TAFE Budget & Job Cuts |
Public Education under attack
NSW Public TAFE System gutted by
State Budget cuts again!
Are you aware that TAFE was cut by $133 million (in real terms) in the latest State budget!
The cuts will:
lead to a reduction of 730 teaching and support positions
increase class sizes
reduce the number of courses and subjects available to this year's 620,000 TAFE students
increase the casualisation of TAFE teachers
remove job security for TAFE teachers
put tax payers' money into the pockets of private providers
Help us to keep TAFE NSW the public education system you need.
Send a fax or write to the Premier Mr Carr, calling on him and the State Government to reverse these budget cuts.
Premier's Address
The Hon. R.J. Carr M.P.
Level 40
Governor Macquarie Tower
1 Farrer Place
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: (02) 9228 5239
Fax: (02) 9228 3935