Links for Teachers
If you find a broken link or a good teaching resource website which should be included on this page, please e-mail the details to the Federation. click here
The NSW Teachers Federation is not responsible for the content of
external websites. The content or location of these sites
may change without notice. External sites which may be of particular interest
are indicated in bold.
Teacher Services
NSW Teachers Federation local websites
Australian Teacher Unions
International Teacher Unions
Education International
AEU, Australian Education
Union, Australia
AFT, American Federation of Teachers,
AOb: Algemene Onderwijsbond,
APESS, Association de professeurs
de l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur, Luxembourg
ASTI, Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland
ATL, Association of Teachers and Lecturers,
United Kingdom
ATL, Association of Teachers and Lecturers,
United Kingdom
AUS, Association of University Staff of
New Zealand, New Zealand
AUT, Association of University Teachers,
United Kingdom
BLBS, Bundesverband der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer
an Beruflichen Schulen, Germany
BUPL, Danish National Federation of Early
Childhood Teachers and
Youth Educators, Danemark
CEQ, Centrale de l'enseignement du Québec,
CGIL-SNS, Sindicato Nationale Scuola,
CNTE, Confederaçao nacional
dos trabalhadores em Educaçao, Brazil
CTERA, Confederación Trabajadores
de la Educación de la R. Argentina
CTF-FCE, Canadian Teachers' Federation
- Fédération Canadienne des Enseignants, Canada
DLF, Danish Union of Teachers, Denmark
EIS, Educational Institute of Scotland,
United Kingdon
ESWUS, Education and Scientific Workers
Union of Slovenia
FECCOO, Federación de Enseñanza
de las CCOO, Spain
FEN, Fédération de l'Education
nationale, France
FETE-UGT, Federación de
Trabajadores de la Enseñanza de la UGT, Spain
FIL, Félag íslenskra leikskólakennara-Icelandic
Pre-School Teachers´Union, Iceland
FNE, Federaçao Nacional dos Sindicatos
da Eduçao, Portugal
FUURT, Finnish Union of University
Researchers and Teachers, Finland
GEW, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft,
GL, Gymnasieskorlenes Laererforening, Denmark
HKPTU, Hong Kong Professional Teachers'
Union, Hong Kong
IEU, Independent Education
Union of Australia
IFUT, Irish Federation of University
Teachers, Ireland
INTO, Irish National Teachers' Organisation,
ITU, Israel
Teachers' Union, Israel
JTU, Japan Teachers' Union, Japan
KFTA, Korean Federation of Teachers
Associations, Korea
KI, Kennarasamband Islands, Iceland
Lärarförbundet Sweden
Larerforbundet Norway
NARW, Norwegian Association of
Research Workers, Norway
NASUWT, National Association
of Schoolmasters/ Union of Women Teachers, United Kingdom
NEA, National Education Association, USA
NL, Norwegian Union of Teachers,
National Tertiary Education Union, Australia
NUT, National
Unions of Teachers, United Kingdom
NUTP, National Union of the
Teaching Profession, Malaysia
OAJ, Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö,
PDSZ, Teachers'
Democratic Union of Hungary, Hungary
SGEN, Fédération
des syndicats généraux de l'éducation nationale et
de la recherche, France
SNES-FSU, Syndicat
National des Enseignements de Second Degre, France
SNUipp, Syndicat national
unitaire des instituteurs, professeurs des écoles et PEGC, France
Société pédagogique romande, Switzerland
SSTA, Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association,
United Kingdom
Australian Universities
International Universities
International Union Councils
Union Related
Computer/Internet Links
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