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Famous quotes and brief commentaries by our staff:                                 [There's a Next Page...]

           "That many people died is tragic, but its was not "genocide", and deliberate exaggeration to discredit Indonesia is dishonest. What began as an inaccurate assertion that 60,000 had been killed or lost their homes during the  civil war has been escalated over time to "more than 200,000"; or more than one-third of the population!" - Richard Woolcott, a former ambassador to Indonesia is quite right in what he says. Our accuracy has led as to think that 59999 have been killed. As everyone can understand this does not constitute a genocide. It is unfortunate... But it isn't a genocide. Furthermore we have serious difficulties with considering East Timorese human. Therefore, even in the remote case that 200000 have died, that wouldn't constitute a genocide either.

Indulging dictators is a time bomb!

          "Australians need to realise that all countries in our region do not regard East Timor as a major issue compared with the future of 200 million Indonesians. They see it as a matter to be resolved by Indonesia and the East Timorese with assistance from the United Nations. They will not intervene." - As of writing Mr.Woolcott is almost right... We are doing our best so that his statement becomes a truthful one...


           "How can one explain the conferment of the Nobel Peace Prize on Ramos Horta, a Marxist guerrilla leader - an Asian Che Guevara - and as such with personal responsibility for the deaths of countless victims of the civil war in which he had a major role? (How much more appropriate it would have been had the Peace Prize been conferred on Bishop Belo, a moderate spokesman for Timorese opinion, and Indonesia's Foreign Minister, Mr. Ali Alatas!)" - Mr. H.W. Arndt, a completely unbiased analyst does put a major rhetorical question of our times. This is a truly sincere and honest opinion that deserves being attended by the Nobel Committee! Mr. Alatas is THE peacemaker of our times, an incredible individual, a hero! Those who say Mr. Arndt is lying because he wrote this to be published on  cannot see the peacefulness of Mr. Alatas' eyes, the kindness of this man...


           "It was reported (but officially denied) that the Indonesian military was supplying arms to the integrationists."  - Mr. H. W. Arndt is absolutely right again. Indeed, we did "officially denied"!

           "Jakarta, 13 September 1999 - United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson recommended the establishment of an international commission of inquiry as a step towards “establishing accountability for the grave violations committed in the territory”. Mrs. Robinson said the deployment of peacekeepers would help stop the “well-planned and systematic policy of killings, displacement, destruction of property and intimidation carried out by militia groups and elements of the security forces”." - This person, "something" Robinson, from the UN something on Human Rights, just doesn't know what's she's doing on earth! For God's sake, She is a WOMAN!!! Who gives a shit to what she says?


          "The concept of Human Rights in not new to the Indonesian people who had to wage a protracted struggle in the course of hundreds of years of colonial rule in order to exercise their right of self-determination, one of the most fundamental of human rights. Indonesia's commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights in the entire Indonesian territory is derived from Pancasila (Five Pillars), notably from the second pillar of "A just and civilized humanity".  (THE INDONESIAN NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS 1998-2003 I. PREAMBLE ) - To impede the unnatural comparison with East Timor let us recall that we do not consider the East Timorese as "human". (See above).


           "Thus, far from "disrupting the decolonization process" or from "annexing, invading or illegally occupying" another independent state, as some have spuriously charged, Indonesia's involvement in East Timor was, on the contrary, one of contributing to the process of decolonization in that territory, inter alia, by helping to ensure that the democratically expressed will of the majority of the people not be overruled by the armed terror and unilateral imposition of a ruthless minority." (Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs <>)- HHmmmm, HHHmmmm... UNAMET was biased! The last referendum results were part of a major conspiracy by Western powers to destroy this country's "just and civilized humanity".


           "The savagery taking place in East Timor -- armed Indonesian thugs taking over the territory by mayhem and murder -- is something besides a human disaster. It carries a profound lesson for international affairs: the price that can be paid for Kissingerian "realism." - This is outrageous! Mr. Kissinger is a great friend of Indonesia!!! He should have been conferred a Nobel Prize for peace too!

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