Brave New World
a disaster film
PAL, 18´
Translated from French
To the States
To the States, or any one of them, or any
city of the States, Resist much, obey little,
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state,
city, of this earth, ever afterwards resumes its liberty.
Walt Whitman
Since all that one grasps is wind,
Since all is nothing but ruin and despair,
Think : that which is is not,
And what is said not to be is there !
Omar Khayyam
1. War propaganda
A few hours were enough to pass on everywhere the
order to reveal the name of the “number one suspect” based on the extravagant
documents allegedly “left behind by a kamikaze in an airport parking lot.”
Osama Bin Laden and his radical Islamist following were then depicted as the
absolute Evil, the demoniac Adversary whose madness always justifies the most
violent reaction.
“As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy
of the People, had flashed on to the screen. (…) The programmes of the Two
Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was
not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor (…). Somewhere or other he
was still alive and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the
sea, under the protection of his foreign paymasters, perhaps even – so it was
occasionally rumoured – in some hiding-place in Oceania itself.” —
George Orwell, 1984
Bin Laden – Goldstein’s image merges into that of
another monster living in the bow
“Our nation was chosen by God to be a model.” — George
W. Bush,
“The stupendous drama of the Last Days was not a
phantasy about some remote and indefinite future but a prophecy which was
infallible and which at almost any given moment was felt to be on the point of
fulfilment.” — Norman Cohn, The Pursuit of the
2. An integrated terrorism
Like the demons of medieval imagination,
the kamikaze terrorists were what one calls “mod
That is how the imbeciles ignore, and the hypocrites
pretend to ignore, that a plot against the state is too important a thing to be
left to the state’s enemies, even more so when such a plot is as wide as that
of September 11th.
“These tigers have hearts of sheep, heads full of wind
; one has only to speak their language to enter their ranks.” — Maurice
Joly, Dialogue in Hell between Machiavel and Montesquieu
To be kept efficiently under control, the Islamists
belonging to a network like Al Qaeda must blindly obey leaders who must
themselves be trained and funded by the security services of particular states.
Following a kind of strange schizophrenic pattern, these leaders may be
convinced that they are working for their own perverse cause. And that is how
good patriotic and industrious Saudis turn themselves into kamikaze terrorists.
3. Who would benefit from the crime ?
This seemingly unholy alliance is first of
all the result of a real association of strictly economic interests in which
oil takes first place. Thus the purpose of the “reprisals” against Afghanistan,
planned several months before the casus belli of September 11th,
was to repair the image of the Afghan central power, in order to negotiate with
it, at minimum cost, the construction and protection of the American-Saudi
pipeline to channel the black gold from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to
Pakistan. “At minimum cost” means without carrying on any further the
ill-starred experiment of Talibans cageing up women, and without Massoud. The
profits some people expect from the exploitation of the last known large
oilfields are much larger than the speculative gains made by themselves, or
others, through the common insider trading which took place on September 11th.
The main political consequence is just as clear : the
American administration achieved power through the first real non-election in
the history of this country and gained its national and international
legitimacy by the stage-managed burlesque tragedy of a fun-fair monkey
disguised as a war commander leading a universal crusade. Thus firmly
supported, this administration was then able to start implementing most of its
platform, ultra-liberal as regards economical issues and ultra-repressive
regarding public freedom ; and to do that in a minimum of time, even if that
meant organizing the “anthrax psychosis” in order to temporarily muzzle up
Congress, the last democratic windbag in the United States.
By way of rebound all the world leaders are forced by
the events to form a solid block with their American counterpart, and they
quickly seize this windfall : they are all doing their best to implement at a
local level most of the same platform, going as far as importing the “anthrax
psychosis” in “kit form”, as in France and Germany; or by inventing a national
variant, like the phantom suicide truck in Italy. They all rush to grant
themselves the means to put an end to what is worrying them so much, this wide
rejection that seeks its reasons and ends from Seattle to Teheran, Pretoria to
Tizi Ouzou ; and they all rush to enjoy their fleeting triumph.
A class fully conscious of the scale of its domination
expresses its international solidarity in this chorus of cynical jubilations,
and it is the main scandal which must be always concealed and never mentioned.
“Secrecy dominates this world, and first and foremost
as the secret of domination.” — Guy Debord, Comments
on the Society of the Spectacle
4. About “conspiracy theories”
The events have revealed the existence of
a gigantic conspiracy. To maintain the people in a state of passivity, one only
needs to blur their critical abilities to discern who is really plotting
against whom. Different scenarios then spontaneously develop, adapting the
official thesis which is nothing but the “theory” of the Islamic conspiracy,
with different audiences being preconditioned to adopt one or another version.
The Islamists can therefore believe it is the Christians who are conspiring
against the Muslim world, or rather recycle the ancient “theory” of the Jewish
conspiracy. The radical left can come up with the “theory” of a fascist
conspiracy or CIA plot – even though its point of view would require to
understand such events in the context of their global meaning and motion.
All these fragile constructions are based on a
sometimes subtle use of partial truths. Therefore certain fractions of the
numerous secret services of the Americans, the Saudis, the Pakistanis and
perhaps of the special services of some oil companies were in all probability
the initiators of Massoud’s assassination and the September 11th
attacks ; but manipulated Islamists also played a determinant role. It is also
very likely that some fascist groups took part in launching the “anthrax
psychosis” in the
The various “conspiracy theories” result in
fragmenting the truth, then integrating each part of it into a pseudo global
tissue of gross errors and paranoid lies which collapses without any external
help when faced with reality. They are then used just like magic spells, in
various environments, in order to refute immediately any authentic criticism
that the different agents of silence could have failed to eliminate. For
example one day it could be said, should this seem desirable, that this film
spreads a conspiracy theory, or alternatively a ridiculous paranoia, which
amounts to the same thing.
5. A new era
The September 11th attacks
cannot be understood but as the end product of a complex transitory process
that was set into motion about ten years ago. The year 1991 was indeed publicly
marked by the Gulf War and the disintegration of the U.S.S.R., which durably
imposed on the world the military and economic hegemony of the
It is the same people, after a few generational
changes, who now rule the
The provocation of September 11th
inaugurated a 21st century which is already about to reproduce it
feature by feature : a disaster film directed by idiots, full of obscurantist
sound and terrorist fury, signifying nothing.