Notes and Quotes





Social Services' child endangerment

In the late summer of 1999, a mother came to me to help her potty train her little girl, Red. Since I raised a couple of kids myself, I said I would help.


The plan was that she wanted to go to Sioux Falls for ten days and would leave Red with me, and I would have her trained by the time the mother got back.


The plan worked well and Red was trained in three days and we had great fun for the remainder of the time. There seemed to be no problems. Wrong!


It seems that Red and I were seen all over Gettysburg for the ten days and someone, being aware of the allegation of child molesting, notified Social Services in Mobridge to have something done.  Several days after Red's mother got home and Red was with her, the Social worker at her home.


The Social worker got on the mother's case about letting Red with me. The mother said perhaps they should talk to me. The worker would have no part of that. I think she was afraid of me, so she was willing to let Red in what she felt may be an unsafe situation. She was willing to take chances with the kid's safety, but not hers.


I thought I would let them prove how concerned they really were. I sent a copy of Pfeiffer's evaluation to Mobridge Social Services in which she stated I should never be around children (see Pfeiffer's evaluation) to see what they would do.


If I were at Social Services, I would have checked it out. This was pretty serious evidence. I never heard from them. I decided I would talk to James Ellenbecker, head of Social Services in Pierre. I wondered if they would check Pfeiffer's evaluation out. After all, Pfeiffer is a licensed psychologist #152.


I don't know what they did, but no action was taken. Ellenbecker said that it was the mother's obligation to look out for Red. But then why do we have Social Services and Child Protection? Clearly, the only one Ellenbecker was interested in protecting was himself. That is what all those bureaucrats do. Case of no leadership.


I am not complaining that someone turned me in. I am happy that someone is paying attention to children's safety. I am pretty steamed about Ellenbecker not doing his job, which is the last thing I yelled at him as I left his office.


So, what would happen if something did happen to Red? Would Social Services take responsibility? How do they know if it did or not? They didn't investigate. Are they guilty of child endangerment?  If it were the mother's responsibility, (how about the dad) then they should have never brought it up if they were not going to do anything about it.


This isn't the only experience I have with these people. They are some of the most powerful and dangerous people in South Dakota.






Bill Asbury, FBI agent Asbury was in charge of the investigation from the beginning. As I mentioned before, it took months before he bothered to show up after he cancelled his meeting with me. I think the plan was to cause enough stress on me that I would quit. Little did he know that was not an option for me. I had been brutally attacked by the system and I don't ever walk away from anyone who is beating the hell out of me. They have to kill me first. Pick a fight with me and you have a fight forever. It is important to remember I didn't start this fight, but I will not quit.


After three or four months of working out of Farlee's office in Eagle Butte, Asbury showed up. I was walking into the BIA education office after doing something in the lower elementary school next door - where all the kids were, of course.


As I walked in the door, I was told that the FBI was there to see me. Initially, I was glad they finally decided to do something. Later, I wasn't.


Asbury acted like a wild bull. He shouted orders and told me to follow him. We went down the halls where he was looking for an empty room. All the rooms were offices except for one. He didn't find it. I wondered, as we walked by it, if he missed the details in everything he did. That was a bad sign.


Since he walked right by the empty room, I didn't say anything. We ended up outside the door to the Education Office where he began to try to intimidate me. All he accomplished was getting me pretty angry. I didn't deserve to be treated that way and I was not going to tolerate it and I didn't give a damn about the FBI.


His strategy was to have me take a lie detector test and that would clear things up. That sounded like a good idea to me and I told him to set it up. He handed me his worn old badge to "Make this official."


I eyed it a bit and resisted the temptation to fling it out into the muddy street.


I discussed this matter with a lawyer who advised that even though I was innocent, I should not take the test. How right he was! That will be written later as the "Lie detector tests." As it turned out, he didn't get it set up and I got the blame.


A few months later after hearing nothing, Asbury showed up at the Education Office again. He was in the office with Cherie Farlee, agency Supt. for Education. I got an uneasy feeling about this. Soon Farlee came out and told me to go in. I told her there was no way in hell I was going to go in alone and that she needed to come in too. I needed strong leadership to protect me from abuse. Farlee has all the backbone of a jellyfish. She was willing to feed me to the wolves.


I don't remember all the details, but I was sick of Asbury and his out of control ego. I went in with all the humor of a wounded badger. It wasn't long before I was squared off with Asbury and yelling in his face. I was a proud American Vet and not about to back down from anybody. I didn't want any citizen of the United States to be abused by any branch of the government.


Asbury was another case of megalomania. He couldn't stand the fact that I would stand up to him. His power did not instill fear in me. But in the end, he became the judge and jury on my fate. He had the power to make me pay for standing up, and he did.


That was the last I saw of him and his also FBI wife Sandy.