But my mom says I'm cool!!!

- 12/13/00 01:20:29


Rebecca Eden - 10/16/00 04:14:20
My Email:ddaisy_85@hotmial.com
Political Ideology: ?????????
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: sniff sniff (im crying for them, they are so bad!!!)
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: its great, lots of thinking!!
Music genre: all sorts
Do you find me attractive?: yes indeedy!! ohh soo sexy!!
How'd you get here?: from my icq list and your homepage!

Vote for Mickey, he has hair!!!!!!! remember the good old forum days!!!!!! love you guys and what you are doing!!! see-ya!!!!!

Manchild - 06/06/00 07:47:55
My URL:http://www.strategyrecords.com/str
My Email:strmusic@hotmail.com
Political Ideology: A little to the left.
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: they should face the fires of a thousand suns.
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: I think it's good, but it definitely needs more pics of that cute Mikey guy!
Music genre: Punkrock, Hardcore (metalcore, scr-emo), Emoss
Do you find me attractive?: You have no idea how much!
How'd you get here?: I got a Mikey Inc. business card.

Mikey, It's Yoshi here from Australia. I miss you buddy <8^( but at least I have a tape of you on the radio to keep me going until I hopefully come back to sheepland again. One thing though. Don't glorify sXe more than neccessary. Anyway, god bless. Keep t real.

Eric Kimihia - 05/25/00 00:59:39
My URL:http://www.eko.com
My Email:ekimihia@hotmail.com
Political Ideology: left wing pacifism
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: God rest there souls
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: jabanotso
Music genre: Classical
Do you find me attractive?: yes
How'd you get here?: no

It seems that before I launch into this letter, I should tell you that Mr. Mike Brenndorfer's cronies seem to be caught up in their need for enemies. In the text that follows, when I quote from Mike, I will use the word "excrement" in place of another wor which is now apparently permitted in general circulation publications, and which I have edited out. Once we have absorbed and understood his uninformed ploys, it is our inescapable responsibility to do whatever is necessary to debunk the nonsense spouted by his lackeys. So let me make it clear that if anything, it's easy enough to hate him any day of the week on general principles. But now I'll tell you about some very specific things that he is up to, things that ought to make a real Mike-hater out of yo . First off, a central fault line runs through each of his expedients. Specifically, his claim that the cure for evil is more evil is factually unsupported and politically motivated. Mike's effusions will fix blame for social stress, economic loss, or los of political power on a target group whose constructed guilt provides a simplistic explanation in the near future. That being the case, we can infer that the first response to this from Mike's henchmen is perhaps that Mike knows the "right" way to read P ato, Maimonides, and Machiavelli. Wrong. Just glance at the facts: Many people who follow Mike's values have come to the erroneous conclusion that those of us who oppose Mike would rather run than fight. The stark truth of the matter is that to get even t e simplest message into the consciousness of witless jejune-types, it has to be repeated at least 50 times. Now, I don't want to insult your intelligence by telling you the following 50 times, but he wants us to believe that things have never been better. How stupid does he think we are? Mike operates on the basis of an unremitting hatred of civility and decency. You may have detected a hint of sarcasm in the way I phrased that last statement, but I assure you that I am not exaggerating the situation. The Maoism "debate" is not a debate. t is a harangue, a politically-motivated, brilliantly-publicized, obtuse attack on progressive ideas. It is not difficult to see the undercurrents of fanaticism in Mr. Mike Brenndorfer's criticisms. That is why, come what may, we must bear witness to the lain, unvarnished truth.

daniel - 05/13/00 21:44:21
My URL:http://3nails.zap.to
My Email:bigrings@popstar.com
Political Ideology: no
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: very bad
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: very good
Music genre: 3nails
Do you find me attractive?: yes
How'd you get here?: favorites FOO

hey mike bye mike

Adolf - 04/17/00 04:50:55
My URL:http://www.Istinkbigtime.com
My Email:fuerher@reichmail.com
Political Ideology: I'm an anarchist (actually, I'm secretly a national socialist)
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: They weren't in the Luftwaffe, were they? Cos they can't wreck anything.
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: Try global domination, kiddo...It worked for me!
Music genre: Wagner
Do you find me attractive?: How do you look in a brownshirt?
How'd you get here?: Madame Ziviga called me up

It was a jewish plot!! A jewish bolshevik plot!

Art Robinson - 04/17/00 04:43:34
My Email:jew_punk@hotmail.com
Political Ideology: I hate Big Brother?
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: What kids? Howd they wreck it?
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: Pretty rad
Music genre: Ska & punk
Do you find me attractive?: A little, but only the accent
How'd you get here?: Tim lloyd told me

I'm confused. Left wing or right wing?

neal morris - 02/21/00 04:37:58
My Email:XNEDX@hotmail.com


Mark Fat-Dog the Hambone Lyzenhofur - 01/26/00 05:45:04
My URL:http://go.to/punkmarker
My Email:punkmarker@yahoo.co.nz
Political Ideology: Sociolcrat
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: They're stupid ignorant kids who like to misqoute Rage Against The Machine
Music genre: pure funk
Do you find me attractive?: who me???
How'd you get here?: throught the internet! no really!!!

michael, come join in the army so we can "kill in the name of"...

acidsoul9 - 01/04/00 01:45:24
My Email:polyanna@fast.net
Political Ideology: don't know would anti-racist count for anything?
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: immature little ...
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: its awsome...
Music genre: punk
Do you find me attractive?: ...no
How'd you get here?: saw the address on your icq thingy

i don't really know as to what to say. The idea behind this site it completly great. Questions:what is the point behind racism?, what is the point of drugs? Have you nothing better to do then waste your time on such things? NAZI POWER...no....to all th hardcore racist nazis out there follow your leader.

Rotem - 12/15/99 14:41:01
My Email:nulliusinverba@hotmail.com
Political Ideology: hmmm..."absurd"-anarchist/spiritual satanist...or something like that
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: i didn't do that
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: interesting
Music genre: Hardcore Punk Metal Noise Industrial Ambient Classical
Do you find me attractive?: as hell!
How'd you get here?: surfed on the waves of boredom

great interesting site....read my email!

I cant give you my name as I am having an identity problem - 12/09/99 20:41:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/steve278
My Email:steve278@iname.com
Political Ideology: no thank you.
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: nathan has black hair... strangely
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: its cOoL!
Music genre: steve-core its my very own music genre.. i made it up myself
Do you find me attractive?: im sorry to tell you this mike but.... no..
How'd you get here?: i dont know?


Tragedy Ann - 11/27/99 01:44:28
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/xxxGIAxxx/index.html
My Email:chewwy33@hotmail.com
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: I think they were bored immature kids looking for something to do on a Friday night.
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: I think it's great.
Music genre: punk, ska, swing
Do you find me attractive?: Are ya sure you want people to answer that?
How'd you get here?: Becky told me to come.

I want to be like you when I grow up.

- 11/19/99 01:21:09


- 11/19/99 01:18:37


jess - 11/19/99 01:18:15
My Email:missjessiebear@hotmail.com
Political Ideology: mmmmmmmm
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: stupid dumb-ass
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: splendid
Music genre: mmmmmmmmm
Do you find me attractive?: mmmmmmmm
How'd you get here?: mmmmmmmmm


Chip Mahoney - 11/13/99 05:08:33
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/treehuggers/punkmarker
My Email:someguy@somewhere.com
Political Ideology: Anarcho-fascist
What do you think of the kids who wrecked this site before: Obviously trying to either prove something, or were offended by something on here
What do you think about this site, and the idea behind it?: it's great, should be more like it
Music genre: punk, ska, hardcore, bit o emo, emo-core, rap-core, ska-core, metal-core, scremo, scremo-core, country-core, punk-core, blues-core, apple-core, soft-core, sXe-core, polyeurathene-core, and all the other cores under the rainbow, and a f w above it
Do you find me attractive?: Yes, your eyes are so beautiful, and your ears are just lovely
How'd you get here?: I walked

What more can be said, I mean really. Live your life, and keep living it till it ends, and then, go on to eternal life, where you can keep on living for ever, till that faithful day taht you realise time is only a relative term, and when there is forever time is meaningless, and most likely non-existant.
that's my story

NATHAN - 11/06/99 04:50:03
My URL:http://www.freedomforfreeporn.com/hahahaha
My Email:shin bada na bo
ICQ#: 37566734
How'd you get here?: i got tipsy with "dipsy"
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: because .......your a facist and im to un educated to no how to get out
Have you ever seen me naked?: why mikey more gay talk mabee.....
How do you know me?: we sesh it out together
Have I ever seen you naked?: i dont know have ou ever been to www.nathannaked.com/thefullmonty/wutang

hahahaha i edited yu site i rule u thought i was tom thist suxs asss how do i get out i dont know because im to UN EDUCATED help help running out of air help ahahhahahahahah aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h h h h h . . . .

Well, I guess I was wrong about you Nathan, you're not uneducated, you just really immature, and rather ignorant, I mean after all, you don't even know the definition of the word fascist
Mike Atkins - 10/09/99 06:13:07
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/treehuggers/punkmarker.html
My Email:goblin@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 35428473
How'd you get here?: XXX link
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: It was interesting
Have you ever seen me naked?: ...not likely....but just for the record....Yes, yes i have
How do you know me?: i don't.....
Have I ever seen you naked?: maybe, ever been to xxxpics.com?

Personally, i am fascist. I'm being true to myself. And that's the way my God made me.

I am part of the Poo Plux Plan. It is, what it isn't. We do alot of mind control techniques, alot of drug selling etc.etc.

i am the leaderr of a Cult, which is called Onamaetopea. It's basically a bunch of fat naked guys. I was elected leader because i was the only one with a car.

In my spare time I enjoy lighting trees on fire, while throwing porcelien dolls which are taped to mice at them.

I am completely anti Pro-choice. It is stupid. I love adolf hitler, and am glad that he is alive and well.

I would like to waste more space, but i have to go beat up kids that are smoking drugs

I just want to make it clear that i hate you....

Steven Hernandez - 10/09/99 03:35:55
My URL:http://steve.faithweb.com
My Email:sh@usa.com
How'd you get here?: You signed my guestbook.
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: Dunno
Have you ever seen me naked?: ...
How do you know me?: ...
Have I ever seen you naked?: ...

Hi, I briefly looked through your page, and I'd like to suggest we agree on more than we disagree. I am not "against" homosexuals, I am against all sin. As I explained in my page, what I do not want are these so-called gay "rights" that no one else gets t have (and which would be enforced through a government law). I am a libertarian more than anything, and I found your stance against evolution teachings, political-correctness in religion, and other things quite admirable. You are not left-wing, you are r ght-wing and don't know it. Using government to affect the general public is a left-wing thing. A Christian thing to do is think "what would Christ do?" Would he write the profane and graphic comments you have dispersed around your page? Would he say abor ion is okay if someone chooses it? About your pro-choice stance: it is not about forcing morals on anyone, it's about protecting everyone's rights, and if you are pro-life personally, you should understand that there is a human involved, and thus murder. Murder cannot be tolerated, even in a semi-anarchist world as you would have it (complete anarchy is the goal, but impossible to reach). God bless.

xAxmxaxnxdxax - 10/03/99 09:02:37
My URL:http://don't got none
My Email:amanda_punk@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 492220130
How'd you get here?: Followed the yellow brick road
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: U made me, remember the jewellery party bet!
Have you ever seen me naked?: no, i've been saved that painful sight! :)
How do you know me?: Well there was this really big chicken, and ..... i think throught Tim & Nick
Have I ever seen you naked?: Not that i'm awear of but i ahve spoken to u whike i was in the shower @ the uni halls.

Mikey your i admire ur stand towards racial unity and equlity, the world could learn a lot from u and other who stand it also, may ur ldays be long and full of the wonders of our awsome God who reigns from heaven above, with wisdom and power and Love.

XJezyka RohlenaX - 10/03/99 01:42:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/bipersonality/main.html
My Email:xxxstr8edgexxx@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 10294403
How'd you get here?: Mike told me to
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: I actually didn't stay that long i just went straight here
Have you ever seen me naked?: Well of course your my lover
How do you know me?: we met under the stars, by teh ocean....and fell in love
Have I ever seen you naked?: yes-um

Okay so I'm not really your lover but I wish I was. Only because we have so much in common and I think your an awesome guy. But in real life your prolly a prick...muhehehe I joke! I just wanted to give yu some support and let you know that the idea for th s page is awesome and one of a kind. Just like yu (awww ain't that sweet?). So stay true to yourself and your beliefs don't let anyone bring yu down. I Love Yu, XJezykaX

tom - 09/26/99 06:51:16
My Email:tomwilson@hotmail.com
ICQ#: ????
How'd you get here?: dunno
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: dunno
How do you know me?: dunno

cool site,get a better picture of yourself

steveCzerwonka - 09/26/99 05:28:25
My URL:http://fly.to/steve278
My Email:steve278@iname.com
ICQ#: 8352629
How'd you get here?: no comment
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: no comment
Have you ever seen me naked?: *long silence* .....no comment
How do you know me?: no comment
Have I ever seen you naked?: no comment

no comment Do you think Mike is a dumbass?: occasionally. Why?: Well look at him!

oink - 09/26/99 05:05:36


- 09/26/99 04:35:09

Where do you live?:

steffan - 09/25/99 11:18:08
My URL:http://fly.to/steve278
My Email:steve278@iname.com
ICQ#: 8352629
How'd you get here?: uh, well... im not quite sure. i just woke up and in front of me was this page so.........
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: i wnated the free cookies
Have you ever seen me naked?: im not sure
How do you know me?: im not sure
Have I ever seen you naked?: im not quite sure

oink oink oinko inko inkoi inok grunt oink snort noink snort grunt onik snort gruntj oink oink oink oink oink GRUNT!!!

NAATHAN AUSTIN - 09/25/99 10:12:03
My URL:http://www.freelove,sex,longhair,and,hippies.com@woodstock.co.mars
My Email:imatation_comdom@hotmai.com
ICQ#: 12345667na bo
How'd you get here?: you told me to come here
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: you told me to sign your guestbook
Have you ever seen me naked?: you wish
How do you know me?: i like to stalk people
Have I ever seen you naked?: NO i think

mike i think you need help and please if im the first one to sign this dont hug me and if you do dont to do it naked coz im sworn to selebecy

- 09/25/99 07:41:13


nick - 09/24/99 06:56:19
My URL:http://donthaveone
My Email:greenpondscum@yahoo.com
ICQ#: thesyriac
How'd you get here?: urmm ..dunno
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: must be something wrong with me
Have you ever seen me naked?: don't think so..(hope not)
How do you know me?: well...it's a long story really we met at these peoples house and we sort of became friends
Have I ever seen you naked?: dunno

very nice site mikey, shame that you are tall really. you have nice legs tho...only kidding.. these spaces are really dum - whose gonna read it anyway? oh well laters nick

Marky-mark O'rama lama - 09/24/99 03:32:39
My URL:www.ratm.com
My Email:no
ICQ#: 9406894
How'd you get here?: followed the yellow brick road
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: i dunno
Have you ever seen me naked?: yes, almost everyday....
How do you know me?: i see you naked everyday, that's gotta count for something
Have I ever seen you naked?: uh-hu

Well, ...no OH wait i do i've got 14 things to say actually: 1. People all over the world are dying, politicians keep on lying, they spend their money on war...yet they can't feed the poor 2.Woman constitute half the world's population, perform nearly two-thirds of it's work hours, receive one-tenth of the world's income and own less than one-hundredth of the world's property 3. qoutes are good. 4. Råge âgäîѧT tHê mächiñè are good 5. what came first the chicken or the egg? 5. shouldn't i have put a 6 instead of a 5 on this one?>.... 7. how lunky is number seven? really?.... 8. Trash Nazi Trash 9. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." - Ephesians 6:12 10. do you think 14 things are too much? 11. what if i stopped at 13? 12. do i scare you? 13. if you could be a chicken or a rooster which would you be? 14. I'm done now!....

Mikey - 09/24/99 02:52:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/xmeatlessx/
My Email:fatmike2@yahoo.com
ICQ#: 4704865
How'd you get here?: It's my page
Why'd you stay long enough to get here?: it's my page
Have you ever seen me naked?: Well, yes I have seen myself naked, but only the once
How do you know me?: I am me
Have I ever seen you naked?: most likely

This is just a test, that whole first person gets a hug thing is still one for the next person!

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