615 Kansas City Street, Rapid City, SD 57701 605-342-7859
NAME: Darwin LeBeau
PARENTS: James Meeter and Candace LeBeau
DOB: 3/5/80
ADDRESS: 111 N. Johnson Street
Pierre, SD 57501
DOE: 5/6/92
1. Intellectual abilities within average range.
a. Mild deficit in visuospatial/visual motor integration.
2. Adjustment reaction with mixed emotional features (309.28).
3. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (309.81).
Verbal Reasoning………….100
Abstract/Visual Reasoning.... 76
Quantitative Reasoning……106
Short Term Memory………. 82
Composite IQ……………… 90
Subtest Scores (mean = 50):
Pattern Analysis…...38
Visual Memory...…43
Sentence Memory...42
Darwin is a twelve-year-old Native American boy who was referred for a psychological evaluation at the request of Bill Asberry, investigator with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Darwin was brought for the evaluation by his mother, Candace LeBeau, who indicated that Darwin is the oldest of her three sons. Candace stated that she had spoken with Bill Asberry of the FBI, who indicated to her that the FBI was conducting an investigation and as a part of that investigation had spoken with her son, Darwin, as well as two other children that she knew, Sonia Black Bird and Shannon Black Bird. Darwin and both of these girls are students in the Pierre School District at the present time. Candace stated that she and her family moved to Pierre in December, 1991, and that Darwin is presently in fifth grade at Buchanan School. Candace indicated that Darwin came home from school late one day and was brought home by a "special officer." Darwin stated to her that he was being questioned about something involving Mr. Schutterle, who had been the principal and a teacher at Swift Bird School, where Darwin had attended prior to his move to Pierre. Candace stated that Darwin has not talked to her about Mr. Schutterle, noting that Darwin usually does not talk about his feelings, and seems to hold things in.
Candace stated that she was aware that there were some incidents involving some children at the Swift Bird School, and involving the principal, Mr. Schutterle. She stated that prior to their move to Pierre, Darwin had always attended Swift Bird School, and that Mr. Schutterle had been at the school from the time Darwin began school.
She stated that she was aware that as students reached about third or fourth grade, Mr. Schutterle often would take a small group of students with him for an overnight or a weekend, rather like a special treat for the children. She recalled that Darwin's grandmother had commented that she thought it was somewhat unusual, and in fact had asked Mr. Schutterle if he did not get tired of being around the kids all of the time.
Candace indicated that Darwin, along with a group of his friends, had gone with Mr. Schutterle on several occasions, and had reported that he often would cook a meal for them or buy them dinner, would wrestle with them and play games.
Candace indicated that approximately a year ago she became aware that Darwin suddenly developed a very short temper, seemed to become very emotional, and would blow up very quickly. She described this as a definite change in his personality, indicating that he had previously been very easygoing and pleasant, and since that time seems always to be angry and upset. She also noted that his grades have dropped significantly the past year, but she attributed that to his change in schools, noting that at Swift Bird School he was an A and B student while in Pierre his grades are Bs, Cs, and occasional Ds. Candace stated that at his point she still does not know what if any involvement Darwin might have had with Mr. Schutterle, and she had not really associated his change in temperaments with his visits to Mr. Schutterle's house, but did indicate that the visits stopped rather abruptly. She stated that the last time Darwin spent the night at Mr. Schutterle's house was probably in the spring or summer of 1991. She stated that neither of her younger boys had ever stayed with Mr. Schutterle. She did note, however, that her nephew, Merritt LeBeau, Jr., used to go to school at Swift Bird and she was aware that he had spent time at Schutterle's. She indicated that now he lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin, having moved there in January, 1991. He presently lives with his father, Merritt LeBeau Sr., in Green Bay.
Candace stated that she knew who Mr. Schutterle was, and remembered his parents having lived in Gettysburg at one time, although they are no longer there. She described him as Caucasian, apparently a single male who lived alone.
Darwin accompanied the examiner without resistance, was polite and cooperative throughout the entire evaluation. He did, however, appear quite nervous and anxious, and at times appeared to be frightened.
He was alert, responsive, and appropriately oriented to person, place and time. He participated willingly in all aspects of the evaluation and interview.
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition, was administered to Darwin to assess his general intellectual development, including his vocabulary usage, comprehension and reasoning and verbal descriptive abilities. On the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition, Darwin achieved area scores ranging from a low of 76 in abstract visual reasoning to a high of 106 in quantitative reasoning, for a Composite IQ of 90, falling within the average range. Subtest scores ranged from a low of 38 in pattern analysis to a high of 53 in quantitative skills, representing a moderate level of intratest variability of slightly less than two standard deviations. All scores fell within an average range, with the exception of his lowest score, pattern analysis, which reflected a mild deficit in visual spatial abilities.
The Bender-Gestalt Test was next administered to Darwin. On this test, he achieved a developmental score falling at the nine year to ten-year age equivalence, again suggesting a mild deficit in visual spatial/visual motor integration abilities. Emotional factors noted on this test suggested feelings of anxiety, withdrawal and constriction.
On the House-Tree-Person Test, Darwin's drawings suggested an individual who is somewhat socially active, and yet introversive. Factors suggesting emotional confusion, impulsive and labile temperament were also noted, along with feelings of defensiveness, suspicion, a need for protection, reserved accessibility, and decreased self-esteem and self-image.
Darwin stated that he had known Mr. Schutterle since he first began school at Swift Bird. Indicated that the first time he had ever been to Mr. Schutterle's house was in fourth grade and that he thought that he had been there about three times.
Darwin indicated that one day before he had been to Mr. Schutterle's house to say over, he was in Mr. Schutterle's math class and asked permission to get a drink of water just before lunchtime. He stated that he thought Mr. Schutterle had said yes and so he got up and left to get a drink. Mr. Schutterle came after him and stated that he had told him no, grabbed him and slammed hum up against the wall. He stated that Mr. Schutterle then pulled him back to his desk and pushed him down into his chair. Darwin said that Mr. Schutterle told him to go to the lunchroom and tell them that she would not be eating lunch that day. Darwin refused and Mr. Schutterle then said "Okay, just stay there then." Darwin said that after Mr. Schutterle went out of the classroom, he (Darwin) was angry and "took off from school." Mr. Schutterle apparently saw him leave school, chased him with his car, grabbed Darwin by the arm and "slammed me into his car." Darwin stated Mr. Schutterle took him home and spoke with Darwin's dad, telling him that he was bringing Darwin home because Darwin "mouthed off to him." He said that he then went back to school, accompanied by his father and Mr. Schutterle, and his father checked him out of school and he did not go back for the rest of the day. Darwin stated that that had been the only problem that he had had with Mr. Schutterle prior to staying at his house.
Darwin stated that the first time Mr. Schutterle had asked him to stay all night, he asked Darwin and a couple of his friends. He told them that they would rent videos, and the boys all agreed. The boys that were there on that first occasion were Caitlin Ducheneaux, Larry Charger, Randy Shaving, and Daniel Black Bird.
Darwin stated that they went to Mr. Schutterle's home after school, about 4:00 in the afternoon. He said they sat around and watched TV for a while and ate apples, then all went with Mr. Schutterle to the park, went to the Medicine Rock Café, where Mr. Schutterle had bought them supper, then returned to his home and "played around" with things like pillow fights, etc. Darwin said that all of the boys slept in one bedroom and he slept all night, got up the next morning and went to school.
Approximately two to three weeks later, these same boys were again invited back to Mr. Schutterle's house. Darwin described the second evening as about the same as the first, again indicating that they all slept in the same room and he slept all night, got up and went to school the next day.
About two to three weeks later, Darwin and his friends were again invited back to Mr. Schutterle's home. He stated that again they went there after school, went to the park for a while, Mr. Schutterle bought pizza and ice cream and rented Nintendo and a movie, and spent some time playing games. Darwin stated that the boys all then went to bed, indicating that he and his friend, Randy, slept in the living room on a waterbed. He indicated that Mr. Schutterle slept in one of the bedrooms.
Darwin was then asked by this examiner if anything else happened that night, and he stated, "I was sleeping, and I woke up and felt somebody touching me, first in front in my private area and then my butt." He stated that when he first felt someone touching him, he thought that Randy was simply kicking in his sleep. However, he woke up and looked over on Randy's side of the bed and found that Randy was not there, but had moved down t sleep on the floor. Darwin stated, "I looked and then I saw Mr. Schutterle on his knees beside me."
Examiner: "What was Mr. Schutterle doing?"
Darwin: "He was touching me, first in my front private parts then in my butt."
Examiner: "What was Mr. Schutterle wearing?"
Darwin: "He just had his undershorts on."
Examiner: "What were you wearing?"
Darwin: "I had on my trunks and a T-shirt."
Examiner: "Were Mr. Schutterle's hands on top of your clothes or inside the clothes?"
Darwin: "His were on top of the clothes, but he was trying to get inside, and tried to pull my trunks down, but I wouldn't let him. Then he was rubbing me through my shorts, on my penis and on my butt."
Examiner: "What happened next?"
Darwin: "I told him to stop it and leave me alone, but he wouldn't. He just kept on rubbing me."
Examiner: "And next?"
Darwin: "I began to fake crying, and I guess he thought some of the other kids would wake up, because he got up real quick and ran into the bedroom then. He didn't come out anymore that night."
Examiner: "When did you see Mr. Schutterle next?"
Darwin: "I saw him when he came out of the bedroom the next morning."
Examiner: "Did Mr. Schutterle say anything to you?"
Darwin: "He got me by myself, and told me that if I didn't tell anybody, he'd buy me something the next time I spent the night with him."
Examiner: "What did you say to him?"
Darwin: "I didn't say anything. I just walked away."
Examiner: "Did you tell any of the other boys what had happened?"
Darwin: "I told Larry Charger, but he didn't say nothin'."
Examiner: How were you feeling when that was happening?"
Darwin: "I was scared and I was really mad."
Examiner: "How do you feel about it now?"
Darwin: "I'm mad. It really makes me angry. I try not to think about it, though."
Examiner: "Did you go back again to Mr. Schutterle's house after that?"
Darwin: "No, I never went back after that."
Examiner: "How did Mr. Schutterle treat you in school after that?"
Darwin: "He was okay, but then I guess the school let him go and he's not there anymore."
Examiner: "Did Mr. Schutterle ask just boys to stay with him or did he ever ask girls to stay?"
Darwin: "Sometimes there were girls at this house and sometimes boys. I think sometimes the girls stayed over with him, too."
Examiner: "Were there any other times in school when he was rough with you or physically abusive? Any times besides the one that you told me about before?"
Darwin: "Not with me, but he grabbed a girl, Sonya Ann, on her arm and caused a bruise on her arm."
Examiner: "Is there anything else that you can tell me about Mr. Schutterle's actions with you or with any of the other students?"
Darwin: "I don't think so. No, I think that's about all."
The interview was then concluded.
Records available consisted of the report of an interview conducted by investigators from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, interviewing Darwin on March 18, 1992, at Buchanan School in Pierre. The information contained within the report was essentially consistent with that reported by Darwin today to this examiner.
Darwin is a twelve-year-old Native American boy who presently exhibits intellectual abilities falling within an average range, although with mild deficit noted in visual spatial abilities. Comprehension, vocabulary and verbal expressive abilities appear intact and appropriate for his chronological age.
At the time of this evaluation, Darwin revealed details of an incident of sexual molestation which was perpetrated upon him by his former school principal, Mr. Merlyn Schutterle. Darwin's responses were consistent and believable and were essentially consistent with the information which he had reported during an interview with FBI investigators. Darwin was able to express himself well, but made no attempt to change or alter his story. He did provide somewhat more detail on this occasion, in response to specific questions.
In the opinion of this examiner, based on this evaluation, Darwin was truthfully reporting the incident of sexual molestation as it occurred during his stay in Mr. Schutterle's home. While it would be expected that over the span of time since the incident occurred, some details might be lost, the information reported by Darwin was reasonably complete, to the best of his ability to recall details. It would appear, based on Darwin's report, that the sexual contact initiated my Mr. Schutterle toward Darwin consisted of touching and fondling, although there was apparently some attempt on Mr. Schutterle's part to gain even more direct contact by attempting to remove Darwin's trunks. Darwin apparently did, however, resort to actions which caused Mr. Schutterle to cease his sexual approach and to leave Darwin's bed.
In the further opinion of this examiner, Darwin has suffered mental and emotional stress and anguish as a result of having been sexually molested by Mr. Schutterle, an individual who was in a position of authority over Darwin and whom Darwin had apparently initially trusted as a friend. In addition to the actual trauma of the sexual contact, when such activity is perpetrated by someone who has been trusted, the child then experiences further mental and emotional grief, through loss of trust and, essentially, loss of confidence in his own judgment of who to trust.
In Darwin's own words, he still feels mad and angry at Mr. Schutterle for what was done to him. According to Darwin's mother, Darwin's disposition continues to be affected, in terms of quickness to anger, etc. While Darwin appears to be dealing with his feelings in the only way he knows how, i.e., "I try not to think about it," this approach is apt to result in delayed mental/emotional problems which will no doubt surface at some later date.
It is strongly recommended that counseling/psychotherapy be made available to Darwin on a present and ongoing basis, not only for the present time but perhaps at future times as he goes through adolescence and young adulthood. Because the family's finances are somewhat limited for such things, Darwin's mother was advised to contact the FBI office to get information in regard to the possibility of some assistance through the Victim Assistance Fund. Darwin is approaching adolescence, which in itself is a traumatic time for children, and is apt to be the time when behavior can deteriorate and acting out behavior is apt to surface, if there had been some precipitating past trauma. It is therefore urgently recommended that counseling/psychotherapy be made available to Darwin.
The further opinion of this examiner, action very definitely should be taken to see that Mr. Schutterle does not have access to contact with other young people in the future, in any type of situation which would place them at jeopardy in his presence. Although Mr. Schutterle's contact with Darwin was apparently limited to touching and fondling, had he not been interrupted and become concerned about the presence of others, or had there been future opportunities, in all probability his sexual activity could have been expected to accelerate to a more active level.