New World Order, Options, protest, Out of UN,reclaim Constitution.


Tactics for stopping the New World Order.

What you and I can do to stop the globalists isn't easy, but then neither was the American Revolution or the Civil War, and we most certainly don't want a repeat of those times. This page is going to be evolving for awhile, so check back often.

It should be noted, again, that the New World Order is not a conspiracy of our government, but there are a lot of people in our government that are members of this treasonous conspiracy. Not all of our legislators are involved, but many support treasonous, unconstitutional legislation for several reasons: First, much bad legislation is introduced tacked onto other bills that have nothing to do with the "leach legislation", as I call it. Often the attached bill is the real bill, and the one presented is just fluff to sound good and get our legislators to sign it. Second, there is so much legislation being introduced that most of our Senators and Congresspersons don't have any idea what they're signing. They just go along with the program because they can't read everything presented to them. They may read a brief, but that may not have the leach attached until after the brief had been read.

So, what are we to do? First, be informed. Learn all you can about what is being introduced. Learn all you can about what the NWO is. Check carefully the information in the links page sites. Next, vote with your feet: Get out and participate in your political party. Let your legislators know face to face what you expect of them.

Next, start a blizzard of pititions to your Senators --both state and federal--to repeal the Goals 2000/outcome based education, support the Second Amendment, and to have treasonous legislators like the Comrades Billary brought up on charges of treason, among other activities. Write, fax, call your legislators constantly. After all, they may have forgotten it, but they work for you. You hired them, you pay them, and you can fire them!

Watch this page for more specific actions you can take, and sample pititions.

I urge you to write , call, fax, or all of the above, your legislators concerning support for [HR 1146], the "American Sovereignty Resoration Act of 1999". This is a bill to remove us completely from the UN. As seen before, the UN is the backbone of the NWO. Support anything that will get us out. DO THIS TODAY, AND GET ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO DO IT ALSO!

Also, there is new legislation pending that would abolish gun shows, and is broad enough to make the guns stored in your home a "gun show". It is open ended and could lead anywhere the antigunners want it to go.

It is the Clinton/Gore/Lautenberg/Schumer legislation.
WRITE, CALL, FAX, & ALL TO THE ABOVE to let your Senators know you appose this legislation. DO IT TODAY. DO IT NOW. Use the [printable letter] and just fill in the blanks and mail to your senator. Remember, the only reason we have a 1st Amendment guaranteeing free speech, and Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seasure, and the only reason we still have a Constitution left is the Second Amendment.

"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves".
--Winston Churchill

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