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The major substantive problem concerning broadening the concept of marketing lies in the area of marketing marketing to nonmarketers." HUNT, Shelby D., The Nature and Scope of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40, (July 1976), p. 24.
"The choice facing those who manage non-business organizations is not whether to market or not to market, for no organization can avoid marketing. The choice is whether to do it well or poorly." KOTLER, Philip and LEVY, " Sidney J., Broadening the Concept of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33, (January 1969), pp. 10-15.
At one time or another, almost every major Canadian and American labour union has either commissioned a poll or survey, bought a radio, TV or newspaper ad, produced caps, shirts or buttons with union messages printed on them, or sponsored a public or charitable cause.
Most have thus already ventured into at least one of the numerous areas of the modern marketing environment.
But the most effective use of these elements requires an INTEGRATED, METHODICAL and PROFESSIONAL approach coupled with an intimate familiarity with the uniqueness of the labour movement.
Strategic decisions and union campaigns should be tailored to reach each unique target segment, in and outside the labour movement, in the most appropriate way.
Consideration of the particular needs, perceptions, attitudes and habits of each target group is vital to all effective communication, and even more vital to successful persuasion.
Marketing is not a magic potion, nor a guarantee of unmitigated success. However, marketing is a modern and very sophisticated "TOOL", whose ultimate virtue and value should be judged by the labour movement depending upon "WHO" is using it, and to "WHAT" ends!
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