George Catlin Archival Description Sheet
William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections
McMaster University Library
1280 Main Street, West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L6
Brewer's Books - Labor History Authors N-Z
Bibliography on Spanish Civil War
THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR, 1936-1939 June 1997
Compiled by Janet L. Seymour
Bibliographer, Air University Library
Maxwell AFB, AL
Expanded Academic Index on Spanish Civil War Topics
Spanish Civil War Resources on the World Wide Web
Spanish Civil War Links & Resources
Sample Materials on the Spanish Civil War
From the Yale Collection on Russia
Paul Ossrich Catalouge #29 Spanish Civil War Books
ROGER - University of California, San Diego Search Engine
Articles on Spanish Civil War in UCSD Library.
Responses To War 1996 General
This Is A General Bibliography For The 2nd And 3rd Year Level Subject 8009/8157: Responses
To War (A)- An Intellectual And Cultural History Of War From
Armageddon To "Aliens"
Military history: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
War, Peace and Security Guide Information Resource Centre
Canadian Forces College, Department of National Defence (Canada)
Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections NorthWestern University.
Brandeis University Libraries
Spanish Civil War
Selected Reading List
Prepared by Charles Cutter
Brandeis University Spanish Civil War Collection
Resources on the Spanish Civil War in The New York Public Library
Bibliography by Subject: Spanish Civil War
Stone & Stone Second World War Books
Special Collections Cataloging Procedure Southworth Boxed Serials
Bolerium Books
Labor History, Women's Studies, Radicalism, Gay Literature,
African-American, Spanish Civil War, Chess, Americana, Federal Writer's
Spanish Civil War On-line & CDROM
In Development not yet online from Primary Source Media
publishes and republishes
rare and unique primary
source materials, for the
humanities and social
sciences, in microform,
CD-ROM and online
SPN3430 European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
Harold Leon Oram Archives
In 1936 Oram began
working with the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy, an activist group
committed to the Loyalist side in Spain's Civil War. When that organization split into two groups,
Oram went with the liberal faction that included Ralph Bates, Varian Fry and Roger Baldwin, to
form the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign. Oram became the group's Director of Publicity and
Fund-Raising and was responsible for obtaining the funds to aid in relocating Spanish Loyalists who
fled Spain following Franco's victory.
In September of 1939, Oram founded a fund-raising firm called Consultants in Fund Raising. Shortly thereafter it became known as Harold L. Oram, Inc. The firm's early clients were devoted to aiding victims of social injustice. Among them was the Emergency Rescue Committee (forerunner of the International Rescue and Relief Committee), which helped anti-Nazi intellectuals and political leaders flee Europe following the fall of France. Another account, the National Sharecroppers Fund, sought to improve the status of tenant farmers and migrant workers throughout the United States. A third client from the early 1940s, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, sponsored the legal assault upon segregation. The organization still maintained a relationship with the Oram Group through the 1980s.
Bolerium Books Catalog
Books on the Spanish Civil War in Spanish, English and other languages
University of Florida
The Spanish Civil War Oral
History Project. The collection consists of photos and memorabilia concerning the Spanish Civil War,
including an original flag of the Republic of Spain prior to the war. The Spanish Civil War Oral
History Project is an ongoing project designed to document the response of the Tampa Spanish
immigrant community to the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
Marlboro College
Course studies in Languages/Linguistics/
Comparative literature. Syllabus includes material on Spanish Civil War
Catalog specific authors M-Z
Do find for SCW.
WWW page of John T. Zubal, Inc., and Zubal Auction Co.
In the o.p. and antiquarian mail order book trade
Book catalog
with listings on SCW under 20th Century
Southworth Spanish Civil War Collection
Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of California, San Diego
Bibliography of English language books
on Spanish Civil War
Brandeis Library special collections on Spanish Civil War
University of North Texas library pamphlet list
Sunsite Bibliography
Military History resources
of items which students may wish to consult to clarify issues raised in J. B. Owens's course Constituting Modern Spain, 1808-1982.
New York Public Library
guide to Spanish Civil War Resources
University of Wisconsin reading list
Georgetown University Special Collections
use search guide
Paul Orssich catalogue
original pamphlets and books from the Spanish Civil War
Bibliography on the Spanish Civil War
The making of modern Spain
US Army Military History Intelligence
Bibliography on Spanish Civil War
UPDATED: September 19, 1998