A New Palace for
Ernesto Zedillo
Wherefrom did he get the money?

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70 masons work day and night remodelling the house Presidente Zedillo bought in May 1999 paying U.$ 600 000 for it. The house was 816 sq. meters, of which 143 are to be demolished. 870 sq. meters shall be added soon. Mexico City authorities are checking the construction, which is under suspicion of being irregularly constructed.
This new palace already has a 30 ft-high wall to keep outside the people Zedillo has impoverished so much. Zedillo is earning about U.$ 120 000 a year and he has never worked outside the Government. He promised to fight corruption, so he would do well if he informs the people and the investors wherefrom did he get the money to re-built that castle.

As a neighbour I accept the Lord here, but as a citizen I think President Zedillo should be in Timbouctou, because he's the organizer of all the current series of robberies. He's responsible for the devaluation as is his friend (Jaime) Serra. I would rather not to speak about the unsecurity.

Carlos Cantón, Entrepreneur.
Future neighbour of Zedillo

Zedillo's new house

A New Palace for Zedillo