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Welcome to my Small But Vital Double Exposure Webpage.
I have been a fan of Double Exposure for many years, and have devoted my small corner of the web to their funny and satirical songs.
Make War Not Love
Bill Clinton, with back-up singers George Bush
and Ronald Reagan, sings about what it takes for an American
president to get re-elected.
This is a Realaudio file. To listen to it, you
can download RealPlayer from RealMedia
Remember: even though it may sound like your favourite (or least
favourite) politician, it really is Bob Robertson or Linda Cullen
doing one of their great impressions.
Lyrics to other Double
Exposure Songs
Political Hinterland
Who's Who theme song (MIDI file)
In a popular Double Exposure feature, Political Hinterland Who's
Who, the wild, bird-brained antics of political animals are
described, while Satie's Gymnopedie No. 1 plays in the
Double Exposure used to be a Canadian political satire / comedy radio show written and performed by Bob Robertson and Linda Cullen, that was heard on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Radio every Saturday, across Canada for ten years.
The show then moved onto television for three years. It used to air on BBS (Baton Broadcasting Station) and the Comedy Network on Saturday evenings.
Bob Robertson and Linda Cullen have moved on to other projects, including the tv series Dragnuts and a 13-episode series called Point Blank.
The Official Double Exposure Radio Show Webpage and the Official Double Exposure Television Show Webpage are defunct.
Bob Robertson and Linda Cullen now have their own website.
If you have any comments about this webpage, or you just want
to say that you were here,
Or you can email me at
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