It begins when someone refuses to accept responsibility for the welfare of others, especially those who should take care of it.
EVIL begins to exist when someone who has power, by virtue of any superior position, key resources - such as wealth,
money i.e. connections, abuse of any knowledge, physical strength, technology, weapons, mental strength or compulsion by religion,
uses that power to exploit or harm others, or through lack of action,
allows exploitation or harm to occur to them. (Adapted from Sibriv1 courtesy William Antonio Boyle, Ph.D. Silver Spring, MD, USA.)
Thus, in my humble opinion, the "Western Civilization" is as fake as the other cultures.
With the force of financial power it controls what we think and how we think and when we think it.
In this web-site I focus on the corrupted American and Israeli Judicial systems.
Undeniably, they give the masses the illusion that the law means something, but the truth is that they MANIPULATE the law by giving whatever interpretations they want to suit their purpose.
Some of us know this, and that makes us dangerous to them.
In fact, they abuse the law to crush us rather then correct an injustice.
World history tells us that powerful entities, because of their
greed, have always exploited pawns, like helpless foreigners, colored minorities, and classes of different religions.
It's about time that this is evil should be abolished. I
think that the cunning progression of social tensions in the
western world is reaching a point of no return. We should
recall Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) who said: "The spirit of
resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that
I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised
when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all."
Dougals Walker, my web/net friend
added: "how we resist can make the difference
whether we can resist another day."
Joshua2 - another web/net friend - wrote:
"The United states is apparently the dominant political force on
the world scene. Consequently, it is assumed as the villain
in various international paranoid fantasies involving
conspiracies, cabals, plots, and financial manipulations.
Occasionally it is not easy to distinguish such fantasies from
reality, and this is of consequence, since often the perception
of American insidious activity by the populations of countries
can become a significant element in international affairs."
"To understand the connection between the twisted
doctrines of some 'Christians' and the current laws of the United
States, one might recall a document issued forty years before the
historic voyage of Columbus in 1452. Pope Nicholas V gave
permission to King Alfonso of Portugal 'to capture, vanquish, and
subdue, all Saracens, Pagans, and other enemies of Christ,' to
take all their possessions and property, and 'to put them into
perpetual slavery.' "
John H. St. John the writer of the Totem Gene wrote to me:
"Government policy stems from the essentially anti-human
nature of the corporations who control government today. With
few exceptions the American government is a committee to arrange
the affairs of the major corporations. Anti-immigrant policy
like anti-Black policy or anti feminine policy is an expression
of the corporations basic anti human and inhuman nature. It
stems from the reality that corporations, like gigantic pumps,
take humans and natural resources in one end and spew them out at
the other."
This wrong U$A policy has never been changed, it's becomes more sophisticated.
For example, could you deny that foreigners are
ultimately abused in the United States, because of their alienage solely?
In this web-site I focus on ultimate discrimination
due to alienage.
I try to illustrate how do some
hypocrite Americans abuse foreigners?
This ill treatment (in return) adversely affects too many good Americans,
(regardless of their race, religion, gender or age) because the most of them are
perpetually chained down to heavy toil by poverty more firmly
than ever blacks had been chained by peonage.
From classical slavery, one
might have been freed, but from poverty and
alienage people will
never get away, unless a major change would take place.
If one is eager to change this evil, then step one is to
debunk the 'myths' - expose the falseness of
the 'elites'. That is quite difficult, and therefore, most people won't do it.
Hopefully enough, people to make a difference will become dispensers of
knowledge, and spread the word.
This appears to be happening nowadays via internet.
Likely, America is headed to a civilized revolution,
otherwise a deadly Civil War II could occure. It is a matter of a few years, unless
there would be an external war that might affect the course of events.
Therefore, it is not surprising me that American Presidents
(either Republicans or Democrates) would occasionally divert people's mind
towards external fake conflicts.
They act like all wealthy elites around the world, those who are organizing
the worlds economies to benefit themselves solely.
Am I against the NWO?
NO ! I think there are people more evil than the NWO. The NWO elites
are successful because they are well organized.
They have the power and their motivation is greed.
They exploit the vacancy of the creator in the hurts of
too many people, and they abuse their huge capital to implement their plans.
This might not be the case for the rest us.
Fortunately we (the pawns) may at least enjoy internet freely,
thanks to exV.P. Al-Gore and . . .
Yahoo! GeoCities, as well as other greedy corporation$ that follow the money.
"Bribes given to Third World officials most likely find their resting place in the banks of First World countries, which makes us accessories to the crimes."- Toronto Star, July 18, 2001
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