Doctrine of Government

We the Nobility of the Federated States of Bellatoria, issue this Doctrine to establish the laws of Bellatoria for all citizens, commoners and nobles alike.

Article I: Powers of Government

Section 1: All governmental powers shall be invested into a Council of Stewards, which shall consist of all Archdukes of the realm.

Section 2: In all matters of Foreign dealings, the Minister of External Affairs shall have total control without approval of the Council of Stewards.

Section 3: The Council of Stewards shall be the Supreme Court of the land and all noble courts shall be inferior to this body.

Section 4: Impeachment of Officers shall only occur on a 3/4 majority of the Council of Stewards. Said person shall lose the title of Archduke and will become a Duke with just regional powers except in heinous offences in which the punishment shall be severe.

Section 5: Nobles shall be the supreme authority in their domains except where their laws conflict with those of superior authorities.

Section 6: Cities, towns, and villages shall be governed by electons amongst the commoners. Laws created by these authorities shall be legal except when they conflict with other laws created by superior authorities.

Article II: Rights of the Nobility

1: Nobles shall have the power of justice in their domains.

2: To issue titles of knighthood inferior of those issued by the Council of Stewards.

3: To issue laws in said domains

4: To trial by superior nobles

Article III: Rights of the Commoners

1: To vote in regional electons

2: To swift justice from the nobles or repesenative of said noble.

3: To relocate as they see fit

4: To own personal property, except for land

5: To ask for and recieve protection from the government

6: To speak their minds except were treasonous

7: To worship whatever or whoever they wish, except were said worship is proven destructive.

Article IV: Directives of the Sovereignity      

Section 1: Punishment of all crimes shall fit said crime.

Section 2: War shall not be declared by Bellatoria, unless war be declared on Bellatoria. The Federated States of Bellatoria shall be a peaceful nation.

Section 3: Admission of non contigous territories shall be decided by the Council of Stewards.

Section 4: Relations with foreign powers shall be on an even basis. No foreign power shall be discriminated against on the basis of their internal government

Article V: Creation of Amendments

Section 1: Amendments shall be formed by any noble and placed before the Council of Stewards for ratification

Section 2: No Amendment shall superside any laws in Articles I, II, and III.

Amendment I: National Holidays

Section 1: Independence Day shall be celebrated on both the 17th of March and 31st of October.

Section 2: Recognition Day shall be celebrated on the 9th of May

Section 3: Revolution Day shall be celebrated on the 16th of June

28 January 2000


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