Fort Thunder is a place to hang out and listen to punk music in Providence, Rhode Island. It is a place where teens and their friends can be together and have fun. To get into Fort Thunder is cheap. Prices range from $3-6, and if you only have pocket change, that is ok too. The City of Providence and the Police are trying to shut down Fort Thunder. Why? Because they probably want to rip it down and build new corporate buildings and residential housing for the rich of Providence who want to take away the source of entertainment. Fort Thunder is located in Providence's Old Mill district, and many of the bulidings near it are residential housing for the lower income citizens who can not afford more expensive housing. This is a violation of the citizens of Providence's rights and it is an act of the Police State to punish the poor and award the rich. We must protest against these unjust acts!
Join Communist Uprising in Saving Fort Thunder!! |