--Brock Chisolm, Director, UNITED NATIONS World Health Organization
Look very closely at the quotes on the Chronology Quotes page that shows the chronological progression of the New World Order from the time of Christ to the present. Pay particular attention to the quote by George Bush and the following quote from Brock Chisolm of the United Nations. They are directly related to each other, and show how devious our leaders are in their public speeches: Bush did not say the UN was going to fulfill the mission in the charter of the UN, but rather the historic vision of its founders. The vision defines the meaning of the charter.
What is the "vision of the founders"? I believe this is best told in the words of a long-standung UN member.
Robert Mullar was Chancellor of the United Nations Univrsity for Peace in Costa Rica, and had served the UN for 38 years at the time he gave a speach at the Denver University School of Law in Denver, Colorado. In the speach he said in part that a world government is inevitable, and that making the UN the governing body was paramount in his mind. He stated that the United States will one day say it "gave birth to the first universal organization that will become the new political world order on this planet."
Muller said the New World Order would embrace a world wide spiritual renaissance, where all religions would become one universal world religion. The first steps were to be taken at the celebration of the UN's 50th annivrsary in San Francisco in 1995. Harold Strassen had composed a working paper for UN reform which proposed the founding of a world-wide conference of religions.
The Council on Foreign Relations is the driving force behind the one world government concept. At least 47 members of the CFR were among the founding delegates of the UN in 1945. Included were: Owen Latimore, who the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee called a "concious, articulate instrument of Soviet conspiracy.", Alger Hiss, a soviet spy, Dexter White, a Soviet Agent, Nelson Rockafeller, CFR, John Foster Dulles, CFR, John Carter Vincent, a security risk, and Dean Acheson, CFR. The Committee on Post War Foreign Policies, the group that founded the UN, was completely staffed by CFR members.
The April, 1945, copy of Popular Affairs, the CFR journal, said,
"Great popular support and enthusiasm for the UN policies should be built up, well organized and fully articulate. But it is also necessary to do more than that. The opposition must be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the UN charter and the treaties which will follow." (Empasis mine. Treaties will be on another page.)
Pat Robertson worte in his book, The New World Order, "According to a man who had been a member (of the CFR) for 15 years, Rear Admiral Chester Ward, former judge advocate general of the Navy from 1956 to 1960; 'The purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government is the only objective revealed to about 95 percent of the (at that time) 1,551 members. There are two other ulterior purposes the CFR influence is being used to promote; but it is impobable that they are known to more than 75 members, or that these purposes ever have been identified in writing.'"
The fact that the CFR is a secret group is plain from their own annual reports. The report for 1992 warned members not to attribute, ar diseminate information from the CFR to the public media or knowlingly to persons who will, a total of 20 times: Page 122 said, "Like the Council, the committees encourage candid discourse by holding their meetings on a not for attribution basis". Page 21: "At meetings, the Council's rule of non-attribution applies. This assures participants that they may speak openly without others later attributing their satements to them in public media or forums, or knowingly transmitting them to persons who will".
During World War Two, the German SS searched the house of a man suspected of being an allied spy. The tore his house apart looking for secret hiding places but found nothing incriminating. The man was a spy, and the papers the Germans were looking for were in an envelope in a stack of mail out in plain site. The Germans never thought to look there.
I'm often asked that if there is a conspiracy to bring about a one-world, totalatarian government, why haven't we heard anything about it? There are two answers to this question: One is that ther have been many people tolling the bell of warning, but few listen to it. The other answer is that the elitiists have been telling us all along what they are up to, but in very cleverly worded speeches and writings that you have to pay close attention to to grasp the true meaning.Most people take the material at face value and never think to look closely at what's really being said.
The speech given by Sir Sigmund Sternberg at the UN, upon receiving the Templeton Prize in Religion, June 26, 1998 is a good example. I'll emphasize certain phrazes and words and give explanation as we go along.
In the third paragraph of the speech, Sternberg quotes John Templeton's book, in which he says "'to gain some sense of what may await us, we can profit greatly from looking at past trends.' Not, he explains, trends that grab headlines, that span a few weeks, or a few months or even a year or two but trends that span decades, even generations" Remember the chronology page? The Illuminati started the present movement for world domination in Germany on May 1, 1776. Sternberg goes on to say, "...we have lived through the century of freedom, the one in which freedom beat back the two totalitarian alternatives that rose to challeng it, facism and communism."
Saying that we lived through the century of freedom means that in the next century he expects that there will not be freedom. He also speaks of two totalitarian "alternatives" that rose to challeng freedom. The New world order isn't challenging freedom; it's rotting freedom from the inside out, like a cancer. Sternberg is saying that he expects this NWO cancer to kill freedom in the next century.
But what role does religion play here? How is this going to effect Christians? Sternberg believes that the population of most countries no longer trusts their government, and religion will be the power of the future, or in his words, "I have found it to be true in my years of association with the International Council of Christians and Jews, which now spans the world, or more recently, the three faiths Forum of Christians, Jews and Muslims, which seeks to unite the three in dialog.
"I have been made resoundlingly aware fo it by the world wide response to some of the things I said here in New York, in March, when the award of the Templeton Prize was announced.
What I did then, and which has had its echo around the world, was to make a plea for global healing with the committed involvement of all men and women of faith ...Initials on treaties, signatures on agreements, handshakes and embraces at the top table or on the White House lawn all these are no more than gestures if they are not also embraced in the hearts of the peoples."
Well, this all sounds great at first blush. The casual reader would say, "Amen! Right on! This sounds great!" But notice the reference to all people of faith. Which faith? why, all of them together, in one humanistic religion, of course. Sternberg continues a little later in the speech, "This United Nation's platform must be the place where I can say this loud and clear: That there are many in every land who can contribute to the healing of the world where ever in this world they live. It is their duty as people of faith, as citizens of the world to come forth and make that contribution." Well, he's easing into what he really wants to say, and it still sounds good to the casual reader. But as he continues, anyone who is reading closely will start to wonder about his true agenda.
"For all its faults--and it would be foolish not to believe there are any-- the United Nations remains our commitment to the belief that our world must be built not on the strengh of arms, but the strengh of the human spirit." OK, now he's getting to what he really means: A humanistic religion embracing all faiths, blending them into a humanistic religion. He goes on to say, "In my travels to all corners of the globe in the persuit of interfaith understanding, I have come across men and women who earn their living in business and commerce who are sustained by and believe in a power for good greater than themselves. That is the power we call God.".."We would not have to start at the beginning. A lot of ground work has already been done" He goes on: "Hans Kung, a distinguished professor of ecumenical theology at the University of Tubingen in Germany, author and editor of books on global ethics which are on the shelves of many world leaders, has already devised a set of ethical values to rule relations between people across every divide." Notice he did not say religious principals, or anything else to do with religion or Christianity, but ethical values, to rule as he said above, in concert with the human spirit, not Gods. He makes this very clear as he goes along:
"Five years ago, I was one of those at the Parliment of the World's Religions in Chicago when delegates agreed on a set of principals which would form the basis for a Declaration toward a Global Ethic For me, this declaration stands second only to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and in many respects, compliments it...Earth, they said, could not be changed for the better unless the consciousness of individuals was changed first. And they pledged 'to increase our awareness by diciplining our minds, by meditation, by prayer, or by positive thinking ... Therefore, we commit ourselves to this global ethic, to understanding one another and social--benificial, peace--fostering and nature--friendly ways of life...
"The values and norms which the members of the United Nations agree should prevail in international dealings derive largely from religious teaching. They will be heard more readily if they speak in harmony rather than discordantly. ...It is facinating to me that even so powerful an organization as the World Bank last year recognised that religion is power and commands moral authority and the need it to influence their thinking.
"This is a post-enlightennment world, not a post-religious one. As governments have lost their legitimacy, so people have turned to faith and the social contract has been re-negotiated...It is religions which stand between the state and the market, both of which people do not fully trust, as communities which are trusted, which link the macro and the micro, and which protect the interests of the poor...I think I can say here without being laughed down the streets of Manhattan that religion is the wave of the future!
Phew! If that isn't a frieghtening statement! If religion is the one institution that people still universally trust, then take over religion! Sternberg continues, "I have put the world's business and religious communities at the head of this forward movement, If you like, I have made them the shock troops...If we can but agree on a global ethic acceptable to all men and woment of religion, if we can but create an emblem which says, 'I share your values and I care', then the Buddhist, the Christian, the Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Sikh, the Taoist--no matter what religion--the adherents of faith can meet the other anywhere on this globe and raise a heand in a gesture of Shalom, a gesture of peace."
I'm sorry, but I am a Christian, not a buddhist, Sikh, or what have you. I'm certainly not a humanist with the audacity to put mankind on the throne! I can tolerate other's beliefs--even Jesus didn't try to force his teachings on others-- though I will try to explain my faith if others are willing to listen. The idea of a humanist, elitist--founded opiate of mankind to bring in a totalitarian one world governemt is something we all need to guard against. It is one part of a unholy trinity of world political leader, world religious leader, and Satan himself.
We are now engaged in a war in the same region where World War One started, and which had a great influence on the start of World War Two. If it becomes the birthing ground of World War Three, then the prophecies in Revelations will be fulfilled. We need to get out of there, and get out now. We need to guard against the New World Religion, and we need to reafirm our commitment to Christ so that this will be again one nation under God.
"America will never be distroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we have distroyed ourselves."
--Abraham Lincoln