When it became time for me to decide which of the people included on this update I should put at the top of the list, it was a pretty easy decision. The reason Hundstad deserves the top of the list is because he made me believe he was on my side, but when it looked like the situation, although clearly for decency in government, may potentially put him at risk, he deserted. Deserters used to be shot, but now they are elected to office.


I have to admit enjoying catching hypocrites in the act. It is so fun to see how they try to rationalize an obvious deception. I wonder if they don’t really understand their own corruption. Jim Hundstad is such an individual. His nick-name in his area is “Wind Bag”. It sure fits.


I first met Jim Hundstad a few hours after my infamous clash with Janklow at the Brown County Fair after which Janklow killed Randy Scott, and for which Janklow later blamed me. I was at the Hundstad’s for a completely different matter. I was there to meet with him to see if I could get him to help an innocent man who had been virtually raped by the injustice of the system.


While I was there, we discussed Janklow’s situation with the wreck, (not an accident) and I told him that Janklow had threatened to kill me that day as well as two other times previously. Hundstad seemed interested in the story. I referred him to this site and asked him to study it. I thought there was a lot of documentation about abuse of power and cover-up he should look into. He seemed eager to research it.


I left South Dakota to spend some time with my son who is in medical school out of state. I returned to South Dakota in January. The trial was over and the sentencing phase was going to be in January. I thought I would go to see the look on Janklow’s face after he heard the sentence, so I went to Flandreau on the sentencing day. The account of that will be the second part of this update.


What happened that day was, while I was there, the goons found out I was there and tried to intimidate me into leaving. Anybody who knows me very well will know that strategy will not work. I was illegally searched by Officer James.


It was quite a show down. James did everything he could think of to abuse my right to be there. I endured it all and did get to see Janklow come out of the courthouse in a daze. I didn’t get in the way of the mass of reporters there and was not standing in the line. However, I went to the front of the van and waved good-bye as they drove off.


I complained to Hundstand and he seemed to be interested in what happened. I asked him to help get to the bottom of this and see that those who abused their powers were held accountable.


Hundstad claimed to be interested, but was behind on his work. I offered to go help him for free to give him some time to attend important issues about abuse of power by the governing body which he served in. He did not accept my offer.


I continued to send him emails, which he didn’t answer. I called him on the phone. I was not getting any encouraging response. It was clear to me Hundstad had gotten cold feet. He talked pretty tough until it was time to do battle.


I finally went to his house for a direct talk. I listened to his lame excuses about how he couldn’t really do anything until I couldn’t stand it any longer. He is clearly just a blow-hard coward.


I began to give Hundstad a lecture at his own kitchen table. It went something like this.


I asked him if he had ever said, “With Liberty and Justice for All.” Of course he had. Then I told him it was time to deliver on his pledge. It didn’t effect him much. He never really meant it when he said it anyhow.


I continued to rake him over the coals of truth and he wasn’t doing well. We finally ended up in the driveway. Although his election to SD Senate was assured, I told him the best thing he could do when the session began was to just stay home. It already had enough hypocrites and didn’t need another one. I thought he should start counting beans. That meant the Republicans had a two-thirds majority and whatever Rounds wanted, he was going to get. Even if Hundstad’s vote broke a tie somewhere, I would have no faith it would be the right decision anyway.


He was standing in front of my car which has the sign “I love my country, it’s the government I’m afraid of”. I told him to move so I could drive off.


Hundstad was elected and, as this is being composed, sits in Pierre in the Senate pretending he is an honorable man. I’m glad I will never find myself in a trench under fire with my life having to depend on Jim Hundstad.


The little girl whose life has been seriously damaged will have to depend on me to fight for justice for her. We are not going to win. There are just too many Jim Hundstads to overcome.