dimabilis - home page of a friend from high school. He kept some of the essays we wrote in English class!
My Webspace - my buddy Jason Trotter's website. That's not actually the name of the site, but if you click it, you'll see why I named it that.
I am Hilarious - website of the infamous, hilarious Matt Hust.
Socialist Worker online - newspaper of the ISO, written from a worker's point of view, not the boss'. News about struggles all over the world, how to fight for a better world, and how to win! CHECK IT OUT!
International Socialist Review - every issue is chock full of information and helps arm you with the politics you need to win. Easily the best magazine on the left.
Monthly Review Online - a socialist take on current events updated daily.
International Socialist Organization Zimbabwe - the ISO-Z has 2 parliament seats, and is engaged in struggle against the semi-dictator Mugabe and against IMF austerity plans. Read about it, and send them your financial support.
Looking for some revolutionaly ideas? -the text of the Communist Manifesto
Marxists Internet Archive - awesome site containing virtually everything by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Luxeumborg and Conolly.
Tony Cliff Internet Archive - the most important works of Tony Cliff, the founder of the International Socialist Tendency, and the man who preserved Marxism with the theory of state capitalism.
Center for Socialist History - excellent website. Check out the writings of Hal Draper, an American socialist - he's excellent.
Other Poltical Links
Left Hook - an excellent collection of articles, commentaries, book reviews, and interviews by leftists aged 30 and under.
Iraq Veterans Against the War - self-explanatory.
Vietnam Veterans Against the War - an organization of working-class Vietnam veterans who joined together to fight for soldier's rights and against any other U.S. wars.
Zimbabwe Indymedia - one of the few independent (i.e. non-business dominated) presses in Zimbabwe.
CAQ Magazine, the official website - this is a great website for a great publication. I get lots of information from here.
FAIR - a media watchdog group.
Institue for Public Accuracy - excellent analytical leftist think-tank.
Corprate Welfare - your tax dollars to the rich and famous
Tax Justice - who really benefits from gov't tax breaks.
the TRUTH About the Murder of Carlo Giuliani - the protestor killed at the G8 protest in Genoa, Italy in 2001 was MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD. A frame-by-frame account of what happened.