Reform Web Sites
- Government
Web Sites
- Other
Web SItes
HMO Reform Web Sites - (Physicians Who Care), a non-profit organization
devoted to protecting the traditional doctor-patient relationship
and ensuring quality healthcare. - a web site sponsored by Physicians Who Care,
but more specifically addresses HMO issues.
"How to fight your HMO" - includes daily HMO news,
Patient's Bill of Rights information, and good advice on dealing
with HMO's.
Government Web Sites
of Montana
- official
home page
Rick Hill
Max Baucus
Conrad Burns
Representative Greg Ganske (R-IA) - is helping lead the charge
in the House for the Patient's Protection Act which he co-sponsors
with Rep.'s Dingell and Norwood. See what he has to say about
HMO reform at his website, which offers a link to his remarks
in the Congressional Record.
Other Web SItes
- is a gateway
consumer health and human services information web site from
the United States government.
- is a watchdog group
which monitors lobbying activities in Washington, D.C. Find
out how much Blue Cross Blue Shield is spending on lobbying activities,
and to whom they're giving their money.
Contact ACHE at:
Box 282 |
Helena, MT 59624 |
1-888-366-ACHE |
(406) 442-6629 |
Fax: (406) 442-6623 | |
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