REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM N#8 (JANUARY/2007) Iraq: Bush, with the help of the Democrats, goes deeper into his military and politics offensive in the Middle East
Iraq: Bush, with the help of the Democrats, goes deeper into his military and politics offensive in the Middle East
Presentation Brasil: In 2006: Break the bourgeois electoral polarization! To construct a revolutionary workers alternative! Chile: Bachelets victory has solidified popular fronts as the bourgeoisie and the imperialism preferential alternative to manage Latin America Bolivia: Political trust should not be given to Morales government, a popular front in service of the imperialist re-colonization! Middle East: The collapse of Sharons era prepares a new war headed by US and Israel France: From May of 1968 to November of 2005: 37 years of a huge ideological abyss! World Social Forum in Caracas: Reformist parties make another World Social Forum possible by betting on the idea of the 21st century socialism promoted by Chaves capitalist government
Call To The First International Plenary Of Revolutionary and clasist Groups and Organizations In Defense A Marxist Program And Against Imperialism And The Popular Front REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM N#5 (JULY/2000) Ten years since the fall of the Berlin's Wall: The wall of the shame or the shameless of those who had supported the imperialist offensive Political statement on Ecuador: Back to the streets to knock down Noboa's government! Break with the reformist policies of the Frente Patriótico and the CONAIE! Construct the power organisations of the fighting masses! REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM N#4 (NOVEMBER/99) Chechenia: For the withdrawal of russian from Chechenia and Dagueston! For the independence of the left and the independence of the people of the caucasus from the Russian Federation! Fourth International: Call for the First International Debate's Forum for the Fourth International's Reconstruction
Call To The First International Plenary Of Revolutionary and clasist Groups and Organizations In Defense A Marxist Program And Against Imperialism And The Popular Front
Ten years since the fall of the Berlin's Wall: The wall of the shame or the shameless of those who had supported the imperialist offensive Political statement on Ecuador: Back to the streets to knock down Noboa's government! Break with the reformist policies of the Frente Patriótico and the CONAIE! Construct the power organisations of the fighting masses!
Chechenia: For the withdrawal of russian from Chechenia and Dagueston! For the independence of the left and the independence of the people of the caucasus from the Russian Federation! Fourth International: Call for the First International Debate's Forum for the Fourth International's Reconstruction
REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM N#3 (OCTOBER/99) Yugoslavia: By the Military Victory of Yugoslavia! To defeat and expel the Yankee imperialism and the NATO from the Balkans! Colombia: Unite to Stop imperialist intervention in Colombia! Unite the struggle of the workers' movement with the guerrillas' military offensive to overthrow Pastrana and the Bourgeois and Imperialist rule! REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM N#2 (OCTOBER/97) PERU: Massacre in the embassy: Mobilize the working class to smash fujimori's genocidal regime! 30 Years After The Murder Of Che Guevara: Create one, two, many... Workers States REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM N#1 (MAY/97) PRESENTATION BRAZIL Resolutions Of The Foundation Conference Of The IBL: Brazil: imperialism and national recolonization Peasanty Struggle: Arming of the peasanty to face large state's terror INTERNATIONAL Ex-Yugoslavia "Peace" of imperialism is concentration camp for Serbs-Bosnian "Treaty" is a Farce Palestine The Palestinian question point-blank! POLEMIC Polemic against the PSTU: China: capitalism or degenerated worker's state? HOME
Yugoslavia: By the Military Victory of Yugoslavia! To defeat and expel the Yankee imperialism and the NATO from the Balkans! Colombia: Unite to Stop imperialist intervention in Colombia! Unite the struggle of the workers' movement with the guerrillas' military offensive to overthrow Pastrana and the Bourgeois and Imperialist rule!
PERU: Massacre in the embassy: Mobilize the working class to smash fujimori's genocidal regime! 30 Years After The Murder Of Che Guevara: Create one, two, many... Workers States
PRESENTATION BRAZIL Resolutions Of The Foundation Conference Of The IBL: Brazil: imperialism and national recolonization Peasanty Struggle: Arming of the peasanty to face large state's terror INTERNATIONAL Ex-Yugoslavia "Peace" of imperialism is concentration camp for Serbs-Bosnian "Treaty" is a Farce Palestine The Palestinian question point-blank!
Resolutions Of The Foundation Conference Of The IBL: Brazil: imperialism and national recolonization Peasanty Struggle: Arming of the peasanty to face large state's terror
"Peace" of imperialism is concentration camp for Serbs-Bosnian "Treaty" is a Farce
The Palestinian question point-blank!
POLEMIC Polemic against the PSTU: China: capitalism or degenerated worker's state?
Polemic against the PSTU: China: capitalism or degenerated worker's state?