People ask teachers of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques, Christs’ Light Techniques, Trinity Healing Techniques and Sun of God Techniques, “Who is Gary Smith?” Several years ago I wrote about some of my spiritual lineage in an article called “Who is Gary Smith?” However, many wondrous events have unfolded for me in the last two years. My “Seven Years of Spiritual Teaching” has now come full circle as I began teaching my “Sacred Merkaba Techniques” in February/March of 1997. In 2003, my spiritual lineage reached completion.
The mysterious Leader of the Egyptian Research Group with whom I worked to gain access into the ancient Hall of Records is one who created the Hall of Records. Thoth Moses III, or Tuthmosis III, is one of my direct ancestors and as stated in the summer of 2003, he was the one who began the Egyptian Mystery School. The one who gathered spiritual knowledge from around the world to create the Hall of Records. Thoth Moses III was a carefully chosen name by the man who would become known in the Old Testament as both Isaac and king David, the beginning of the Davidic lineage. Thoth means writing, Moses means truth and III is the completion of a Trinity, thus ThothMoses III indicates a completion in written truth, an appropriate name for the creator of the ancient Egyptian Hall of Records.
In the winter of 2001-2002 after spending many years using various spiritual techniques and after 7 years performing daily activations of various levels of my consciousness into “merkabas”, being in complete seclusion, doing daily prayers, using walking mantras and other DNA activation techniques I began accessing the memories of my ancestors 2,000 years ago. My ancestral memories which were activated several years ago included the memories of Jesus the Christ. The activation of the Christ memories from 2,000 years ago resulted in the granting of the Christs’ Light Techniques to the spiritual lineage of my Sacred Merkaba Techniques. Then in the last two years I began working with the ancestral memories of additional Christ level conscious beings such as Moses/Ankhnaten, Thoth Moses III, Mohammed, Shiva and others. This arduous work resulted in the new Sacred Merkaba Techniques, the Trinity Healing Techniques and the Sun of God Techniques being granted to the spiritual lineage of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques of Gary Smith by many Christ level conscious beings in a great ceremony.
I can speak only truth because DNA ancestral memories can only be accessed by those who only speak truth. Any lies and mistruths in the current life memories of one’s mind will “short circuit” any attempt to access one’s ancestral memories that are recorded at the cellular level of their body’s DNA. One who speaks only truth, only speaks about that which they personally experience. Therefore, I can say that the Sacred Merkaba Techniques, Christs’ Light Techniques, Trinity Healing Techniques and Sun of God Techniques will continue to evolve as I encounter powerful new spiritual experiences at higher dimensional levels in Creation and am able to develop the experiences into techniques so others may enjoy the same celestial experiences.
Upon gaining access to the Hall of Records through my ancestor’s memories, I have been able to bring forth an amazing number of new techniques in the last few months. While many are aware of the ancient Egyptian spiritual lineage of the Sacred Merkaba Techniques, few are fully aware of the complete spiritual lineage of Gary Smith’s Sacred Merkaba Techniques, Christs’ Light Techniques, Trinity Healing Techniques, and the Sun of God Techniques.
In The Light of God's Unconditional Love