

Class War Calendar 2000

Celebrate the Millenium in style with the CW Calendar, featuring pictures and anarchists and struggles for each month, with noteable dates in Anarchist history to boot! £5.50 (inc P&P)


Newspapers And Magazines

Class War 74

At last - By popular demand - A new class war!

New writers - New pictures

More violence - More fun

Available from your local left-wing bookshop

70p per copy, or 10 copies for £4.00


Class War 75/76/77/78

NOW AVAILABLE. Ordering information as for issue 74.

Issues 77/78 are £1 per copy.



Animal issue 1 £1.00

Animal issue 2 - 80p

Animal issue 3 - Due Feb 98 - £1.00


Other Stuff

Between The Riots - Best of the Class War Supporter's Bulletin - £1.50

London Calling - SAE for a paper copy, or mail us for an electronic copy

Back issues of Class War - SAE

Heavy Stuff issue 5 - £1.50

Subscription to the next five issues of Class War - £3.50

Taking Liberties - Anarchist Black Cross paper - 30p

Notes From The Borderland - Mag by Larry O'Hara - £2.50

Music And Videos

Inside For Us - Outside For Them


Punk compilation for Class War Prisoners

Write to :

Filty Records
c/o London Class War
PO Box 467
London E8 3QX

POs/cheques/IMOs made payable to London Class War, or very well concealed cash

£2 UK / £3 Europe / £4 World


Other Stuff

Anarchist Black Cross benefit single - Taking Liberties 7" - £3.00

And I Know Why I Stand Here - St. Pauli video - £5.00

Save Our Sabs - Benefit tape for hunt saboteurs - £3.00

Books And Pamphlets

Unfinished Business - The Politics Of Class War - £4.50

The Free - A novel by M.Gilliland - £3.00

Searchlight For Beginners - Larry O'Hara - £2.00

Animal Liberation - Devastate To Liberate - £3.50

Abortion In Demand - Greenwood & Young - £2.50

Enrages And The Situationists - Rene Vienet - £4.00

Hungary '56 - Andy Anderson - £3.00

Revolution Of Everyday Life - Raoul Vaneigem - £5.00

This Is Class War - Photocopy of mid-80s version - 80p (or online here)

Posters, Stickers, Leaflets And Badges

Class unity, class pride - Red only - 30p

Stickers - No muggers, working class, avenue, etc - 50 for £1.50

CW leaflets - "Body Shop stinks", "Andy Myers" - 50 for £1.50

Posters of CW front cover issues 74,70 & 66 - 20 for £1

Posters of the following bands available at £3 each :

4 skins
Agnostic Front
Dead Kennedys
Bedtime For Democracy (DK)


Postage and Packing - Please add 10% to the cost of your order to cover. Overseas orders, please write or email us first to confirm rates.

Payment - Cheques and postal orders payable to London Class War please. Anyone sending cash should send UKP and should conceal it well, but do so at their own risk.

Credit - We can not throw the parasites off our backs in society until we throw the parasites off our backs within the anarchist movement. If paying for your beer means more to you than paying for your merchandise, we suggest you fuck off!

Last updated 19/7/99
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