overall, respondents reporting
depression symptoms at any T, however slight, reported more undesirable
life events than those who were free of depression symptoms at that T.
This suggests that loss events had modest effects on mood. These findings
also support the conclusion that a dynamic process of adaptation is at
Because of the lack of data no statements concerning
self-esteem associated with severe depression episodes can be postulated.
That question remains for future research. As a practical matter whether
a sufficient number of respondents who experience more severe symptoms
will appear in a prospective study is a question upon which this effort
sheds no reliable information. If sufficient financial resources are available
it could be expected that a large sample could be obtained in a major metropolitan
setting that offers different ecological systems from which respondents
could be obtained. The character of the individuals attracted in this study
and the environmental context in which they were found coupled with the
fact that some of these individuals reported changes in mood is encouraging;
and, given that large samples in earlier cross sectional studies involved
individuals who experienced depressive symptoms, the probabilities are
that with a larger sample sufficient data for analysis will emerge.
The results also indicate that a study extending
over twelve to fifteen months can be maintained without serious attrition,
Table 1. In future studies it is recommended that self-addressed stamped
envelops be furnished with the booklet. Doing so might encourage continued
participation. We believe a study of eighteen months would be difficult
to maintain. Given that mood changes were reported by respondents initially
free of depressive symptoms during a twelve month period in this
study suggests that a twelve to fifteen month study should be long enough
to develop sufficient data to test the hypotheses.
This study shows that a prospective design extending
over a period of twelve or fifteen months can be implemented. The BDI,
together with a more sensitive self-esteem measure, and a shorter more
definitive life events measure is indicated. A much larger sample that
includes individuals from a similar environment and individuals from a
metropolitan environment is also indicated. One would expect to obtain
a wider range of demographic characteristics in the larger sample. A carefully
prepared structured interview to assess the validity of the life events
reported is also indicated. It is recommended that the interviewers be
ignorant of the hypothesis of the study.
All measures employed were self-report measures and
as previously mentioned contain self-report bias. Both the BDI, the RSE
and the SEI are based upon the assumption that individuals are able, and
willing, to state their feelings honestly and accurately. The fact that
in the present study scores between successive T's reflect variability
consistently suggests that the measures are reliable, and the assumption
reasonable. See Table 1. While scoring the BDI we concluded that in future
studies random presentation of the statements offered at the time intervals,
without identification of the score associated with the answer, would create
a more reliable instrument. This conclusion was based on intuition and
not on noting any test-retest similarity of scores.
Self-evaluation is a continual process. Mood changes
do occur. The measures utilized in this study and the SEI proposed for
future research are generally accepted as an indicator of experienced self-esteem
and the BDI of the existence of depression symptoms. All self-reports are
nevertheless only single frames in an ongoing process. The process of self-evaluation
itself changes the environment because each antecedent evaluation becomes
part of the environmental setting for the subsequent evaluation. While
the report of a decline in self-esteem based on a single measurement is
a snapshot as opposed to a change in the base level of the subject's self-esteem,
a decline continuing over more than one time period coupled with an increase
in depressive symptoms would tend to suggest that the way to
depression is more progressive than precipitous.
The research design adopted for this dissertation
study proved workable. The attrition rate was acceptable and could probably
be improved. The prompt responses by the participants who continued and
their willingness to participate coupled with the ease of participation
also testify to the design's utility. The participants' willingness to
reveal depressive symptoms is encouraging. Larger samples and improved
measures of experienced self-esteem and life events are indicated.
The proposed change in the presentation of the BDI should enhance its reliability.
One important lesson was learned in the conduct of this study. The environmental
setting, the ecosystem in which the respondents reside, could affect the
ability of the individual to adapt to internal and external stresses. This
fact alone makes this study useful in evaluating outcomes in studies emanating
from different ecosystems. The demographic questionnaire could be adapted
to define the ecosystem of the respondent. More than individual resources,
however, will be required to develop sufficient data for analysis.
Future research of the kind employed here, adjusted
to reflect the lessons learned in this study, can lead to a better understanding
about the nature of the association of self-esteem with depression.
Abramsom, L. V., Seligman, M. E. P., & Teasdale, J. D. (1978). Learned
helplessness in humans: Critique and reformulation. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology. 87 (1), 49-74.
I hope this proves helpful to someone.
Jim Bailey
Loss of Self-esteem
Prior to the Onset of Depression
Self-esteem a Critical Evaluation of Self
An Historical Overview
The literature on depression
may well reach back to the Book of Job, and include a 3900 year old Egyptian
manuscript (Kovacs and Beck 1978). Beck (1973) concludes that the historical
accounts indicate depressive behavior is "manifested in… the traditional
psychological divisions of affection, cognition and conation," and comments
that few clinical descriptions are as constant through successive periods
of history (p.5). Klerman and Weissman (1980) also point to the similarity
among ancient descriptions of depressive states. Beck (1973) defined depression
as a clinical entity, marking a well-defined onset with a progression in
the severity of the symptoms until the condition bottoms out. He noted
a steady regression (improvement) of the symptoms until the episode was
A Psychoanalytic approach: An ego phenomenon
- Loss of self-esteem
Behavioral approach:
Lack of positive reinforcement
The occurrence of behavior followed by positive reinforcement is vital
if depression is to be avoided. We predict depression when the probability
is low that the individual's behavior will be followed by reinforcement,
and also when the probability is high that the individual will be "reinforced"
when he does not emit the behavior (e.g., the retired person receiving
his paycheck regardless of what he does). Under both conditions the probability
of the individual emitting behavior is reduced . . . . Statements like,
(a) "I am weak or otherwise inadequate," or (b) "I am not likable" are
alternative explanations available to the depressed individual to label
an experience of an unpleasant feeling state (dysphoria) Such statements
are looked upon as secondary elaborations of the feeling of dysphoria,
which in turn is presumed to be the consequence of a low rate of response
contingent positive reinforcement, (resconposre).(p. 160).
A behavioral foundation with cognitive elements: Reformulated
helplessness model
1. Depression consists of four classes of deficits: motivational,
cognitive, self-esteem, and affective.
The reformulated helplessness model explains depression
as the result of a personality trait which makes one vulnerable to depression.
According to Abramsom, Seligman, & Teasdale (1978) the model predicts
that a particular attributional style, "attributing failure to global,
stable and internal factors," will produce "depression proneness," perhaps
the "depressive personality" (p. 68). Finally they argue that the model
suggests that there will be no self-esteem deficits when one makes global
attributions for failure and specific ones for success.
2. When highly desired outcomes are believed improbable or highly aversive
outcomes are believed probable, and the individual expects that no response
in his repertoire will change their likelihood, (helplessness) depression
3. The generality of the depressive deficits will depend on the globality
of the attribution for helplessness, the chronicity of the depression deficits
will depend on the stability of the attribution for helplessness, and whether
self esteem is lowered will depend on the internality of the attribution
for helplessness.
4. The intensity of the deficits depends on the strength, or certainty,
of the expectation of uncontrollability and, in the case of the affective
and self-esteem deficits, on the importance of the outcome (p. 68).
A cognitive view of depression: The maladaptive schema
Depressed patients [say] "I have no future, I've lost everything,
My family is gone. . . " He regards himself as lacking some element or
attribute he considers essential for his happiness: competence in attaining
his goals, attractiveness to other people, closeness to family or friends.
. . . he either misinterprets or exaggerates the loss (p.6).
Loss is considered an essential factor in depression,
real loss, hypothesized loss or real gain perceived as loss, and the experience
of loss must have substantial significance to the individual (p.7). While
avoiding premorbid personality language Beck, nevertheless, suggests that
individuals may be depression prone, sensitized by earlier unfavorable
life situations, or by setting rigid perfectionist goals in childhood.
The schemata according to Beck are probably acquired early in development
and if uncritically carried into adulthood, serve to predispose the individual
to depression (Beck, 1974; Kovacs and Beck, 1978). Beck (1974) also speculates
that specific stresses, discrete events, or perhaps "insidious" stress
may trigger a depression onset (p. 7).
Some Commonalities and Differences among the Models
Diminished self-steem follows upon depression.
From the Beck and the Freudian perspective, the decrease
in self-esteem, or "collapse" of the ego follows a loss. Except for Bibring,
the psychoanalytic writers and Beck view loss of self-esteem as a result
of depression and not an antecedent condition. The refromulated helplessness
model suggests that only when the person attributes his failure to his
own inadequacy will self esteem deficits be evident. and the loss of self-esteem
follows upon depression
Loss — real - imagined — symbolic.
Beck (1974) and Freud (1968) both emphasize that a loss,
real or imagined, is essential to the onset of depression. Freud (1968)
states a "fixated" subject experiences the loss. Beck (1974) and Beck,
Steer, Epstein and Brown, (1990) theorize the loss is associated with a
subject that has developed maladaptive schema. The reformulated helplessness
model, Abramsom, Seligman & Teasdale, (1978), on the other hand, looks
to a learned attributional style of the individual concerning an expectation
of bad outcomes and a perception of failure attributable to the individual.
In a sense the loss is expected before it occurs and is attributed to personal
The feelings of helplessness are not the only characteristic
of depression. On further analysis…one invariably finds the condition that
certain narcissistically significant, that is, for the self-esteem, pertinent,
goals and objects are strongly maintained. Irrespective of their unconscious
implications, one may roughly distinguish between three groups of such
persisting aspirations of the person: (1) the wish to be worthy, to be
loved, to be appreciated, not to be inferior or unworthy; (2) the wish
to be strong, superior, great, secure, not to be weak and insecure; and
(3) the wish to be good, to be loving, not to be aggressive, hateful and
destructive…In the first group, depression sets in whenever the fear of
being inferior or defective seems to come true. . . he is definitely doomed
to be a "failure." In the second group…depression is due to the shocklike
(actual or imaginary or symbolic) evidence that this goal will never be
achieved due to the ego's weakness' . . .In the third. . .the narcissitic
shock . . . is due to the unexpected awareness of the existence of latent
agressive tendencies within the self with all the consequences involved.
(p. 24).
Personality trait or vulnerability
This study assumes that negative feelings about "self"
begin to manifest themselves in the "attitude" one has about one's self,
one's self-esteem. It is theorized that a dynamic process begins which,
if not altered, may make one vulnerable to a depression episode. While
this assumption finds some support in the mechanism described by Bibring
(1953), all the models explaining depression definitely claim the loss
of self-esteem results from a predisposed structural condition, a personality
type or trait, and the loss of self-esteem is an epiphenomenon of depression.
It is further assumed on the basis of clinical material that such traumatic
experiences usually occur in early childhood and establish a fixation of
the ego to the state of helplessness. This state is later on repressively
reactivated whenever situations arise which resemble the primary shock
condition, i.e., when for external or internal reasons those particular
functions which serve the fulfillment of the important aspiration, prove
to be inadequate. (p. 39)
We cannot afford any longer to ignore the chains of conduct
and behavior or mental reactions . . . As soon as we put ourselves on a
dynamic psychobiological foundation, we make unnecessary the continual
yearning for something (physical) back of the events, at the expense of
the plain facts in evidence (p. 602)
The psychoanalytic model, the cognitive model, and the
reformulated helplessness model each look to the psychological development
of the individual. Development is considered to be fixated, misdirected,
or adversely conditioned. All three models yearn for a structural, albeit
psychological, explanation of the event of depression. The design implemented
in this study seeks to observe events in a dynamic chain. The study is
an effort to place a finger on the one point which could prove a service
in prophylactic work in preventing depression whatever its origin.
Depression: A Multicausal Psychosocial Approach
Some researchers have expanded the search for
the origin of depression to psychosocial factors. Klerman (1974) argues
this kind of an approach. He writes, the "Meyerian psychological approach
was an explicit reaction against Kraepelin's synthesis of the ninetieth
century continental tradition Kraepelin (1921) which emphasized biological
causation" (p.129). He suggests the view that depression represents an
attempt at adaptation that has failed. Using adaptation in a Darwinian
sense, he compares depression to infant distress. In the infant, depression
serves a "signal" function. (p. 132). Infant distress, he claims, represents
an important signal of distress that suggests the infant is seeking such
resources as nurturance, support and protection necessary to his/her biological
survival. Klerman believes a depressive episode may be initiated as a response
to helplessness and fallen self-esteem, and thus may serve as the signal
for the individual that there has been a discrepancy within the self-system
between ideal expectations and practical reality. He argues that the depressive
episode per se, while initiated as an attempt at adaptation in response
to environmental change, must be regarded as an index of failure having
maladaptive consequences (p.139). Klerman advances the notion that a significant
factor accounting for the occurrence of depression is the vulnerability
of the individual.
Internalized and subjective affects also play important functions in
psychic reflection. They permit goal-setting and self-evaluation, which
are again representative of evolutionary attainments. . . . The depressive
episode is often initiated as a response to helplessness and fallen self-esteem,
but this attempted adaptation fails. . . According to the sociopsychological
explanation for depression, we could expect to find the highest rates of
depression among that group of people who experience the greatest number
of stressful events life demands, and at the same time the fewest actual
possibilities for mastery of them. (pp. 88-89).
Environmental Factors Associated With Depression.
The role of a number of psychological and social
factors in depression, including life events, have been investigated. Paykel
(1978) reviewed past epidemiological research about the onset of psychiatric
illness and concluded, "a multifactorial [chain is indicated] in which
events are of importance but interact with a host of other factors" (p.
252). Paykel suggests a shift toward prospective studies of events in the
general population.
In a study involving 40 depressed patients and 41 normal controls Roy,
Breier, Doran and Pickar (1985) found that depressed patients had experienced
significantly more life events and significantly more undesirable life
events than controls in the six months before the onset of depression.
Life events included changes in work, education, finances, health, bereavement,
residence, legal issues, the family and marital situation and other selected
areas. This dissertation theorizes that life events may interact with a
change in self-esteem prior to depression onset.
The psychosocial approach admits of the possibility that a deterioration
in the level of self-esteem occurs prior to the onset of a depression episode,
but that possibility has not been examined. The study proposed by this
dissertation does just that.
A review of the literature reflects the etiology
of depression is as much an enigma as ever. A common factor involved in
all psychological models offered to explain depression is self-esteem.
The unresolved issue has been whether loss of self-esteem is antecedent
to depression or whether diminished self esteem is a result of depression.
Each of the models reviewed suggest that depression follows a "loss." Other
than the psychosocial, all models suggest a depressive personality. Only
one study, Lewinsohn, Steinmetz, Larson, & Franklin (1981) attempted
to assess self-esteem in non-depressed subjects who later become depressed.
The authors reported that self-esteem measures did not predict depression.
However, Ingham, Kreitman, McMiller, Sashidharan, & Surtees, (1986)
suggest that the design of the investigation perhaps limits the force of
the conclusion.
A deteriorating self-system, manifested in a progressive loss of self-esteem,
prior to the onset of depression is not inconsistent with these explanations
of depression.
Statement of the Problem
Notwithstanding the extensive research examining
depression and self esteem, and the knowledge that low self-esteem and
depression are linked, research examining the possible diminishment in
self esteem prior to depression onset is virtually non-existent. Low self
esteem has been suggested as establishing a propensity for depression (Brown,
Bifulco, Harris, & Bridge 1986). Established theories suggest that
loss of self-esteem follows upon depression ( Lewinsohn, Steinmetz, Larson,
& Franklin 1981; Beck, 1974; Abraham, Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978;
Gaylin, 1968). Researchers investigating cognitive factors related to depression
conducting prospective designs have reported measures of self-esteem at
Time 1 and Depression at Time 2 (Brown, Bifulco, Harris, & Bridge 1986;
Lewinsohn, Steinmetz, Larson, & Franklin 1981; Lakey 1988, Essex &
Klein, 1989), but these researchers did not examine changes in self-esteem
during the time interval. Researchers have called for longitudinal studies
that examine the dynamic and reciprocal relation between self-esteem and
depression Essex & Klein (1989). Some have suggested an attempt to
asses self-esteem in non-depressed subjects who later become depressed
and to compare them with those who remain free of depression would be a
worthwhile strategy Ingham, Kreitman, McMiller, Sashidharan, & Surtees
(1986). The present study was designed to do that. Possible antecedent
conditions of depression were controlled by eliminating from consideration
scores of subjects with present or antecedent levels of psycopathology.
Over time intervals, subjects exhibiting depressive
symptoms at a particular time interval will have experienced a change in
the level of self esteem in a negative direction prior to reporting depressive
symptoms at that time interval when compared to those subjects who did
not report depressive symptoms at any interval.
The sheltering Olympic and Cascade mountains together with the moderating
effects of the surrounding water provide a mild temperate climate. The
climate and rural character of the area has served to attract a large number
of retirees who appreciate the mild short winters and cool comfortable
summers. They likewise appreciate the scenic views and the freedom from
the hustle, bustle and tensions of metropolitan life.
Fifteen women and seventeen men agreed to participate. All but seven
participants were over fifty years of age and of the total number fifteen
were retired. All but five reported membership in an organized religion.
Twenty eight reported annual income greater than the median income of their
peers on the Island. From the standpoint of education, all had graduated
from high school and twenty seven had experienced a college education.
Life Events :
Of course, the BDI cannot be substituted for a clinical diagnosis of
depression. When the findings are limited to the expression of depressive
symptoms the condition of compared groups in future research may
differ quantitatively and qualitatively from clinical depression. However,
our experience in this study suggests that future research proposed
could produce data that is subject to manipulation as proposed.
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