I would like to thank everyone for their support and contribution.
Email From Afterdark |
I really like what you're doing with your new
website. Keep up and tell me if there's anything that
I can do to help. I will wait untill the this Friday
before I'll put your site in my link. So better gear
up and fill your site with bombastic articles. Also
put some counters so you can count your visitors.
After this Friday, your site might get a huge flows
of internet surfers.. he he :)
Till this friday then..
AnwarGate Webmaster
Email from SBarakbah |
I've just visited your website via the AnwarGate site. Slightly
disorganized, but with such good intention. I must state that I could not
find the article on your views of the Reformasi movement, as Geocities said
that the file is not around. But given the fact that you just signed on, I
understand. A good intention, and a feeling of responsibility, I must tip my
hat to you for such a fine work.
As the page is anti-interference, I would like to share with you a piece of
history, taken from the dark corners of the Western Civilization to the
Pacific Rim. The effect of the interference can be seen, today, at present,
and we can learn a bit from it:
A few thousand years ago, a tribe travelled from their mainland home
somewhere in the modern day Mongolia/China region by sea, specifically,
boats. They landed in New Zealand, missed Australia, came to Micronesia
(Samoa, Fiji etc.), Hawaii and on to Rapa Nui (Easter Island). In Hawaii,
they established a kingdom and somewhere in the 18th Century, Captain Cook
(a reknowned explorer) arrived. At first, it was a welcoming sight, but
later, it created havoc. The Hawaiian natives had a taste of the West:
Hawaiian women contracted VD from the sailors, diseases spread like hay-fire
which cut the population by a quarter. Alcoholism became rampant too.
But the West was there to stay. They established ranches and churches,
set-up towns. The kind Hawaiian monarch granted European settlers land for
them to work on. But later they became greedy, and wanted more land,
especially the ones settled by natives. The wise King had to turn down such
request as his people comes first. The rich Europeans started an underground
movement to topple the monarch.
The monarchial successor, Princess Liliuo'kalani had an even tougher time
than her predecessor, as pressures from the underground movement mounted. In
vast desperation for more land and money, the European settlers requested an
intervention from USA, and unfortunately, they complied.
In 1892, USA annexed Hawaii, and set-up a new government. The monarch was
thrown under house-arrest, despite her numerous appeals to the President.
Bitter, sad and heirless, Princess Liliuo'kalani died under house arrest
(Proof of USA's earliest forms of ISA) The simple Hawaiian natives, upon
hearing this, had nowhere to go to, took their population down with them.
Their numbers decreased by more than half by the early 20th Century.
The new government, allied with US, tried in every way possible to eliminate
native Hawaiians. Example: If street demonstrators are whites, they will be
invited for table negotiations. But if the demonstrators are Hawaiian
natives, a troop will be sent and will eliminate, even if the Hawaiians are
After WW2, Congress set-up a survey for Hawaii's admission into the USA. A
whopping 80% agreed. But the truth is: The survey was only conducted among
non-Hawaiian natives only, with most Asians origins skipped as well. So,
Hawaii became part of the USA.
Native Hawaiians, despite the rapid progress received by Hawaii, are just
minority, and remain "ecommunicated". Lately, the Ohana Council (made up of
Hawaiians), launched a movement to reclaim their land and kingdom from USA.
USA? All Clinton ever did was apologize to the Hawaiians for the annexation
of Hawaii in 1892. A mere apology for a crime that includes technical
genocide to a situation where an almost extinction of a race. I remember
watching tv in Hawaii, where one of the channels (PayTV) was showing a
broadcast sponsored by Ohana Council. The American flag was hoisted
upside-down and a native Hawaiian played on his guitar and sang "America
Bastard." Most natives now are unemployed, topping the crime-rate and,
understandably, keeping a hatred for "haolis", or white men.
I wonder if the Reformasi group's invitation to Clinton to arrest Mahathir
will ever be justified. Native Hawaiians belong to the same branch where the
Malays come from. Look at what they are now: an angry and frustrated group
trying to reclaim what they had lost. The reformasi group wants that? Will
they be satisfied when we Malaysians becaome a slave in our own country?
It's funny how people's sentiments are. Last year, when a group of students
from ISrael came to Malaysia, the govt decided to take them on a tour, to
show how Muslims and non-Muslims can live with each other in peace and
harmony. But there were street demonstrations, by IPT students and including
PAS as well. The situation was quite unruly. But when Albright was around,
nobody came out to the street to oppose. Instead, they held placards
thanking Albright. How honest are these people?
I've been babbling too long. I must leave you as you have a long list to
organize in your website, I'm sure. Keep up the good work. Let people
realize the impact of the dirty hands of Western intervention in our
domestic affairs.
Email from Patriot98 |
Mon, 7 Dec 1998
Assalamualaikum semua
Pertama sekali, saya ucapkan tahniah atas usaha mewujudkan
web yang lebih realistik berkenaan isu semasa dan saya rasa
kita semua bersatu dalam tujuan dan matlamat. Saya rasa
kita dapat bertukar-tukar fikiran menerusi cyber ini atau
lebih baik lagi kalau kita dapat bersua muka.
Ok.....hari ini (7/12/98) kita dikejutkan dengan kekeliruan
yang ditimbulkan oleh Azizan...mana satu yang betul...any
Keep in touch
Email from Zeb |
8 Dec 1998
I have been reading your posts from the time you started to contribute to afterdark's website.
Now that you have your own site linked to afterdark's, I would like to compliment you for a job well done. I am not saying this merely because of your pro Mahathir's stance, but just like you, I am no "worshipper" of Mahathir, as I believe that Mahathir is an ordinary mortal (an exceptional one, at that, at least from my point of view ;).
I am just saying that if there is a true leader who can lead Malaysians, it is Mahathir (at least for now, as I have yet to find another leader as capable as he is). His intelligence an capable leadership is extraordinary and he has proven himself during his term as PM where he brought Malaysia to be one of the economic "tigers".
He also taught us to have confidence in ourselves as Malaysians through his numerous and tireless undertakings, instead of looking at others in awe.
From my point of view, quality leadership is a rare commodity, and Mahathir do possess these qualities, and as a Malaysian, for the first time in my life, I am proud of being a Malaysian!
Again, lest that someone may misinterpret that I am blindly "worshipping" Mahathir, I admit that he, being human do make mistakes, but he makes less mistakes than any of us....;)
Email from Malaysian Maple |
16 Jan 1999
I am truly happy to have visited your new web page on geocities. This
was sent to me by a fellow Malaysian who thought I might be interested.
I am. I do not understand however, your article about Americans. It is
very confusing. You say you do not want to put all Americans in the same
basket. My question to you is, have you ventured to America and lived
and worked with the general population of Americans? While on the
subject of Americans, please also consider the Canadians and most
countries who are a super power base with WHITE people.
Let me explain that I am a Malaysian as well but now I work and live in
this part of the world. American's in general all of N. America, have
people that have been brought up with completely different values and
traditions. As for manners and respect, they only know it for themselves
and not even their own family. This is for 98 to 99% of these people.
They are very ignorant to what is 'being indifferent to others'. They
can be very prejudiced and it can stare them in the face and they will
not realize it. All over the world where they have got involved using
the 'Human Rights' excuse has been for their own personal (ambitious)
gain. They can never be changed. To change American's from this way of
thinking is like telling the whole Muslim world its ok to eat pork. Fat
chance!! American's will listen and sympathies with you and say how
sorry they feel and its so sad but inside, Hah, why should I care? Its
like in our own families even. If you got a big lottery, I am sure all
your relatives will soon be knocking at your door. If you were poor,
then there is no one there. In our case we turn around but still have a
hart to give a little even if its very small. Here, the American's have
lived for years doing this to their Native Indian's and African
American's. They are still doing it. Its going to go on for countless
years to come. If you see a President with many of his staff from people
of color, like Billy Boy. See thru it, its not because he is liberal and
open minded but its his way of gaining more votes from the minorities.
Its politics. Something that's even more evil than a lawyer!! Iraq, for
e.g.. has its faults and so does that guy Saddam but they are using this
with very selective timing to move oil prices and political gambits.
Seen the movie 'Wag the Dog'? As for Malaysian politics, I personally
feel that this is making a mockery of our values on a world stage. I am
completely disappointed about the publicity this is getting. This
scandals or alleged scandals are putting us in bad light and its not
just those people on that stage that are affected but all Malaysian's. I
am already shocked but a recent visit I made to see that our standards
with all that economic uplift has caused. The present economic downturn
must be taken as a punishment for that. Even so called Haji's were
taking bribes and involved with illegal activities. Their language was
unheard of. I take this from personal experiences of my short visit.
There were only a few that still had the old Malaysian charm of the
people I once knew. There is pride with modernization but with a major
economic uplift, it brings about the worst in people. They forget
themselves and those around them. This is a crime to such a great
country with a great people. Recently I was shocked to see a Malaysian
web site for naked Malaysian women. There were Malays, Chinese and
Indians. I felt very hurt.
With time and greed, all our family values are at stake. I mean 'Family'
as in all Malaysian's who still pride themselves in being Malaysian's.
We may be getting as bad as the American's without knowing it. So be it
American's, Canadian's or English or any other country lets not give
them the chance or the pleasure to make such stupid accusations and
statements by looking inside us and learning our roots and knowing what
it takes to be a true Malaysian. I know in present times its hard to
find a good example but step back and maybe the famous character like
the late P.Ramlee can once again show us the way. There are others but
that is an example.
Please keep up the good work you are doing on your page and stay focused
on what its is for. It need not be a jazzy page. Keep it simple, focused
and current.
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