February 2003
It has been a year since I have updated my site. A lot has 
happened since then. I will bring you up to date on the most 
important things.

A year ago last October Governor Janklow announced on the radio 
he was giving a workshop on what he considered dangerous sites 
on the net that parents should be aware of. Since I had a 14 
year-old son, I thought I should attend since I was in Sioux 
Falls anyway.

I called the Ramkota the evening before the workshop to see about 
getting registered. They informed me registration would be between 
seven and eight the next morning and the public was encouraged to 

At shortly past seven I was standing in with others to register 
when a man came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I told 
him I was going to register and take in the workshop. He told 
me he was not going to let me attend. I asked him why he wouldn’t. 
He refused to answer that question and said I knew why. I assured 
him I didn’t know why, but he still refused to tell me.

Quite an argument followed and I could see he was trying to provoke 
me into getting into a problem. I decided I had gotten as far as I 
could without being arrested for something.

I decided to complain to the media, so I went to the KDLT television 
studios and talked to a reporter. I asked her if she would call and 
find why I was not allowed in. She said she would ask without using 
my name. I told her to be free to use my name because I was not 
afraid to stand by anything I said.

She got somebody from the Janklow staff on the phone and they 
explained that I was not allowed in because I had not pre registered. 
Since I knew that couldn’t be the case, I had a friend try to get 
into the meeting. He walked right up, registered, paid his twenty 
dollars and walked right in. Clearly, it was me specifically that 
was denied.

My friend and I had a meeting with the news director and told him 
of the situation He seemed to be interested and asked for some 
other material including a video tape I had. I sent it to him short 
time later. I did not hear from him for perhaps a month so I called 
to see what the status was. He told me he had turned the matter over 
to Tom Hanson the news anchor at KDLT. I was especially upset that 
the Janklow administration would deliberately lie to the media. 
That did not seem to bother Tom Hanson. I brought the matter up 
to the new news director, Van Carter. He said they had lost the 
material and asked it I would get another copy together.

After a great deal of trouble getting all the material together, I 
contacted Mr. Carter and tried to get an appointment. He never 
returned my calls or email. He did not care he was lied to. I 
realized KDLT had no credibility in their news department.

Since I wasn’t going to get any help from the news media, I decided 
to take on the matter myself. I went to Pierre to the Governor’s 
office with four questions I wanted answered.

1)	Why was I denied entrance to the workshop
2)	Who was the person that denied me
3)	Who authorized it
4)	What is going to be done about it

I wrote these four questions on a piece of paper, handed it to the 
receptionist and told her I would stop by and pick up the answers 
in the  afternoon before I went home.

I returned that afternoon to get my answers. The receptionist 
looked nervous and said she had had not assigned them yet. I 
told her that was fine, she could assign them now and I would 
wait until they were processed.

She then came up with the excuse Janklow was not in his office. 
I told her this was not a matter the governor had to deal with 
personally. This information could be gotten from the staff, and 
I would wait. I knew this strategy was not going to work, and 
they were going to come up with a new one. They were not going 
to tell the truth at any cost.

The new strategy was not long in the coming. A few minutes 
later, Colonel Tom Dravland, SDHP appeared. He asked me what 
I was doing there. I told him. He was there to intimidate me. 
He warned me if I caused any disturbance he was going to “escort” 
me out. I answered with, “The only one causing a disturbance 
is you, Dravland. Escort yourself out.” I had been quietly 
reading the paper and was very polite and friendly with the 
receptionist. Dravland was wild with anger and that his authority 
had been challenged. He paced about a bit and left.

I knew I was in for some revenge. Shortly, Dravland returned and 
ordered me out. I told him as soon as I got my reply I was going. 
He said I was not going to get a reply. I asked him who made that 
decision. He said he did. I told him if he would give me a letter 
saying I was not going to get a reply, I would leave. He refused 
that as well. 

Dravland summoned another officer and they grabbed me by the arm, 
twisted it behind my back and drug me out of the office. Once 
out of the office I told them to unhand me because I was out. 
Dravland refused. He was going to show me who was boss. They 
dragged me all the way out to front door.

Being a patriotic American veteran, I resented this tremendously. 
This was not the government I volunteered to risk my life for. 
Open government was not practiced in the Janklow administration.

A few weeks later, I was discussing this with my 14 year-old son. 
He thought we should try this again. He wanted to see for himself 
what would happen.

We decided it would be best if nobody knew we were together, so I 
went in first and he entered a few minutes later. I presented the 
same questions to the receptionist. Very shortly Officer Mosteler 
appeared with another officer and a civilian with a note pad. I 
pushed it about as far as I could without ending up in jail. They 
didn’t notice my son standing directly behind them observing. Not 
wanting my son to be stuck in Pierre with Janklow deciding his fate 
while I was in jail, we left. As we were walking away from the 
building we looked back to see it glistening brightly in the summer 
sunlight. My son admired it and turned to me and asked, “How can 
that much evil be in such a beautiful building?”  That question 
was best answered by Governor Janklow, and I later found the 
opportunity to ask him.

I knew I was on my own, because my representatives were Janklow 
Republicans and Jay Duenwald had lied to me three times right at 
his own kitchen table and Jarvis Brown lied to me once to protect 
the Janklow administration.

The public is entitled to apply for space at the Capitol Building, 
so I requested a space under the rotunda to set up a protest display. 
I received my request approved and set up a small display complaining 
about the abuse of power by the Janklow administration.

I was granted space by the front door in the area labeled Integrity. 
It was the time Janklow was playing Fire God in the hills. It was 
the afternoon of my last day of protesting when the front door opened 
and Janklow walked in. I greeted him with a “Hello, Governor.” He did 
not respond but walked on my allotted area. As he continued down the 
hall, I called out to him not to walk on the Integrity area because 
he didn’t have any. I don’t think he was pleased.

In September, during the campaign, I put up another display. This 
time I requested the Courage area. I displayed critical satire of 
Janklow and Barnett. Thinking the security in the Capitol building 
was good, I set up my display and went about other business in Pierre.

When I returned, I found my display had been vandalized. I reported 
it to the security guard and she said she was not responsible for my 
display. I reconstructed my display and went on with other business. 
When I came back, I discovered my display was vandalized again. I put 
it back up again and left for more business I had. When I returned, I 
discovered my display was vandalized again. I reconstructed it for 
the third time and thought I should watch to see who was vandalizing 
my property. 

I took a position on the balcony where I was not easily seen. Shortly 
a man walked up and started vandalizing my display. I called to him 
to stop and quickly went to my display. The man was angry with me. He 
wouldn’t tell me his name, but he disappeared into one of the offices. 
My display was vandalized by a state employee.

I will freely admit the display was a cutting satire. Most of it was 
things I had cut from news articles and posters I got from the Janklow 
campaign office. It was interesting to see the reaction to the display. 
Clearly the display angered the administration, but several people 
thought it was a wonderful and truthful. 

I thought the ability to put up a display right in the rotunda at the 
Capitol Building was a wonderful testament to the freedom of speech 
in this great country. I was encouraged by some people to do it again. 
I applied for a space again. This time my request was denied with no
explanation and to suggested time to apply again. It was clear the 
Janklow administration was not going to permit criticism.

I wrote the director of Buildings and Grounds and asked why my 
application was denied. They said the rules had been changed and 
sent me a copy with the changes highlighted. As far as I can figure 
out, there is now granted one permit only per year and only one 
cause per year. It is required that any display be “attractive.” 
Since the rules apparently were retroactive and I had used up my 
allotment, my permit was denied. There can be no doubt these rule 
changes were to prevent me from using my First Amendment rights 
against the Jankow administration.

I happened to be in Sioux Falls during the so called Janklow/Herseth 
debates at PAX studio. After the debate, I approached Jankow as he 
was going down the isle. He noticed me immediately. I then told him 
my son wanted an answer to the question about how that much evil 
could be in the Capitol Building. Janklow was very angry. He tried 
to use his size to hold me against the seats and then threaten me 
if I tried to push back. I held my ground. He walked up the isle 
threatening me. He told me, “I’ll break your neck.” My response 
was to his threats was, “Don’t let anything but fear stop you, 

Apparently fear stopped Representative Janklow. I am happy to say 
my neck is in fine shape. But that was not the end of it. I got 
a visit from a DCI agent from Attorney General Barnett’s office. 
There was quite an exchange. Barnett emailed me asking me not 
to contact him anymore. I think that means he lost the contest.

I have included a picture of Colonel Dravland during our conflict 
at the Capitol under the Politicians and other Dangerous Persons 