Welcome to the "Mark Neumann is a Weenie" Page's Guestbook!

- 11/17/00 14:38:20
What party are you affiliated with?: I'm an idependent

How sad you are. It's been two years since this election and you still have this site up?!?! I feeel really sorry for you and hope you can see your way to finally giving up this burning hatred that must be eating away at you.

Todd Terrance - 09/28/00 21:29:25
My Email:tterror@aol.com
What party are you affiliated with?: Green
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: No
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: Eagle
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: Green

Typical liberal hate shining through at it's best. "Hate is not a family value" out of one side of your mouth and this out of the other. Proof of lieveral hypocrisy. Vote Nader!

andrew firestone - 03/12/00 03:46:43
My Email:full_metal_66
What party are you affiliated with?: republican
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: no
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: a bear
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: yellow

this is hillarious. i have no idea who mark is but the creator of this page i stumbled on is a political cartoon genius. thanks for the laughs.

Andy - 02/03/99 18:46:25
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: Dog
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: blue


Joe Laskowski - 11/07/98 01:15:36
My Email:jalaskowski@students.wisc.edu
What party are you affiliated with?: Independant
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: No
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: Rock Lobster
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: some multi-grain, multi-color taste/color

I luv this site. Mark Neumann is soooo scary even when his body is superimposed on a wiener turned all-terrain-vehicle. I am glad that doesn't even have a House seat anymore. Maybe he will finally just go away! We can only hope. Whew! Go Russ go!

Martin Welch - 11/03/98 15:39:36
My Email:buffalosoldier@unforgettable.com
What party are you affiliated with?: Deocratic
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: no
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: Tiger
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: black

I do believe that Mark Newman is the worst canidate the Republicans put out since Newt G.

James - 11/03/98 04:34:32
My Email:jfrancey@students.wisc.edu
What party are you affiliated with?: Independent
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: no.
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: Red-footed booby bird
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: rhinoceros

A brilliant and well-executed site. I was very impressed with your evidence and inevitable conclusion. MarkNeumann is indeed a weenie.

Camilla Tubbs - 11/02/98 21:21:12
My Email:ctubb300@uwsp.edu
What party are you affiliated with?: n/a
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: mouse

I think Mark Newman is the biggest weenie ever! He says that college students don't work hard enough for their tuition...what a dick!

Emily Whitwood - 11/01/98 06:01:06
My URL:http://members.aol.com/HaramisLT/
My Email:HaramisLT@aol.com
What party are you affiliated with?: Liberal at heart
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: As soon as I think of one.
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: Panther!
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: Red, which I hope tastes like cherries.

I'm not from WI, but if I was I know Feingold is the kind of honest man I would want to vote for. I hope he wins it and that Weenie Boy gets exposed to the public as the fake he is. On another note, I'm proud of your work here, Casey ;) Keep it up!

neumannhater - 10/30/98 00:35:33
My URL:http://granite.ml.org
My Email:neumannhater@granite.ml.org
What party are you affiliated with?: the 'anti-mark neumann' society (it's new)
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: no
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: four

hitl.. umm .... i mean neumann .... yuck heil!

Victoria Jagar - 10/28/98 17:57:13
My URL:/CollegePark/Gym/7500
My Email:vjjagar@students.wisc.edu
What party are you affiliated with?: democrat
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: no--I would only end up spewing profanities.
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: fish
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: purple--grape jelly

Whoever you are, you've rocked my world! I was momentarily depressed to see that the Weenie had 2(!) Websites, but then I saw your title and I was greatly relieved. I've passed the URL on to several friends. Thanks!

Susan Fricano - 10/28/98 03:07:08
My Email:shaine@gt.com
What party are you affiliated with?: Democratic
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: no
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: black and white cow
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: yellow

Russ Feingold is an honest, ethical, highly intelligent individual. His oppoponent is none of the above. If Neumann wins, I'll feel compelled to move out of state since I cannot stomach being represented by Mark Neumann. And -- if you don't like aborti ns - don't have one.

Gary Villalobos - 10/19/98 00:21:20
My URL:http://www.nunyabiznis.com
My Email:Just Blank@aol.com
What party are you affiliated with?: "The gay vote"
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: If I knew who the hell he was....
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: A human being.
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: Well, since my fav color is purple, it would have to taste like.... well... it would taste like Hawaiian Punch. ;D

Thank you for being as twisted as the rest of us, Cyke. ;) You inspire me to make my own site.... just so I can top you in awkwardness and hilarity. But I doubt I'll ever achieve it. So until that time, keep up the insanity. = Gary =

Nameless ;D - 10/19/98 00:16:00
My Email:Andy1251@aol.com
What party are you affiliated with?: None, baby!
Would you like to submit a satirical Nuemann article to the site?: Maybe!
If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?: A sex machine.
If a color tasted like something, what would be your favorite color taste?: Chocolate.

Down with Neumman!

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