When an organization gets power granted by the state, the first priority is to protect the organization and its members. That is what Fred Magnavito did here. When I wrote my letter of complaint to Magnivito, he came to see me in Pierre. I told him I was angry and Pfeiffer's evaluation lacked any professional procedure at all. The FBI wanted a certain answer and they knew who to go to. They do select people from the yellow pages. I had taken graduate courses in psychological testing so I knew what constituted a witch-hunt and what didn't. Magnivito knew Pfeiffer's evation proceedure wouldn't hold water under examination. So his solution was to make Pfeiffer undergo some kind of bogus learning process to get her off the hook. She needs to have her license revoked forever, not a slap on the wrist. Magnivito did not solve the problem. He protected Pfeiffer at the expense of me and a lot of kids.