Many persons, not authorised to give legal opinion or right to practice law
are offering legal services through web sites. These persons are middleman /
touts and they consult lawyers for your work. Therefore, I would suggest
you to contact your lawyer directly, avoid web sites of such touts.
This site is not meant for viewers in India as the law is not clear on the websites by lawyers. I present my site more as an Individual and not so much as a lawyer.
But having said that I have no existence but as a lawyer, so any reference to my site
as a person means my existence as an individual and also as a lawyer.
In view of the same the site should not be taken as any kind of propagations / advertisement
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The contents of this page do not imply an offer or promise to offer services to any of the
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services as contemplated under the rules of the Bar Council of India.
Only Courts in New Delhi, India
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I am thankful to those who contributed for construction and hosting of this web site.
I shall be thankful for your suggestions for improvement of this web site.
I believe in confidentiality, trust and service.
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