New Posts

These posts were collected on the Morning of Monday 9th April.

Again in No particular Order -

Started by: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 7:20 PM 13 Replies
I am not only talking about Adelaide, what if my job was not marketing in the real sense but it as a publicity officer for an orgnisation. How would you all cope with that. Would you beleive that.
John C.Sunol

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From: Brisgirl Sent: 6/04/2001 9:54 PM 1 of 13
Like a f***ing hole in the head, I would believe it!  I believe you are Satan, now THAT'S what I believe!  

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 6/04/2001 9:58 PM 2 of 13
You go Brisgirl.
You are making the Arab Proud. I cant really say much as i dont want to get banned again after John Sunol went and had a good old cry to the mods and i got banned and warned and everything else.
Keep it up!

From: tarni Sent: 6/04/2001 9:58 PM 3 of 13
Oh Johnny,
You havent taken your medication today, have you now ??
I know a really good injecting room if you like......

From: Lena Sent: 6/04/2001 10:24 PM 4 of 13
I would not and do not care whether you are publicity officer for the damn Queen ...But out of sheer boredom tonight and one to many wines I have just read your paedophile thread... and frankly I am of the opinion you may be that way inclined and would just like someone to say something along the lines of ....... (well I personally feel they should recieve counselling and such) But alas I am not a DO-GOODER. I am of the belief that you do the crime do the time...Well guess what I dont, I feel they should be castrated and hung out to dry.. Where my kids are concerned GOD HELP THE OFFENDER CAUSE THEY CERTAINLY WILL NOT MAKE IT TO COURT......Oh and by the way you say you worked in Maitland in 1994 well I dont remember you... What was it you did there.....? Because I can tell you if you were there I most certainly would have remembered as it would not have been only rock spiders that would have been in isolation but I would have had to put you in there for your own safety not only from the prisoners but also the screws....
Now why the F*%# is this posted twice... you truly are a half wit..

From: John Sunol Sent: 7/04/2001 1:18 AM 5 of 13
I have you all fooled, don't I
I did not want to see you banned but when you did what you did and published my address you left me with no choise.
I am afraid that you yourself, above everyone else might get very upset when you eventualy find out where I am working and who I am working for. I will leave it at that.
John C.Sunol

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 7/04/2001 1:26 AM 6 of 13
The only way i would get upset is if u started working at my local Club X or Deli.
Now that would make me upset.
This Post is classified  
It Contains reference to a sex shop.

From: Acorn Sent: 7/04/2001 5:32 PM 7 of 13
Do you genuinely believe that anyone this board cares in the slightest where you live and what your job is?
The only person on this board who seems even slightly interested ... is you.
Who are you trying to impress?

From: weasel! Sent: 7/04/2001 5:34 PM 8 of 13
LOL.. The infamous Eminem of the NewsTalkback community. I've heard so much about you.  

From: John Sunol Sent: 7/04/2001 10:08 PM 9 of 13
I know that you might have heard so much talk about me. But alot of this is negative without realy knowing me.
I am having everyone on with stupid talk on this board, I admitt that is partly me to blame but I made some mistakes and I want to try and elleviate these mistakes if that is possible.
John C.Sunol

From: ron Sent: 7/04/2001 10:26 PM 10 of 13
      did you know you can bugger up your keyboard, with all the garbage you put through it ?

From: Lena Sent: 8/04/2001 5:42 PM 11 of 13
Why wont you answer me or my post...? Could it be that you really are  full of shit and cant think up a good lie ...... OMG  The truth has just hit me...

From: John Sunol Sent: 8/04/2001 8:21 PM 12 of 13
I will answer you, but I do not get a chance to read all my posts all of the time and I do not use the e-mail alot,
Please e-mail me on and I will answer you.
Yours sincerly
John C.Sunol

From: MrsMitch Sent: 9/04/2001 12:47 PM 13 of 13
I'm curious. If there is no one on the board who can tolerate John Sunol, why encourage him? Surely if his posts were to go unanswered , then he may just get the message he is not wanted.  

Who beleives me !!!
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Started by: John Sunol Sent: 8/04/2001 8:35 PM 10 Replies
Because if you don't I am afraid that you are in for a big shock, the shock of your life.
What will you do then and who then will beleive me!!!
John Christopher Sunol

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From: Gooo Sent: 8/04/2001 8:38 PM 1 of 10
John C Sunol
What part of GO AWAY don't you understand?

From: hilly Sent: 8/04/2001 8:40 PM 2 of 10
Are you still on about "who believes me"?  
Believes what?
Hurry up with the big shock will you. You are becoming boring.

From: pookie Sent: 8/04/2001 8:59 PM 3 of 10
You are ignoring me. You asked me to come around to your place to see if your head was glued on or not. Okay, now what is your address?
Please put the kettle on.

From: Mandy Sent: 8/04/2001 9:13 PM 4 of 10
Well well, if it isn't 'Revenge of the Little Disturbed Man'.
John, I ask you, what should I be believing? And am I in for the shock of my life? Do you think I actually care whether you hate gays?
Because if you don't I am afraid that you are in for a big shock, the shock of your life.
What will you do then and who then will beleive me!!!
Hmmm...what will I do? Absolutely nothing.  Sit on my arse and laugh, being the twit that you are, you are doing nothing but displaying how uneducated, and "un-cultured" you really are.
And no, I will NEVER believe you! Not really sure what I am supposed to be believing, but you will never achieve this universal belief that you are searching for, cos you can't spell the damned word.
I feel sorry for your you even have children? or do you still live at home with mother dearest?

From: Guess who? Sent: 8/04/2001 9:18 PM 5 of 10
We all believe you.

From: John Sunol Sent: 8/04/2001 9:33 PM 6 of 10
Do you beleive that I am telling the truth about work, education and politics. Or do you think it is all uneducated delusions of granduer.
John C.Sunol

From: BigFBear Sent: 8/04/2001 10:11 PM 7 of 10
So we are in for the shock of our lives?  Hmm well, what can shock me, I have been around and seen many things John, so let me guess.
What would give BigFBear the shock of this life?.....
To discover you are a being from another planet, a non corporal sentient life form ready to advise us mere mortals on world affairs?  Nope I have seen heaps of aliens John!
To discover you are a woman?  Nope, I already know that!
To discover you are from a secret society ready to hunt down members of this board? Nope, I am a member of a great secret society that keeps the peace on this land using awesome psychic powers!
To discover you are really a lonely man, trying to grab 15 minutes of fame? Nope, already know that!
To discover you are really getting a job as a show pony for a meat export company?  Nope, big deal it is only a normal job.
To discover you need a hug and reassurance of your own sexuality? Nope, I can give you a bear hug and a book on human sexuality.
To discover you carry alot of baggage from your childhood, that haunts you everyday? Nope, I all ready know that! Get counselling John!
To discover you are going to walk on hot coals as a publicity stunt for the meat extport company? Nope, I walked on hot coals in 1992.
To discover you can alter the weather on this planet using your psychic being?  Nope, done that in 1992 when I made it snow in October 1992 in northern New South Wales.
To discover that you will severely embarass this meat export company eventually by your big mouth? Nope, already know that.
So John tell me, what will give me the shock of my life then?

From: Brisgirl Sent: 8/04/2001 10:50 PM 8 of 10
Just a simple little question: why do you find it necessary for us to believe you?

From: Acorn Sent: 9/04/2001 6:34 AM 9 of 10
Yes.  I believe you.
I believe that you have a university degree.   It doesn't mean that you are intelligent or even that you can spell - There is such a thing as an educated idiot and I believe that you are one of them.  Having two university degrees and currently working on a third myself, I know how easy it is to get a degree and how much it doesn't mean.
I believe that you have your own views and position on politics.  So what.  So does everyone else on this board.
I believe that you aspire to political representation on your own, narrow platform.  OK, so you have campaigned for political office in the past and you will probably do so again in the future.  You haven't managed to get elected yet have you?
I believe that you probably have landed a job as a marketing / publicity manager for a company somewhere ... be it Woolongong, Brisbane, Adelaide or wherever.  So what?  Is anyone supposed to be impressed by this?
Much of what you have said may well be true.  I just don't think that you have yet come to terms with the practical reality that most of the contributors to this board could not care less.
Your personal and private details are not of any interest or concern to anyone on this board except you.  I think that you are trying to convince yourself that you are a worthwhile person by trying to get some positive recognition from the contributors to this board.
You strike me as being a somewhat sad, small and pathetic individual ... if that is not the reality, it is certainly how you come across on this board.

From: Johneboy Sent: 9/04/2001 7:14 AM 10 of 10

Acorn has somed it up. What you have been telling us may all be true. But the issue you continually fail to understand, it is not that whether we believe you or not. It’s whether you have any CREDIBILITY. Even if you became the PRIME MINISTER of Australia, you still would not have any credibility.

You claim to be a Christian. In my Bible I understand that a Christian is a person who displays what is call the fruit of the Sprit. LOVE, JOY, KINDNESS, PATIENCE, PEACE, GENTLENESS AND SELF-CONTROL. I don’t see much of that in your postings and especially so on your website.

Let me explain what I think of your "quest" by quoting a passage of the Bible. 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 Verses 1 to 3 "Living Bible

"If I speak in the tougues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have the gift of faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames but have not love, I gain nothing.

As far as I am concerned you completely bereft of any credibility with me because you have no love, which in my bible is one of the signs of person who claims to be a Christian.

You are so caught up in what you believe is right and wrong you have lost sight of total perspective. And until you put things in perspective you will have no CREDABILITY.

I one respect I feel sorry for you because your mind is closed yet and the other you  are so annoying because you give Christians who actually care for people, in general a bad name.

It is confirmed / I have the meat export marketing job
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Started by: John Sunol Sent: 5/04/2001 9:03 PM 63 Replies
To all who have read my posts.
Today I had it confirmed. I will be leaving Newcastle in the next couple of weeks to take up a position in meat export marketing and publicity, promotion.
How do you all feel to see me in that type of position, will it succeed and do you all beleive it or am I just full of hot air.
I will be responsible for the domestic market side of a meat export company and be responsible for some of the advertising, public relations and media contacts that they will get. This is a upper mediam size to large international company.
John C.Sunol

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 5/04/2001 9:05 PM 1 of 63

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 9:06 PM 2 of 63
From Anna

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 5/04/2001 9:07 PM 3 of 63
Ricki lake style - GO ANNA GO ANNA

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 9:08 PM 4 of 63
What would be good , is if you gave us your companies name and number so we can check up every now and then to see how your going in your new job. And also to wish your employer well and to give him a reference on you, seeing as we all know you so well.
What do you think.

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 9:09 PM 5 of 63
Your a dag....... Sides which it is .............
Jerry style ..........LOL

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 9:10 PM 6 of 63
Be careful of Q fever!!!
Lets hope you can keep it hey!
Hey John, you should get  webcam they are great for us extroverts!!!!!

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 5/04/2001 9:17 PM 7 of 63
Anna believe it or not Dag is my middle name - Mr Arab "dag" (Insert Arab sytle last name here)
Do they still have Jerry on Channel 10 because we dont get it here in the Sunny South West of WA (yes john) we have WIN and all we get is Days of our lives at that time. We get Ricky but i am always too busy to watch it. If i could get Jerry i would tape it and then watch it later.

From: John Sunol Sent: 5/04/2001 9:21 PM 8 of 63
That's a good idea for me to let you know who I could be working for.
But I am a wise old fox and know that if you knew there might be letters going to the company telling lies about me to get me put off.
Better try next time love
John C.Sunol

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 9:23 PM 9 of 63
Hey Arab, a dag is the matted mess of sheep poo and wool, at the bum end of a sheep!
So you are a dag hey?  hehehe lol

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 5/04/2001 9:24 PM 10 of 63
Better try next time love <----------- SEXUAL HARRASMENT
hehe i will be your witness

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 9:25 PM 11 of 63
Oh no way would I do anything like that. you misjudge me John. I am a big supporter of you and your cause.

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 5/04/2001 9:25 PM 12 of 63
Not that type of DAG BFB.
I will tell Sheepy now and see what he thinks. He will be the expert about it all.

From: John Sunol Sent: 5/04/2001 9:29 PM 13 of 63
Try again. That is not sexual harrasment.
That term is an age old term to put towards a women that means nothing but a way of speaking to people.
It will be thrown out of court
John C.Sunol

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 9:30 PM 14 of 63
Arab Dag of Arabia ..................
Thankyou. I didn't pick up that sexual harrassment thing.... I may lay charges... as you are my witness.......
Donot tell anyone but I watch Jerry..... I need a laugh. I never knew there was so many incestual, homosexual, two timing, back stabbing, obese, black, white , transexual, bi sexual, homocidal, suicidal, racist, bigotted, foolish, dickheads in America,........LOL
I love it for a laugh. They surely must be staged, and they all come out and show their tits. These 2 tranny's came out today, one had the boobs surgically done the other had the water filled sacs and he got beat up by the audience.....LOL...... was a hoot.
I can tape them and send them if you want......

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 9:33 PM 15 of 63
Actually John ,
It is a form of harassment , and I would stand a very good chance
I did not ask or invite you to be on terms of endearment with me. Your advances are not welcome so I have a case.

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 9:33 PM 16 of 63
Think about it for a moment ok.  There would not be that many meat export marketing companies around, now would there.  Someone might write to them all, might they!
  Some people get right up my nose!

From: John Sunol Sent: 5/04/2001 9:41 PM 17 of 63
Please do not carry on with this rubbish. You know as well as I know that you stand NO CHANCE AT ALL.
That is not a term of endearment or sexual harrasment. The word love in the context that I used it is only a way of expresing yourself, it is common in certain parts of society and nothing is meant by it.
Please do not lisrten to idiots like Arab or they will mess you right up.
John C.Sunol
NB: I will not give the name of the company that I will be working for as I do not need ideiots writing foolish letters to it and telling lies about me. You will find out as I might become in the public eye with some of the advertisements but I am going to say no more over this.

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 9:47 PM 18 of 63
When you are in the public eye, people will know your true self!
P.S. Sorry Anana, but I cannot resist, please let me put my webcam pics in John's thread, pretty please?

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 9:47 PM 19 of 63
Are you going to mess me up..... Damn boy, you better do a good bloody job. I am getting all excited her........LOL
Oh and John, who is easily tracked down. It is a derogatory term , and you dipshit, your best chance of keeping other women on good terms with you is to never say it again, especially to our face you fool.

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 9:53 PM 20 of 63
Careful John, the public can be cruel and hard, and some might bite you and flash their teeth!

From: John Sunol Sent: 5/04/2001 9:55 PM 21 of 63
it depends how you use them, the word love iused in many contexts.
It would be very hard to convict someone using the word love as sexual harrassment so please try if youwish but expect to fail.
This is all I am stating about this..
As for me going away you have bukleys chance of that happening as I stay. If you do not want to talk to me, just do not answer and I will leave you alone, their is 3000 others on this board to talk to.
John C.Sunol

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 9:56 PM 22 of 63
If you used that term when you are in your public relations job, they would sack you and the company could get sued!  Man you are a silly one.  I have been in the public service a long time and things have changed and you simply cannot use that word when talking to people!  

From: John Sunol Sent: 5/04/2001 10:01 PM 23 of 63
Big Bear
I would not use that term in a public relations position. I am careful on what words that I use in those positions.
This board is a different thing entirely.
Also I beleive that political correct language is complete bullshit and I refuse to follow it. But in public relations I need to for work purposes.
John C.Sunol

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 10:03 PM 24 of 63
Ya Dipshit.............
Do something out of the ordinary for us will you. Get up from the computer, walk into your bedroom, rip the blankies of Mrs Sunol, tear her clothes of , and give her a good one. Cause we are sure sick of you doing the same here in chat.
Your a sad man John, and the sooner you realise this the better.  Help can be attained if you want to change. Your drivel is getting to be really bloody pathetic and you dont realise how much of a joke you really are. Why do you constantly embarress yourself and give us ammo to go you. Are you that silly, or was that just a silly question in itself? All your posts are able to be copied , and tracing your place of employment is simple. My best friend works for the Tax Man. Your simple to trace.

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 5/04/2001 10:04 PM 25 of 63
Anna Hmmm mess you up. Let me see...hehehe
Also Foxtel is getting put on shortly so i will be able to watch Mr Jerry and all his weird friends
I am checking my sexual harrassment paperwork Mr John and this is classified as Electronic Sexual Harrassment.
I dont see what your problem is with me by telling everyone to stay clear of me but oh well.
BFB you are right about writing letters...shall i start?
(off watching Footy Show)

From: annaleise Sent: 5/04/2001 10:05 PM 26 of 63
Ok...... I am off to bed.. Night all except the dipshit......
Hey Arab, I will leave the window open if your gunna come round and mess me up .........LOL....... am still waiting.

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 10:06 PM 27 of 63
What is true, is true, whether you are on this board or not.
You will use that language else where and it will get you in trouble, I have seen this thing happen before to other people in real life.
I suggest a good lawyer will be handy, and then maybe you can turn another page in your life and realise you must be careful of the words you use, whether on this board or elsewhere.

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 10:08 PM 28 of 63
The big question is.... Will John Do A Cavey?

From: John Sunol Sent: 5/04/2001 10:11 PM 29 of 63
I know what you are saying is correct. But I have got one thing on you as well. That last post was harrassment of myself and i can and will use that against you.
I am not going to start anything but if you do expect me ro fight back.
Also if you do not want to talk to me, just do not answer my threads as I am NOT GOING TO STOP AND YOU AND NO ONE OUTSIDE THE NINE NETWORK WILL BE ABLE TO STOP ME.
I am not Attacking people unless they attack me and I only metnioned this job to start conversation. More than likely people could know once we get going for a couple of months anyway.
This job is going to lead me into contacts beyond your wildest immagination and give me credibility which I can use for other causes at a later date.
John c.Sunol

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 5/04/2001 10:21 PM 30 of 63
Oh Anna i must be at the wrong window because this one wont open.
John no one here really wants to know that you have a job every 2 minutes.
Its the same as me coming and telling everyone when i go to the toilet.

From: BigFBear Sent: 5/04/2001 10:21 PM 31 of 63
Oh John,
This job is going to lead me into contacts beyond your wildest immagination and give me credibility which I can use for other causes at a later date.
My imagination is vast, remember you will be working with mere humans as a meat export marketing show pony, big deal.  How does that give you contacts beyond my wildest imagination?  Are you selling this meat to aliens from another planet?  Are you selling this meat to the lost Atlanteans living under the oceans?  Are you selling this meat to non physical sentient beings? Are you selling this meat to any secret societies that deal with the underworld of psychic awareness and mind control?  Are you selling this meat to the man in the moon?
Get a grip John!!  Will you be getting a government security classification higher than top scret like I have?
Get real John and come back down to earth! It is a meat export company not the Secret Service!!!!!

From: ron Sent: 5/04/2001 10:24 PM 32 of 63
John, all I can say is good luck, and I hope your first big client is not a raging POOFTER !

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 5/04/2001 10:30 PM 33 of 63
HAHA you go Ron. You tell him.

Ahh yes BFB i fully agree with you. Did i tell you John that i work in the IT industry and My mate bill actually called me earlier today and kindly told me that if i ever needed a reference to put his name down and he will put in a good word for me. He also invited my family and i over for a 2 week holiday over xmas time so we can spend time with his family. I also have access to All of Microsoft and Boy how about that Clientel of that Joint.

woohoo i am in the big time now



From: Hera Scie Sent: 6/04/2001 12:09 AM 34 of 63
See, you watch Jerry Springer
now you can see how normal I am.  

From: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 7:08 AM 35 of 63
I hope to that my first client is aripping raging Poofta. I do not mind
I might be able also teach them how to have a fruitful life and leave their sin of homosexuality.
I do not mind working with gays or lesbians, as long as they do not put themselves on me
John C.Sunol

From: Nick Sent: 6/04/2001 7:14 AM 36 of 63

I'm a vegetarian. I love all furry animals (& the non furry ones too with the bumps - the 2 legged sorts).

I think anything to do with murdering animals is a disgusting job.

Get a decent job like a cleaner or something!

From: Nick Sent: 6/04/2001 7:19 AM 37 of 63

We have Jerry Springer, World Wrestling Federation & Judge Judy on each day. All amount to about the same thing, except Judge Judy needs a bit more pizzazz...! Perhaps an odd thrown chair or two & a bit of biffo would really up the ratings I reckon !

From: annaleise Sent: 6/04/2001 7:20 AM 38 of 63
Are you still dribbling you fool. Go pack your bags and get your stuff in order and get off the computer and leave us normal people alone. I hope you do try to change a homosexual person, cause you willprobably get your just desserts then.
It may shut you up.

From: Brian Boru Sent: 6/04/2001 7:28 AM 39 of 63
A quick search on and there are no meat exporters opperating out of Wollongong or the surrounding area.  There are 2 exporters these are
HML Borthers International in Fairy Meadows and
Illawarra Export Corporation in Wollongong it's self
1 butchers Wholesaler Haiden Wholesale Meats in Wollongong
And there are no meat exporters down the south coast at all, the closest is Cronulla south of Sydney

From: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 7:34 AM 40 of 63
Brian Buru
I am glad that you searched the yellow pages.
You are right, and very right. The thing that I did not tell you that this is a new company taking over an old abbetoise in Dapto (which use to be called Parish and now has changed hands and is to be put back into action).
I knew that but look over the coming months and you will see big, big changes.
John C.Sunol

From: Hera Scie Sent: 6/04/2001 7:47 AM 41 of 63
Oh gee, now it should only take another five minutes.
You twit.  You complain about people posting your personal business on the web and then you do this.  Man.....

From: shap Sent: 6/04/2001 7:49 AM 42 of 63
Dear all,
I know JS is a bit of a pain (Don't be offended, John luvvy) but I think it is a cruel idea to write to his employer. if by some miracle he has landed a marketing and PR job, he will have a miserable time as his lack of command of English and other, er, problems become manifest. I don't think you need to add to it. It seems to me like all the kids in the playground ganging up on the nerdy fat kid.

From: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 8:32 AM 43 of 63
Hera Science
I know that it would only take five minutes as I might be on the front line in front of the media anyway and then all will see. This is not known of as yet but after a short time it will be known.
You do not know me or what my PR skills are. You only know me by this board and I could be anyone or anything on this board. So I am willing to play the wait and see game.
John C.Sunol

From: Brian Boru Sent: 6/04/2001 8:55 AM 44 of 63
John Sunol
I still think your bullshitting.  I have done a fairly extensive search I have found a news story of Parish closing down in Feb 2000 on the Sydney Morning Herald site, but nothing on the same site of it re opening, surely that would be good news.  I have searched the Wollongong Council home page and nothing there, I have also searched the Illawarra Mercury which is the local paper.
I have serached NSW Ag for news on it nothing there, the same as for the State and National Meat Industries as well as the NSW EPA as it needs to be licenced.
So nothing there, I think you are lying, but then thats not new is it

From: PaulWA Sent: 6/04/2001 9:07 AM 45 of 63
We should all be eating kangaroo anyway.  It's better for you than cow or sheep and not as hard on the environment.   Emu is good for you as well.

Build your own cow:

From: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 12:01 PM 46 of 63
Brian Boru
I think that you and all the others on this board that have been knocking me as a lia and a bullshit artist are in for the biggest shock that you could ever get.
I will say no more over this, only that on around half an hour ago I have been designated and given job discriptions as a publicity officer for this new and upcoming business.
I have known of closed door business negotiations and things that have been happening out of the public light for around one month now.
I hate to say this?
But I am afraid that all of those knockers are in for a big rude shock when they see what I have spoken of come to fruits starting in a few weeks time.  
With regards
John C.Sunol

From: BigFBear Sent: 6/04/2001 12:05 PM 47 of 63
So we are in for the shock of our lives?  Hmm well, what can shock me, I have been around and seen many things John, so let me guess.
What would give BigFBear the shock of this life?.....
To discover you are a being from another planet, a non corporal sentient life form ready to advise us mere mortals on world affairs?  Nope I have seen heaps of aliens John!
To discover you are a woman?  Nope, I already know that!
To discover you are from a secret society ready to hunt down members of this board? Nope, I am a member of a great secret society that keeps the peace on this land using awesome psychic powers!
To discover you are really a lonely man, trying to grab 15 minutes of fame? Nope, already know that!
To discover you are really getting a job as a show pony for a meat export company?  Nope, big deal it is only a normal job.
To discover you need a hug and reassurance of your own sexuality? Nope, I can give you a bear hug and a book on human sexuality.
To discover you carry alot of baggage from your childhood, that haunts you everyday? Nope, I all ready know that! Get counselling John!
To discover you are going to walk on hot coals as a publicity stunt for the meat extport company? Nope, I walked on hot coals in 1992.
To discover you can alter the weather on this planet using your psychic being?  Nope, done that in 1992 when I made it snow in October 1992 in northern New South Wales.
To discover that you will severely embarass this meat export company eventually by your big mouth? Nope, already know that.
So John tell me, what will give me the shock of my life then?

From: shap Sent: 6/04/2001 12:15 PM 48 of 63
That gives bear baiting... a new meaning

From: BigFBear Sent: 6/04/2001 12:19 PM 49 of 63
shap, this is more fun than my webcam!

From: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 7:14 PM 50 of 63
What would you say if I was to be the publicity officer for a Childrens toy Factory in Brisbane.
Or the position for me was the publicity officer for a meat export company on the south coast of NSW, seeing that their is no meat works on the south coast.
John C.Sunol
It is a publicity officer/not a marketing manager.

From: tarni Sent: 6/04/2001 7:19 PM 51 of 63
Do you not get enough shit thrown on you as it is you fool,
and now you go and do this,
I have the feeling you secretly sit at home on you pc and relish in it
Well JCS Piss off  you F$#%& Wit !!!!!

From: Brisgirl Sent: 6/04/2001 10:21 PM 52 of 63
I refer to your post, POST 40.  I quote from it below:
"You are right, and very right. The thing that I did not tell you that this is a new company taking over an old abbetoise in Dapto".  Just some advice: although its obvious you aren't going in this industry, but if you are, you'd best learn how to spell ABATTOIRS.  That's how its spelt.  That was another clue, if you really were going to be involved in the meat industry, one would think that you'd AT LEAST know how to spell the word ABATTOIR!  Quite appalling, your spelling is!  I would be too ashamed to post anymore, if I were you!  Maybe, I should not have told you, maybe I should have just let you gone in there (which you aren't) and put down "abbetoise", in front of them - I think they'd be mortified, wouldn't you?  I bet you wont reply to this!  Too humiliated, at least, I would be, if I were you.

From: Lena Sent: 6/04/2001 10:38 PM 53 of 63
This along with every other thread that he has been criticised for his spelling in will be pulled    
Dont worry he will get his everything comes to those who wait......
I propose to you that you are a liar and full of it..... I am a christian and by gee you succeed in getting my goat up....

From: rab Sent: 7/04/2001 8:25 PM 54 of 63
and we all know that the first few publicity jobs for john are..
bacon in abu dhabi
cheeseburgers in tel aviv
beefburgers in delhi
pork pies in kabul
after he has broken the 1,000 units/day level in these cities he will be given a challenging task, as we all know john to be the most persuasive and empathic marketer of his product in this fine nation..
john.. if you succeed in the above, let us know & we will be in awe of your great intellect & marketing powers..

From: John Sunol Sent: 7/04/2001 9:38 PM 55 of 63
No worried at all. I can do that for you and let you know, but I think that you are also in for a big shock.
John C.Sunol

From: rab Sent: 7/04/2001 9:51 PM 56 of 63
john.. just let us know when you reach those targets..

From: John Sunol Sent: 7/04/2001 9:52 PM 57 of 63
To Brisgirl
I will answer your posting no 52
Yes you are right, the spelling is ABATTOIRS, I agree
What a bummer!!
I made a mistake, in future I will not make this same mistake. Or am I one big mistake
I am afraid that all on this board are in for a big shock in the coming weeks and months. That is all I will say.
John Christopher Sunol

From: ron Sent: 7/04/2001 10:31 PM 58 of 63
I have come to the conclusion that John is really Stella ninemsn, when she is bored we get another 'dear John' to annoy the shitter out of us.

From: Jess Sent: 7/04/2001 11:25 PM 59 of 63
It is confirmed / I have the meat export marketing job</INPUT>
Dear John
Really not interested;
although you could add new meaning to the term "foot in mouth"
Cheers  Jess

From: Acorn Sent: 8/04/2001 3:57 PM 60 of 63
 OK John,
You've got me convinced.
You are a very intelligent man.
You are highly valued by your community.
You are very important and will hold a very important post in a very important new business.
You know very important secrets that mere commoners like us will find to be a shock when the truth is eventually released to the public.
You are far more clever than anyone else on this board.
You are a literary genius.
You are a fabulous social reformer.
You are a future political giant with the potential to eventually run the country once people get to know and understand you.
There has never been a more skillful manipulator of public opinion than you since the time of Macchiavelli.
Yawn ...... does that about cover it?
Is this the sort of public recognition that your sad, pathetic little ego needs?

From: happy1 Sent: 8/04/2001 5:18 PM 61 of 63
Hello everyone,
John - goodluck with your position - hopefully you won't have enough time now to bore us with your bullshit, nothing you do will make any of us be impressed because none of us give a ****
Go Anna, love the cam BFB.

From: marguerite Sent: 8/04/2001 5:23 PM 62 of 63
I was sure I posted a message about some offal on here. I wonder where it went??????

From: aphrael Sent: 9/04/2001 6:28 AM 63 of 63
well, any respect I would have had for you, and beleive me its not a lot, I've now lost.

Anyone who would deliberatley work in the meat industry, and promote the consumption and continual slaughter of animals and animal products by human beings just disgusts me I'm afraid.

Jesus was a vegetarian.  

Started by: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 7:20 PM 10 Replies
I am not only talking about Adelaide, what if my job was not marketing in the real sense but it as a publicity officer for an orgnisation. How would you all cope with that. Would you beleive that.
John C.Sunol

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From: BFB Web Cam Sent: 6/04/2001 7:35 PM 1 of 10
I suggest you tell it to your mirror!  That way you will have someone listening to you that gives a shit!

From: caveman Sent: 6/04/2001 7:38 PM 2 of 10
Now calm down mate you might blow a poo poo vavlve if you don't get that stress under control. Leave it to us pros to get Mr sunol put in his proper place.............

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 6/04/2001 8:26 PM 3 of 10
what is I am the publicity officer for a Childrens toy Factory in Adelaide
I Dont understand this title? is the IS supposed to be an IF? or am i just not reading it properly?
Biggest load of S**t i have ever read really besides John's website.
Oh well

From: Lena Sent: 6/04/2001 8:41 PM 4 of 10
I would not and do not care whether you are publicity officer for the damn Queen ...But out of sheer boredom tonight and one to many wines I have just read your paedophile thread... and frankly I am of the opinion you may be that way inclined and would just like someone to say something along the lines of ....... (well I personally feel they should recieve counselling and such) But alas I am not a DO-GOODER. I am of the belief that you do the crime do the time...Well guess what I dont, I feel they should be castrated and hung out to dry.. Where my kids are concerned GOD HELP THE OFFENDER CAUSE THEY CERTAINLY WILL NOT MAKE IT TO COURT......Oh and by the way you say you worked in Maitland in 1994 well I dont remember you... What was it you did there.....? Because I can tell you if you were there I most certainly would have remembered as it would not have been only rock spiders that would have been in isolation but I would have had to put you in there for your own safety not only from the prisoners but also the screws....

From: Brisgirl Sent: 6/04/2001 9:51 PM 5 of 10
WHO GIVES A FLYING KEYBOARD!?!?  And please, learn how to spell "believe".  I've noticed you haven't replied to any of my posts, where I and others have had to pick you up on your spelling.  Why is that?  GUTLESS?!?

From: John Sunol Sent: 7/04/2001 1:29 AM 6 of 10
I selectively pick the messages that I answer, I often do not answer only attacks on myself which you are guilty of some of these attacks. You do not know me or what you are saying so please do your research before you write something.
John C.Sunol

From: John Sunol Sent: 7/04/2001 1:29 AM 7 of 10
I selectively pick the messages that I answer, I often do not answer only attacks on myself which you are guilty of some of these attacks. You do not know me or what you are saying so please do your research before you write something.
John C.Sunol

From: Acorn Sent: 7/04/2001 5:33 PM 8 of 10
Do you genuinely believe that anyone this board cares in the slightest where you live and what your job is?
The only person on this board who seems even slightly interested ... is you.
Who are you trying to impress?

From: Brisgirl Sent: 7/04/2001 7:57 PM 9 of 10

I noticed you STILL haven't answered me regards to why your spelling is SO appalling...could it be, you are too humiliated?  Hah!  Gutless wonder!


From: caveman Sent: 7/04/2001 8:00 PM 10 of 10
I must say at times my spelling leaves a bit to be desired but I would have thought someone with ALL your diplomas would at least have the basics of the English Language down Pat. Unless of course english is not your first language

It is confirmed / I have the meat export marketing job
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Started by: John Sunol Sent: 5/04/2001 9:03 PM 14 Replies
To all who have read my posts.
Today I had it confirmed. I will be leaving Newcastle in the next couple of weeks to take up a position in meat export marketing and publicity, promotion.
How do you all feel to see me in that type of position, will it succeed and do you all beleive it or am I just full of hot air.
I will be responsible for the domestic market side of a meat export company and be responsible for some of the advertising, public relations and media contacts that they will get. This is a upper mediam size to large international company.
John C.Sunol

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From: JoeT Sent: 5/04/2001 11:29 PM 1 of 14
Congratulations John
Did you tell them you can't spell???
And, your first assignment is off to England to cure your foot in mouth problem!!!!

From: Katy Sent: 5/04/2001 11:59 PM 2 of 14
To John,
              Congratulations.  I hope it works out for you.

From: BFB Web Cam Sent: 6/04/2001 12:04 AM 3 of 14
This thread was posted twice, you should read the other replies to that thread.

From: Katy Sent: 6/04/2001 12:08 AM 4 of 14
              Must have missed it.  Was looking for nix_chix's thread.  I must find Duz's as well as I have those names but can't get them onto the board.  They are still in my hotmail a/c.

From: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 7:14 AM 5 of 14
To all
This thread was posted twice. That was an accident.
I did not mean to do that as normal I do not deliberately post threads twice. I must have hit the send button twice by accident.
Now people have answered it I will leave it but I would like all to know, this was not meant and was only just a mere mishap on my behalf, I accidently hit the send button twice.
With regards
John C.Sunol

From: Ms Kate Sent: 6/04/2001 8:53 PM 6 of 14
You are the most insecure man I have ever "read".
Good luck in your new possie. I hope it makes you feel a little better about yourself.

From: Brisgirl Sent: 6/04/2001 9:28 PM 7 of 14

Gees, you're still arrogantly showing off, aren't you?  You are no christian!!!  You are a very arrogant and insecure man.  What, makes you think we care about what you are doing?  Considering most people on this board hate you, surely you must know that, WHO CARES!  Stop being so pompous!  God does not respect arrogant, pretentious people such as yourself.  We've told you time and time again, its not becoming to show off, and be an arrogant prick!  I DO NOT believe you, I don't believe you ahve that job.  Still, live out your fanatasy world if you want.  You are obviously very insecure.  Why ask us what we think?  I ask you, why DO OYU FEEL THE NEED TO?  Surely, it must be blatantly obvious to you by now, that most people on here wouldn't care if you were run over!  John, get this through your f***ing head..... WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN!  Now, I hope you will piss off for good, and leave us behind.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a pompous, self-glorifying man to enter the gates of heaven.


From: __ARAB__ Sent: 6/04/2001 9:31 PM 8 of 14
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle -
I would love to see that!!!
Hey John about 2 weeks ago i sent off an email to the Christian Democratic Party with some posts of yours and well like they have not replied? Is that cause you have nothing to do with them at all and you are just  a wannabe??

From: John Sunol Sent: 7/04/2001 1:24 AM 9 of 14
Dear Brisgirl and Arab:
I am afraid that I know that you sent those posts.
you do not know me or what I am doing and I am afraid that you both are in for a big shock, the biggest shock of your life.
I will leave it at that.
Yours with regards
John C.Sunol

From: Libra Sent: 7/04/2001 1:26 AM 10 of 14
Oh John go to bed!  Keep dreamin.  Tell us about your dreams tomorrow (NOT!)

From: Acorn Sent: 7/04/2001 5:35 PM 11 of 14
Do you genuinely believe that anyone this board cares in the slightest where you live and what your job is?
The only person on this board who seems even slightly interested ... is you.
Who are you trying to impress?

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 7/04/2001 5:46 PM 12 of 14
Jeez John Should be happy with this

3 out of the 4 top positions on the Chit Chat Board  

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 7/04/2001 5:51 PM 13 of 14
Oh look at this one John -


4 of the top 6 Positions

From: marguerite Sent: 7/04/2001 7:28 PM 14 of 14
Well congratulations John.

I hear there is a big market now for wholesale offal.......and you're certainly full of it.


Is John Sunol full of made up stories and half lies / or we can beleive J Sunol
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Started by: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 12:07 PM 24 Replies
This is to gather some genuine opinion.
Do most of you beleive me or think that I am living in my own fantasies.
Either way I do not care what you think as I know what is the truth, but just as general remark. I am wondering if all on this board think that I am full of fantasy living in my own day dream world, or do you beleive me as being authentic and correct.
Which way is it.
(as a general point, if you think that I am full of fantasies you are in for a big shock, the biggest shock of your life when you find that you were wrong. This is all I am going to say on this point)

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From: ¤Jø§húãh¤  Sent: 6/04/2001 12:11 PM 1 of 24
Just full of shit John, thats all !

From: Lena Sent: 6/04/2001 12:12 PM 2 of 24
Full of shit..

From: BigFBear Sent: 6/04/2001 12:15 PM 3 of 24
So we are in for the shock of our lives?  Hmm well, what can shock me, I have been around and seen many things John, so let me guess.
What would give BigFBear the shock of this life?.....
To discover you are a being from another planet, a non corporal sentient life form ready to advise us mere mortals on world affairs?  Nope I have seen heaps of aliens John!
To discover you are a woman?  Nope, I already know that!
To discover you are from a secret society ready to hunt down members of this board? Nope, I am a member of a great secret society that keeps the peace on this land using awesome psychic powers!
To discover you are really a lonely man, trying to grab 15 minutes of fame? Nope, already know that!
To discover you are really getting a job as a show pony for a meat export company?  Nope, big deal it is only a normal job.
To discover you need a hug and reassurance of your own sexuality? Nope, I can give you a bear hug and a book on human sexuality.
To discover you carry alot of baggage from your childhood, that haunts you everyday? Nope, I all ready know that! Get counselling John!
To discover you are going to walk on hot coals as a publicity stunt for the meat extport company? Nope, I walked on hot coals in 1992.
To discover you can alter the weather on this planet using your psychic being?  Nope, done that in 1992 when I made it snow in October 1992 in northern New South Wales.
To discover that you will severely embarrass this meat export company eventually by your big mouth? Nope, already know that.
So John tell me, what will give me the shock of my life then?

From: Bellerophon Sent: 6/04/2001 12:18 PM 4 of 24
Oh sorry I thought this was a rhetorical question

From: richard Sent: 6/04/2001 12:19 PM 5 of 24
I fully believe in you John, I also believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa as well.....

From: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 12:28 PM 6 of 24
They are all good answers
Just what I wanted;
Big Bear: Your answer is exceptionaly good, I congratulate you for that but I would just like to tell all, that I am not lying or even full of shit. NO matter how much you state that you are all in for a big surprisse when you Find out that everything that I am stating is going to come to fruitition and it actualy happens. It might sound bizzare, but I expect that but God works miracles in many wonderous ways and this is one.
John Christopher Sunol

From: Soroako Sent: 6/04/2001 12:28 PM 7 of 24
Well I reckon this is the work of an imposter. The post is too well written and doesn't have enough spelling errors. It couldn't have been written by the "Real John C Sunol".

Other than that the "Real John C Sunol" on several ocassions promised to keep his subject headings short. The "Real John C Sunol" often made claims to being a good christian and we all know that good christians don't lie.

So either this thread was created by an imposter or John C Sunol is a liar!

From: BigFBear Sent: 6/04/2001 12:32 PM 8 of 24
Member information
Member since 25/03/2001View the Member List

From: Jo Sent: 6/04/2001 12:40 PM 9 of 24
if you think that I am full of fantasies you are in for a big shock, the biggest shock of your life when you find that you were wrong
Please don't assume that my life is so boring that anything you could possibly do would shock me.  I might manage a disinterested smirk at best.

From: voness Sent: 6/04/2001 12:42 PM 10 of 24
BFBear the Spycatcher! - Well done....
Loved your answer too...
Cheers,   V

From: BigFBear Sent: 6/04/2001 12:43 PM 11 of 24
oh voness, I just could not resist!

From: Johneboy Sent: 6/04/2001 3:47 PM 12 of 24
My opinion of John C Sunol . (You asked for it!)

You are a person who has an extremely sheltered, conservative and narrow view(s) of the world.

You have very little (virtually no) ability to communicate your moral views, to people of differing moral views.

Because you have made the assumption that your moral views, in spite of the fact they are held only by a minority, your have assumed that your morality should be expected to be standard for the majority.

This false assumption, and your inability to realise this, has created all the hostility that has been seen against you.

From: davidb Sent: 6/04/2001 6:06 PM 13 of 24
Soroako, there has been an extraordinary improvement in JCS's spelling since he joined this Board. Also his vocabulary and sentence structure. He has done very well, and this may be the miracle he speaks of. They do happen.  

For a person to be brain-damaged in an accident and manage to operate a computer and engage in the cut-and-thrust of this Board is no mean achievement. I remember when a niece of mine who was brain-damaged got her university degree.

Like JCN, my niece is rather irritating. But we should be able to live with that.

From: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 7:03 PM 14 of 24
Maybe God is the healer and God has healed your nice.
John C.Sunol

From: tarni Sent: 6/04/2001 7:22 PM 15 of 24
Oh Jonny,
You havent had your drugs today have you now ???
I do know where there's a good injecting room though.....
P.S Buy a dictionary for F$#@*&  Sake... Your almost embarassing (is that how you spell it)

From: barbiegirl Sent: 6/04/2001 8:17 PM 16 of 24
To John Sunol
If you REALLY were a God fearing Christian you WOULD NOT repeat the word 'shit' no matter what.
So it is confirmed you ARE full of SHIT.
And that's coming from an expert.
Caveman (whoopsy) i mean barbiegirl

From: Ms Kate Sent: 6/04/2001 8:39 PM 17 of 24
Three words. Electric Shock Therapy

From: Brisgirl Sent: 6/04/2001 9:46 PM 18 of 24
Full of CRAP!  (PLEASE learn to spell - its "believe", not beleive).  You are a very insecure man who needs confirmation from other people (even those that hate you), you are egotistical, most DEFINITELY NOT a christian, AND, you get a hard-on over seeing your own name on this board!

UM, is that enough for you?


From: Lena Sent: 6/04/2001 9:57 PM 19 of 24
To all bar John Sunol....
Please oh please dont criticise his spelling you'll get yelled at by other people on this board that feel it is petty to do so and then they (of a higher nature will pull this thread)
Oh shit... damn it yes I agree that believe has been pissing me off... John it is I before E except after C... there I have done it now....
Barbiegirl .. You truly are a pain in the arse... someone ought to teach you some manners my dear.. oh no thats right your not really a female are you your an old member who likes to reinvent himself...
Games up...

From: Brisgirl Sent: 6/04/2001 10:31 PM 20 of 24

The difference with other people's mistakes (and mine) is that others aren't always bragging and boasting about how educated they are, how many degrees they have, how they are working on thesis's yay words long, etc.  The point that we are trying to drum into him, if he's all that, you'd think he'd know how to spell the most basic words, wouldn't you?  I think with him, we can excused for picking on spelling errors.


From: topaz Sent: 6/04/2001 10:38 PM 21 of 24
Shame on all of us that have picked on John.  The more he posts, the more obvious it becomes that he is definately a sandwich short of a picnic.  I am realising that there is something genuinely wrong with him and I will therefore cease responding in such a rude manner to his posts.  It is cruel to be so nasty to a man that cannot help the way he is.  He doesn't have the ability to be self-critical and lacks objectivity. It is very sad really.  I'm starting to feel sorry for him.  He is yearning for approval and keeps trying to prove himself to a bunch of stangers.  His persistence is comendable.  He is convinced that what he has to say is virtuous and suffers from delusions of grandeur.  If he ever gets somewhere in life it will be for no reason other than his tenacity.  I therefore wish you the best of luck John because you will need it, perhaps a bit more than others.
By the way John, I was wondering if you have a family, wife, children etc. or are you alone?   

From: John Sunol Sent: 7/04/2001 1:08 AM 22 of 24
To topaz
Thank you for your nice posting.
To answer your question, yes I am married with three grown up step children, 20,24 and 25. I am 44 years of age and my wife is 46.
Also I would like to confirm to you that I do have a job coming up. It will be in Marketing and Public relations as i will be a publicity officer for a company. I have said alot with some of it true and others a deliberate deception as I do not want anyone writing to my future employer with a load of lies and garbage. So I am not going to say where or who it is with.
Wishing you the best
John Christopher Sunol

From: __ARAB__ Sent: 7/04/2001 1:13 AM 23 of 24
Geez John do we have to keep f**king hearing about how you have a new job and what u will be doing every 2 minutes?
I think the answer is NO!

From: Acorn Sent: 7/04/2001 5:45 PM 24 of 24
Let's accept for a minute that you actually get a job as a marketing manager for a medium sized company.
Hell ... let's go even further and say that it is a large company ... an international one ... and you own it.  
Even then ... So what?
The overwhelming majority of people on this board still couldn't care less.
It wouldn't impress us.
It wouldn't make any of us respect you any more (we certainly couldn't respect you less anyway).
It would not change our opinion of you.
So why are you so fixated on convincing us that you have a job ... any job ... no matter how important?
You would still be the same sad, inadequate individual that you are now.
Who are you trying to impress?


We are all in for a big suprisse, the biggest surprise in our whole lives
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Started by: John Sunol Sent: 6/04/2001 7:22 AM 5 Replies
I beleive that things are moving rapidly. The world is changing day by day and hour by hour. I am afraid that all of us on this planet are going through a rapid social change. This is happening both in our lives and in society today. We will have to ajust to these changes or we can be left behind.
On another platfrorm if you do not beleive that I am telling the truth about my new job or about other things that I have spoken of, just wait, watch and see. I think that most of the people in this board that have riducled me are in for the shock of their lives.
With regards
John C.Sunol

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From: annaleise Sent: 6/04/2001 7:24 AM 1 of 5
Yeah I think I can relate you and Jerry Springer..........LOL
Yesterdays episode shocked me, but I cracked up laughing when the audience beat up the guest. ell I didn't laugh at that, just at the entire bloody show.

From: BigFBear Sent: 6/04/2001 8:47 AM 2 of 5
So we are in for the shock of our lives?  Hmm well, what can shock me, I have been around and seen many things John, so let me guess.
What would give BigFBear the shock of this life?.....
To discover you are a being from another planet, a non corporal sentient life form ready to advise us mere mortals on world affairs?  Nope I have seen heaps of aliens John!
To discover you are a woman?  Nope, I already know that!
To discover you are from a secret society ready to hunt down members of this board? Nope, I am a member of a great secret society that keeps the peace on this land using awesome psychic powers!
To discover you are really a lonely man, trying to grab 15 minutes of fame? Nope, already know that!
To discover you are really getting a job as a show pony for a meat export company?  Nope, big deal it is only a normal job.
To discover you need a hug and reassurance of your own sexuality? Nope, I can give you a bear hug and a book on human sexuality.
To discover you carry alot of baggage from your childhood, that haunts you everyday? Nope, I all ready know that! Get counselling John!
To discover you are going to walk on hot coals as a publicity stunt for the meat extport company? Nope, I walked on hot coals in 1992.
To discover you can alter the weather on this planet using your psychic being?  Nope, done that in 1992 when I made it snow in October 1992 in northern New South Wales.
To discover that you will severely embarass this meat export company eventually by your big mouth? Nope, already know that.
So John tell me, what will give me the shock of my life then?

From: Jo Sent: 6/04/2001 9:14 AM 3 of 5
The only thing that would surprise me would be if you were to SHUT UP and LEAVE US IN PEACE.
BTW nice one BFB  

From: aphrael Sent: 6/04/2001 9:34 AM 4 of 5
Did you have an unpleasant childhood?

Leaving aside the content of any of your posts, and just looking at the general tone that they tend to take, it sounds to me like you were the kid who got picked on at school; whos life was ruined by "them", who now feels like they have a point to prove, and at the same time as desperately seeking approval want to shove it up everyone.

Your posts have a very sycophantic tone to them.  Have you every watched Red Dwarf, because you are so much like Second Technician Arnold Judas Rimmer, its uncanny.

From: Gooo Sent: 6/04/2001 11:24 AM 5 of 5
I used to get so mad at you.
Your amazing lack of foresight, narrow mindedness, ignorance,  and plain arrogance  used to really peave I see that I was incorrect you are .....a very small're pathetic....I actually feel sorry for in short good luck in your future endevours....
I only hope that you don't end up quarantine when they suppect your either suffer from Mad Cows or Foot in mouth disease.