Chip has been with the department since 1982. Currently holds the rank
of Sergeant and has been promoted to Acting Lieutenant in the past. He has received
specialized training in OUI Law Enforcement, such as Standardized Field Sobriety Testing,
with the use of Horizontial Gaze Nystagmus. He is certified by the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration as a Drug Recognition Expert. He has dedicated
his career to getting drunk and drugged drivers off the streets and highways of our
GREAT State of Maine. He is currently in charge of the OUI Emphasis Program, started
in 1995. Sergeant Cayer was instrumental in applying for a grant to fund this program.
Many thanks go to the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety for making this program successful
and keeping our highways safe and sober.
Sgt. Cayer's Safety Tip
Please report all suspected drunk drivers to your local Law Enforcement Agency and ALWAYS buckle up.