
Nezavisni casopis za medjunarodna pitanja

Centar za strategijske studije - Beograd


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Stojan Babic





It is not possible to give an estimation of pure effects of sanctions on the position of both Yugoslav economy and society. Simply, sanctions have been imposed for the purpose of preventing the continuation of war conflict, which had broken down on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. The effects of sanctions were just juxtaposed on the effects of war. This relates not only to the economic effects, but also to political and pauperization processes of the greatest part of civilian population as well as to a general criminalization of the society.

Every modern society is, more or less, stratified. The same thing applies to the society of some target country when international community decides on the imposition of sanctions. Was there any kind of strategy, which was implemented in the case of Yugoslavia? Was it a strategy, which would strengthen the groups that were against the war, or it was a strategy of retaliation aimed at all members of the community? Did sanctions strengthen or weaken the regime?

The main purpose of this paper is to represent the differentiation of the society, to point out historical origins of the ruling ideology, as well as the basic factors, which reproduce this ideology, at least at some parts of population.

The most of data that are presented in this text relate to critical years in the course of 1992 to 1995. The reason for this is twofold. On the one hand, these are the years in which the U.N. sanctions are implemented. On the other hand, availability of empirical materials has inevitably directed us to such a choice.

This paper displays FR Yugoslavia and Serbia. Montenegro is not mentioned and it can be noticed particularly in part, which contains the elections analysis. This kind of analysis of situation is justified by the fact that republic in question comprises relatively low percentage of total population within the Yugoslav federation, concretely 6%. The other reason lies in the fact that Montenegro differs from Serbia with regard to its principal attitude towards the process of transition. This republic relies on the privatization as a main framework of that process and political life in this republic is in reality parliamentary. This is why Serbia signifies the key issue for the future of federation and the major arena for two contentious options: modernizing and traditionalistic.

Finally, no foreign literature on sanctions in general, or on sanctions against Yugoslavia in particular, was used in this paper. The reason for this is not the ignorance of it. We wanted to indicate, through the internal views of different domestic actors, at least indirectly, what the individuals' condition of spirit and axiological determination are, when the society remains in a state of total crisis.


International sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro - a short review

The U.N. Security Council issued Resolution 713, on September 25, 1991, and decided, under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, that all member states should, for the purposes of establishing peace and stability in Yugoslavia, immediately implement a general and complete embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Yugoslavia. Thus the Security Council members sent the very first signal to show that the international community would not be a passive spectator of what was happening in Yugoslavia, and that it was willing to engage in preventing the Yugoslav crisis resolution by means of force.

International economic sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro were activated by measures of the European Economic Community on October 11, 1991. The European Economic Community unilaterally suspended an agreement on cooperation between the EEC and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), and subsequently de facto imposed sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro.

The economic sanctions get a global character by Resolution 757 issued by the U.N. Security Council on May 30, 1992. Acting under Chapter VII, it prohibited imports and exports of all commodities and products as well as all financial transactions. It also banned all flights to and from Yugoslavia and implemented both nautical and fluvial transportation blockade. Yugoslav sportsmen were forbidden to compete under national flag. The scientific and technical cooperation with individuals sponsored by Yugoslavia was suspended. Resolution 787, issued on November 16, 1992, intensified the sanctions and prohibited the transshipment, through the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, of crude oil, petroleum products, coal, energy-related equipment, iron, steel, other metals, chemicals, rubber, tires, vehicles and aircraft. On April 17, 1993, the Council issued Resolution 820, which blocked all funds held in foreign countries, including any funds derived from property, which are used, directly or indirectly by the authorities of the FR Yugoslavia. This is the sharpest measure within other sanctions that the U.N. Security Council imposed against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The first indication of relaxing the restraint of sanctions was issuing Resolution 943 by the Security Council on September 23, 1994. This Resolution provided for the suspension of some of the least significant U.N. sanctions: reopening of the ferry service between Italy and Montenegro, resumption of civilian air traffic, participation in international sporting events and in cultural exchanges. On November 22, 1995, the Council issued Resolution 1022 formally suspending all economic and trade sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, for the purpose of agreeing to the Dayton Accords. On September 14, 1996, the "free and fair elections" called for under the Peace Agreement were held in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and in accord with the provisions of Resolution 1022, on October 1 the Council issued Resolution 1074 terminating all outstanding trade and economic sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro.


Within the black box

It could be stated that the international community overestimated sociological and political characteristics of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia when it got down to the imposition of sanctions. Instead of experiencing swift and desired effects from sanctions, Yugoslavia unexpectedly and persistently has been refusing to change its comportment. There is no better proof of this fact than the gory and prolonged war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the citizen of the target country point of view, it looks like Yugoslavia was a sort of a black box supervised by the international community, which wanted to acquire desired results on the basis of the actions it took. Both the international community and Yugoslavia, above all, faced enormous short- and long-term costs related to this experiment. It is absolutely evident that there is no such a cost-benefit analysis, which could reliably estimate all the effects. While trying to estimate the effects of sanctions, and even prior to their imposition, all the social, political and economic characteristics of the society, which is eventually affected by the sanctions, should be taken into account. The results of sanctions would probably be swifter (and inexpensive) if the latter were imposed on some country X, which belongs to a set of developed democratic countries with the market economy, already integrated in an international environment. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia did not fulfill any of the criteria mentioned above.


Economic results of sanctions

Prior to giving some official and unofficial estimates of the results of sanctions concerning the performance of the Yugoslav economy, it should be emphasized that there were very well known concomitant effects [Teokarevic and Mijalkovic, 1998]: harsh decrease in the level of production as well as of living standards, an increase in the level of unemployment and inflation, a greater share of "gray" economy in total economic activity and extensive criminalization of the society. The attendant effect is a radical social division. The most seriously affected social groups are at the same time the most vulnerable ones: children, the elderly people, and sick and poor people.

It is necessary to disclose the fact that economic and social crisis in Yugoslavia, which has been rising during the sanctions, was not simply the consequence of the sanctions as such, but also of the economic underdevelopment as well as of an inadequate economic policy. This is why the official estimates of damages and losses caused by sanctions should be taken with a great level of reserve as an alibi for the authorities, rather than the exact estimation, which could survive any serious scientific verification.


Some global estimates

The above notion could be persuasively illustrated by the official estimations of the damages that FR Yugoslavia experienced as a consequence of sanctions [Jandric, 1994]. The Yugoslav government brought the conclusion that total cost of sanctions as well as of the disintegration of SFR Yugoslavia would be 5.5 times greater than the GDP from 1990, or 147.3 billions of dollars. Following this assessment, the amount of damage that arose over the period of 1991-1994 is slightly above 45 billions of dollars, while the rest of 102 billions represents the expected damages in the course of 1995 to 2011. Namely, it was estimated that FR Yugoslavia will have reached the level of GDP from 1990, when it was 26.590 billions of dollars (2,530 dollars per capita) by the year of 2012.

The authorities used these data zealously when addressing the public. It is not by chance omitted in these estimates to make an obvious distinction between the damages caused solely by the disintegration of the former SFRY (loss of the markets and the economic relations breakup) from the exclusive effects of the sanctions. The quoted data intentionally suggests the conclusion that the damages caused by sanctions are far more important than the damages from the former Yugoslavia markets loss.

The analysis of the European center for peace and development represents an endeavor to impartially estimate the effects of sanctions. The analysis refers to the level of industrial output. Following this estimate, FR Yugoslavia lost 10.5 billions of dollars on account of the U.N.-imposed sanctions, whereas the loss, based on the disintegration of SFR Yugoslavia amounts to 8.9 billions of dollars approximately, for the period of 1992-1996. Reckoned as cited, the loss initiated by the sanctions is 102.3% for the given period, while the loss assigned to the interrepublic goods exchange breakup makes 86.7% of the effectuated industrial output in 1990.

A general insight of the both sanctions and war effects on industrial production level is given by next picture.


It is not possible to directly estimate the efficiency of trade and financial embargo in the course of 1991-1996. No official data on commodity exchange for FR Yugoslavia are accessible for years 1993 and 1994. Nevertheless, one can get quite a general impression from the imports and exports trends for FR Yugoslavia. 

If 1990 is taken to be referential year, then total exports in 1995 accounted for 26% and total imports stood at 35% of total exports in 1990. It is important to emphasize that sanctions initiated a change in Yugoslav foreign trade structure, not only by sectors but also regional. First of all, Yugoslav exports have a changed structure on behalf of greater share of sectors less dependent from the outside. Production of machinery, chemical industry, basic chemicals industry, electric industry exports harshly declined, having in mind that these sectors belong to a group of the most important exporters. Within the value of exports, the share of clothing industry, alimentary industry and production of non-ferrous metals increased. By the side of imports, the leading sectors were still oil industry, electrical industry, basic chemical industry, production of means of transportation and production of machinery. Eight sectors of industry realize approximately two thirds of total imports in the economy, or over 70% of total imports brought by industry. But sanctions drifted Yugoslavia apart from the European Union, traditionally the most important foreign trade partner. 

Dramatic decline in foreign trade (Table 1) was followed by redirecting the flow of commodities towards the countries in transition (Table 2), principally Russia and Ukraine, as well as towards developing countries. Besides the trade volume, it is important that developing countries granted the most favorable exchange conditions, concerning the coverage of imports by exports. Having in mind that there are no official data on the characteristics of these arrangements, it is not possible to observe the form of financing trade deficit.


Agriculture - a built-in stabilizer

The agriculture is "built-in stabilizer", which permitted the authorities to stubbornly oppose the sanctions, at least in the beginning. Agriculture accounts approximately for 20 to 25% of total GDP. Out of the total arable land, some 84% are privately owned. The majority of farming households possesses private estates up to 5 hectares. The usage of artificial fertilizers in public and private agricultural sectors accounted for 150 kilograms per hectare in 1991. After the imposition of sanctions this indicator stood at only 50 kilograms in 1995. Nevertheless, the existence of small estates is the source of a very high labor-intensity of agriculture. The widespread use of traditional fertilizing methods, level of production did not experience any change. If 1991 is taken as base year, level of agricultural output in 1992 accounts for 82.3%, and its level in 1993, 1994 and 1995 stands at 79.2%, 83.9% and 87.2%, respectively. If one considers the fact that the highest value of agricultural output was recorded in 1991 (chain index related to 1990 accounts for 109.3%), it is clear that agricultural production stayed out of range of sanctions. Perhaps the sanctions had impact exclusively on highly capitalized public sector of agriculture.

This is how the famine was avoided as a possible consequence of sanctions. "The green market-place", which consisted of individual producers, always presented certain level of supply.


The authorities' reaction to the challenge of sanctions

At the first moment the regime treated the sanctions imposed by international community as a transitory phenomenon. Therefore it was indispensable for authorities to by time, whatever the costs could be. Two main devices were used. First, by printing money authorities tried to fill different gaps in the economy that inevitably emerges in a country cut off from international financial resources and normal imports and exports. Second, by freezing the privatization process they secured for themselves unchallenged role of omnipotent arbiters.



The year of 1992 was the period with high inflation - the rate of 200% per annum has been registered. Even before the Security Council imposed the sanctions on May 30, 1992, some large-scale efforts intended for the purpose of gaining war profits under the auspices of the state were registered. By the beginning of that year the Serbian government brought the decree, which restricted the turnover of strategic alimentary products - wheat, flour, sugar and oil. There were sufficient supplies of these products for a usual level of consumption, but the government introduced an artificial monopoly. Certain individuals from the ruling structures, altogether with some entrepreneurs close to them, became rich over night by selling these products at the monopoly prices, gradually supplying markets from the overloaded warehouses [Dinkic, 1995].

The ruling political party, the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), made a promise to voters just before republic and federal elections, which were held in 1992 and 1993, that there would not be any dismissals in spite of decreased level of production throughout the period in which the U.N. Security Council sanctions were in force. The fact that the greatest part of the economy was still functioning under the regime of "public" and state property made this formulation operative. The Serbian Parliament, in April 1993, with regard to the initiative of SPS, passed the law that did not permit a dismissal of employed while the sanctions were still effective [Obradovic, 1996]. The number of "employees" that were temporarily and mandatory unemployed (paid layoffs) was 1 million of employed in 1994. It could be realized how massive this phenomenon was if it is compared to the total number of employees and temporarily unemployed. This assessment gives the figure of 3 million persons. So, one third of the whole labor force was temporarily unemployed in 1994. Although it was the state that supported and carried out this "solution", it did not take the burden of assuring the existence for those persons, but the enterprises bore all weight. In addition, the number of retired persons was 1.2 million in 1994, whose current proceeds are financed through the system pay-as-you-go (current proceeds are collected from current contributions set aside from salaries). Relatively speaking, the average amount of pension is fixed to 75% of an average salary, by decision of government made in the beginning of 1994. Thus an implicit relation between the average senescent pension and the average salary is set to over 90%, which is not seen anywhere in the world [Posarac, 1995]. By doing this, the ruling party attracted a great segment of the electoral body. But, at the same time, it "ironed" the proceeds in national economy, overloaded its budget to the inconceivable levels and reduced the proceeds of employees.

The war in the former SFR Yugoslavia region carried on. Approximately 700,000 refugees fled in Serbia, who generally settled down (over 94%) at their relatives and friends. For the purpose of "helping brothers in Bosnia and Croatia", whatever was meant by this, the state, following the unchecked data, set apart 20% of GDP! Maintenance of such a high level of budget outlays led the authorities to a unique solution: monetary expansion. During 1993, 90% of budget outlays were financed with newly printed money [Avramovic, 1995a].

Hyperinflation, that persisted during the period 1992, 1993 and in January 1994 was a premeditated choice of the authorities. First of all, it essentially represented a compulsory tax payment. Of course, a higher force explained the persistence of hyperinflation: economic blockade, indispensable relief for refugees, etc. An average citizen experienced hyperinflation as an unexpected natural disaster. It was actually a kind of mechanism constructed for depriving the citizens of their foreign currencies reserves, which they kept under straw mattresses after the collapse of so-called earlier currency savings, which were formed in the former state during operation of Ante Markovic's government. Hyperinflation reduced the value of monthly proceedings; population have been receiving, to the level of 20 to 30 German marks. In order to survive people had to sell their foreign currency reserves. Besides, the state initiated establishing so-called pyramidal savings banks. These savings banks were privately owned, but only formally. By offering unbelievably high monthly interests ranging from 15 up to 18% per menses for deposited foreign currency in the form of three-month time deposits, they attracted a large number of paltry clients. Saving in these "banks" was the only way to survive for the most part of the population. Finally, in April 1993 a great failure of these banks took place. But worthy clients succeeded in raising their money, till the majority of insignificant clients stayed barehanded. The total sum of foreign currency which has been usurped from the citizens by means of printing money, foreign currency ransom as well as through the system of pyramidal savings banks, is estimated to approximately 4.7 billions of German marks [Dinkic, 1995].


Stopping hyperinflation with preserving status quo

Hyperinflation reached its limit when it came up to the level of 3 million per cent per month in January 1994. The authorities realized that something had to be undertaken so they initiated certain actions during the last quarter of 1993, in order to bring this hyperinflation to an end. The solution to this problem was found in the form of the Program of monetary reconstruction of the Yugoslav economy, which was inaugurated on January 24, 1994. This program was basically created and its realization was supervised by Mr. Dragoslav Avramovic, later the governor of the Central bank of Yugoslavia. A new currency was introduced, concretely new dinar, which was exchanged against the old ones in proportion 1:12,000,000, and free internal convertibility of new dinar for German mark in 1:1 ratio, was established. Complete and free convertibility has never been achieved, although the public, at least for the period of several initial months, was very impatient about its initiation. Nevertheless, the hyperinflation ended. Soon after, there were new inflationary pressures, which consequently exerted pressure on the exchange rate. So, the rate of inflation reached 7% in November 1994. Already in December of that year new dinar to German mark ratio was 1.4:1. Why? Straightforwardly, one cannot find good money in a diseased economy. The program contained the measures for relieving the enterprises of the persons on layoff. That never happened. It was also recommended that balanced budget policy should be employed, which was omitted too. The average proceeds of the public reached the level of 180 to 200 German marks, which raised the level of the effective demand and thus produced pressure on prices [Avramovic, 1995a]. Nevertheless, the main reason for such a change in exchange rate were enormous government expenditures, which stood at more than 50% of the GDP. This level of public spending was a huge burden for the economy, for the given degree of the GDP per capita. Having in mind an ossified ownership structure, and no wish to initiate real privatization process, the authorities did not want to be deprived of the main social management levers, which are based on an endless redistribution - redistribution of poverty.

This was something that Mr. Dragoslav Avramovic did not understand appropriately. From October 1994, until March 1995, he was in charge of three working groups as the National bank governor: (i) group for pensions and wages, (ii) financial system reorganization group and (iii) investments program group. His basic concept was built on the notion that it was possible to stabilize the economy despite the existence of sanctions, that is, in extreme conditions of a closed economy [Avramovic, 1995b]. On the other hand, Mr. Avramovic drew the conclusion that Yugoslavia needed approximately 1.5 to 2 billions of dollars for investment activity initiation. To acquire that, it was necessary to reestablish domestic savings program as well as to attract foreign investment capital. The level of domestic savings was actually near the figure zero, because there was no confidence in the banking system among the public, which was the consequence of hyperinflation. Concerning foreign investments it would be better to quote Mr. Avramovic:


"The greatest part of our investments requires the engagement of both foreign public and private capital. Public capital - originating from international financial organizations and regional organizations - will, we can only hope, be at our disposal once the sanctions are lifted. We will not be eligible for access to these organizations simply after the U.N. sanctions are lifted, but these organizations should constitute their own decisions concerning the renewal of our membership. Since, throughout recent negotiations that we have, we should ask of leading countries to oblige that they will support our reintegration in international financial institutions. It is in our interest to make the initiative for negotiations with international institutions, as soon as possible" [Avramovic, 1995b].


In keeping with the basic philosophy of the Program of monetary reconstruction, which was founded on the concept of a closed economy, and independently from the U.N. sanctions, an institutional mechanism of stabilization process administration was constructed. The National bank of Yugoslavia was the main control center. It was the governor's discretion to allow primary currency issues for certain enterprises' needs. This was the foundation for the development of discordance among different interests lobbies, on the one hand, as well as among the governor and interest lobbies as a whole, on the other hand. What was the essence of disagreement among interest lobbies inside the system of macroeconomic control?

It could be stated that affection for the sake of interest between the governor and leading economic lobbies lasted as long as the post-hyperinflationary remonetization process. Until the autumn 1994 the governor kept the keys for printing money, while the process of remonetization enabled him to gather economic establishment, which consisted of several tens of selected enterprises, by means of selective crediting. The principals of these enterprises were, at the same time, members of different commissions in the National bank of Yugoslavia. One author [Popovic, 1995] emphasized that late suspension of remonetization process, in October 1994, left the governor deprived from the levers of power and control. These levers were transferred to the Serbian government, which controlled about 60% of all budget expenditures in FR Yugoslavia. In the middle of 1995 it becomes more than obvious that the governor lost all of his economic and political power, as well as any impact on media. The same author states that conflict, between and among interests lobbies, within and near the Serbian government, with the governor was not of a conceptual character. To be precise, the governor did not, at least publicly, leave the assumptions on fixed exchange rate, passive interest rate policy, pausing the privatization process, administrative restraints and licenses, keeping low electricity, communal services and other products prices, in order to maintain the social tranquility.

The second fissure in economic power, following the speech of governor he had during the Conference of Yugoslav economists held on December 7, 1995, is the one between the governor, on the one hand, and several tens of leading enterprises within and near the Serbian government. The rest of the economy constituted an impoverished lobby, gathered within the Serbian Chamber of economy, which was composed of the textile industry, footwear industry, metal complex, domestic trade and construction representatives, which had to bear all the economic and social crisis burden. This lobby faced extremely problematic business conditions: too high taxes, lack of working capital accompanied by exceedingly high money market interest rates, redundant administration, substance devastation, burden of assuring the existence for temporarily unemployed workers and absence of privatization possibilities.

It was obvious that governor Avramovic was in a very inconvenient situation. The authorities wanted again, after the period of hyperinflation, to take control of economic activities and to provide the privileged group to continue with old habits without any interruption. Believing that his time has not still expired, governor Avramovic proclaimed the Program II, by the end of 1995. Nevertheless, not even this time an unequivocal step was taken towards the opened market economy, with all concomitant consequences, which such a program could have provoked, concerning international behavior of FR Yugoslavia. These consequences refer to inevitability to approach the stabilization of the economy within the scope imposed by normalization of relations with International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization and other international institutions. The importance of this issue cannot be overestimated, having in mind that, after the lifting of sanctions on October 1, 1996, Yugoslavia was later imposed so-called "outer wall" of sanctions. This was the only framework that allowed the access to the general liberalization of the economic activity, privatization process, transparent defining of monetary policy, domestic currency convertibility matters, dealing with the problems of public debt, overhaul of budget deficit problem as well as of other chronic problems of the economy. The offered program just symbolically corresponded to the open market economy model, instead. For instance, in place of privatization, the Program II follows the expression "democratization of ownership relations". Although this Program was written sententiously, with fifteen points on an A4 paper layout, it introduced much confusion and it did not answer the experts' and democratic public's expectations concerning the destiny of reforms. It was not too surprising that Mr. Avramovic was discharged from the position of governor in the spring of 1996.


Privatization process freezing

It has already been cited that the Serbian authorities suspended the privatization process, as a central axis of the transition. After the E. U. sanctions were imposed in autumn 1991, as well as after the U. N. sanctions were enforced on May 30, 1992, the authorities obtained an external alibi. They previously had an internal one within layers consisted of potential losers who were afraid of privatization.

Privatization process was outlined on federal level in 1989, and it was implemented in the course of 1990 to 1991. Implementation of Public capital Act initiated a huge wave of privatization, on account of a very liberal, decentralized and stimulative concept, which favored workers in enterprises. This act in reality permitted workers to take over the enterprise, with an option to exchange acquired shares on the capital market. This act has never made a difference between companies, it offered an extremely preferential treatment of domestic investors, the capital value was settled as the accounting one, privatization was voluntary and not state-controlled and it could have been realized in several stages. As a result, there was a real privatization euphoria, which consequently produced a figure of 169 privatized companies by the end of 1990, and even 1051 privatized companies for the first eight months of 1991. Approximately one third of enterprises were transformed, with insider privatization scheme comprising over 99% of all cases of privatization [Zec, 1996].

Having in mind that federal act on privatization was liberal and that it excluded the state from regulating the processes, its implementation was straight away suspended in Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro. Until the moment of disintegration of the country it has been being implemented with the greatest intensity in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Macedonia.

After the country has disintegrated, first important institutional changes concerning privatization occurred. In August 1991, a new act was passed in Serbia: Act on conditions and proceedings for the public property transformation into alternative ownership forms. It was considerably more restrictive than the federal act. First of all, this act invited control of previously realized privatization process, which was put into practice according to the prior federal act. Instead of using the accounting value of capital, this value was the object of an estimation, which produced about 4 to 8 times greater values. The estimation had to be verified by a special State agency. Secondly, strategic sectors were deprived even of the possibility to be privatized (energy, mining, media), and all privatization realized in the companies dealing with oil derivatives was annulled. Simultaneously, great enterprises' nationalization was initiated (Serbian Petroleum Company, Yugoslav Airlines (JAT), Serbian electrical industry (EPS)). Nevertheless, aside from very restrictive articles, concerning the conditions for the insider privatization, which this act contained, it could be stated that high inflation was the most important ally of all employed, when they were trying to privatize their companies. By the end of that year 34 enterprises began the privatization process, while in 1992 there were 139 transformed enterprises, and, finally, during the most severe inflation in 1993, 465 enterprises initiated the privatization process. A certain number of enterprises, namely 921, transformed in that year, without the Agency's compliance. Issuing permissions for privatization by the Agency was lingered, which, together with handing down decisions on astronomical and irreal estimations of the value of public capital, basically froze the whole process. In summer 1994, the parliament amended the Act by introducing the audit and privatized capital revaluation proceedings. Retroactive amendments of acts as well as monetary nominalism principle infraction represented no obstacles for achieving a set goal - to annul the attained level of public capital privatization and to have an economy under harsh surveillance. A certain price had to be paid for that. According to the final accounts of the Yugoslav economy for the year of 1995 (excluding gray economy), so-called "public" economy and public sector, comprising 56.7% of all assets in the economy, gave 37.1% of the registered GDP. At the same time, private sector, which includes 10.5% of all assets in the economy, produced 37.9% of the registered GDP. Following this criterion, private sector is 5.5 times more productive.

Retroactive implementation of 1994 Act did not involve all capital transactions. As always, while depriving some people of their rights, the authorities presented the state housing fund to (some) residents. Nearly 600,000 apartments were public property by 1993. The greatest part of the mentioned housing fund was built after the World War II, by using the capital, which was being collected from all employed citizens who were paying the housing fund construction fees. People who could buy apartments already had the right to occupy them, so when public apartments' selling process began, in the beginning of 1993, the fixed price counted for approximately 200 German marks per square meter. With the inflation growing, people who lived in public apartments experienced increasing prospects of acquiring capital gains. Finally, the whole 100 square meters apartment could have been bought for 100 German marks. It should be emphasized that the market price of an apartment, for instance in Belgrade, stood at 1300 up to 2000 German marks per square meter in the course of the whole period observed. All of those who considered themselves winners within the existing system, where the majority was consisted of persons who obtained public apartments, were given a special present in the form of a capital gain. The state, or, more precisely, the authorities, tied all of them to itself in an implicit manner - if there was no regime change, there would be no housing fund revaluation.

This way, the institutionalized privatization process in Serbia had two purposes. On the one hand, the process of transition was actually stopped. In permitted the constitution of a huge public enterprises' sector that the authorities used extensively for keeping control over utmost number of employed. Also, many members of the ruling political party used this public sector in order to maintain major ruling positions they enjoyed in the old system. At last, but not the least, by blocking privatization process the whole transition was in fact obstructed. On the other hand, the capital gains "presents", which were received by persons who simply lived in these apartments, preserved the social tranquility and, consequently, the voters' support for conserving the status quo was assured.

The authorities kept the public capital under control, by slowing down the privatization process. War, U.N. and E.U. economic sanctions, economic policy pursued by the authorities, aggravated the economic state of affairs as well as the status of all social groups. The majority of new entrepreneurs are recruited from the contingent of unemployed persons, persons who are temporarily unemployed and from persons who are employed in public sector. A number of 200,000 private companies are registered in FR Yugoslavia, but only 60,000 are currently in operation. Out of total 1.7 millions of employed in FR Yugoslavia, private sector absorbs approximately 200,000. Number of employed persons in private sector is probably 50% higher, because many owners do not register their workers in order to evade paying too high taxes and fees, which count for 110% of net wage per worker, approximately [Denda, 1998].

The authorities as a necessary evil treat such a private sector. Having in mind that about 850 publicly-owned or with mixed property enterprises generate approximately 90% of all losses in entire economy, engaging just about 55% of labor force, the state openly protects them. The state plays a role of a great arbiter, which collects extremely high taxes from the private sector and redirects them to the public sector.


The Gray Economy spring up and birth of a new economic elite

It is absolutely expected that the citizens' propensity to gray economy is greater in abnormal economic conditions: economic embargo, broken up relations with ex Yugoslav republics, extremely high level of unemployment, war in the region, high tax rates - all of these are factors that contribute to a real gray economy blossom in Yugoslavia from 1991 until today. Following one estimate [Bozovic, 1994], the gray market alone reached approximately 30% of registered GDP in Yugoslavia in 1992. The same research indicates that, after comparing total spending made by population with total registered proceeds for the same year, the total spending is covered by 42.5% of registered proceeds. According to some unofficial estimates of experts, gray economy reached over 50% of registered GDP in 1998.

What did provoke such a dramatic growth of gray economy? It could be stated that this growth was partly endogenous and in part exogenous. It did reveal the population's adjustment to the new conditions to a certain extent, but it was also the result of conscious brokerage performed by the members of establishment.

Incapability of the system to fulfill the basic needs of population, improper tax system comprising excessive taxes, soft law system, inefficient tax and justice administration, state and political system legitimacy crisis, are factors that consist the first group. According to one questionnaire [Mrksic, 1994], every second household participates in the activities of this type of gray economy, while irregular proceeds make more than one third of total regular proceeds of the population. Following these data, Yugoslavia surpasses such countries like Italy and Holland. In line with the same questionnaire, the activities of the gray economy in Yugoslavia are principally aimed at trading smuggled commodities, instead at the production for market. The data show that members of all social layers participate in the activities of gray economy: unemployed persons, skilled workers, clerks and technicians. Comparing low demand with the level of supply in this hidden market, one can find that dominant form of behavior is phantom - whenever an opportunity knocks one involves in these activities. The allocation role of this segment of the economy is most certainly negative - by redirecting labor and entrepreneurial input to the informal sector of the economy, the resources of budget revenues become reduced. The consequence is simple: enlargement of fiscal burden makes the economy less competitive. Nevertheless, these activities give birth to stabilizing effects at least in the short-term. If the informal sector of the economy is solid, the negative effects of declining activities of the official economy are mitigated, at least concerning supplies for population.

The second group of factors, which is called exogenous, deserves special attention. Sanctions provided the authorities with an alibi for the miserable situation in the society, and gave incentives for the appearance of organized crime and war profiteers. As stated by an author [Blagojevic, 1994], "an intensive and hasty criminalization of the society contributed to springing up of a new elite, which was recruited from criminals. No other sphere of the society was impacted so strongly by the sanctions, which thus participated in the destruction of social tissue. Beginning with sanctions (and probably with war), a new period in social development commenced - the state apparatus and organized crime grew together." As it's already said [Dinkic, 1995], a very good example could be machination process of foreign currency ransom from citizens. These arrangements could not be realized without a very close cooperation of state-owned banks with the nominal owners of private banks. For instance, the owner of such a bank was acquired with an exclusive monopoly right of international trade in exchange for a specific foreign currency "aid" directed to the state. Namely, monopolized commodities trade was, initially, the main source for financing enormous foreign currency interests. Besides, although this bank has never been given permission to perform foreign currency operations, it has been depositing foreign currency in treasury of the National Bank of Serbia. This private bank was sued several times by corresponding financial infringements officials, but the prosecutor (!) would always finally give up his charges. This anecdotal story just illustrates general atmosphere, which accompanies development of a new economic elite in Yugoslavia.

Observing from a broader perspective, it could be stated that the ruling group in Yugoslavia kept its position, and as a result of a forehand change of its identity from the class to the nationalist one, it succeeded in consolidating itself. It benefited from so-called "ownership transformation" because it carried it out by way of transforming all important enterprises in public sector, enabling its members to keep their previous administrative functions.


"War, and especially U.N. imposed sanctions, created specific societal conditions: exhausting the resources, in conjunction with raising needs and impossibility that they are satisfied in a regular way, with resulting consequence of the law system destruction (the process whose protagonist was the state), generated the assumptions for drastic social differentiation. Impetuous and massive pauperization coincided with a very fast enrichment of newly created thin layer of `warlike entrepreneurs`. Of course, the destruction of the legal system provided the principals from the `public sector` with an opportunity to use their positions in order to transfer the assets to their private firms (their own, family ones etc.)" [Lazic, 1994].


To this group of entrepreneurs belong those ones who could be called "public" because they work under the auspices of the state. On the other hand, there is a special group of entrepreneurs who obtained the initial capital by using illegal and paralegal means. They complete business transactions based on the above mentioned mechanisms, in cooperation with and supported by the state. These are the entrepreneurs who perform an indispensable international exchange of commodities in conditions of embargo. They could be identified as absolute martial entrepreneurs. Finally, there is a group of real entrepreneurs who work respecting the principles of supply and demand as well as the regular capital accumulation. It is very important to emphasize the fact that state has never supported the activities of real entrepreneurs, through its economic policy. Extremely high taxes, disorganization and complicacy of legal regulations, frequent and retroactive changes in laws, which regulate the functioning of private sector - are all the factors that push the activities of this sector of the economy into the zone of gray economy. The position of public and martial entrepreneurs is quite different from that of real entrepreneurs: the former never experienced the collision of interests, which could eventually become apparent for the public. If there is any collision of interests it functions on the principles of Mafia. The situation complicates because, in some cases, it is not possible to draw a clear line between public and martial entrepreneurs. Thus, for instance, if a principal of some public enterprise (or of an enterprise formed by the transformation of a socialist firm to a company) was murdered, it would not be absolutely clear which rules he breached: those of public sector or those that belong to the organized crime.

According to some empirical research [Lazic, 1994], it could be concluded that two basic groups of entrepreneurs, those related to the state and the real ones, are in essence differentially oriented to the necessity of foreign capital attraction. The first group uses location rent and the arbitral conditions (which are another expression used for the irregularity) for realizing its own interests. It is logical that just one-fourth supports unconditional attraction of foreign capital, while three fourths sustains the attraction of foreign capital respecting certain conditions. Quite the opposite, three fourths of real entrepreneurs support the unconditional and one-fourth conditional attraction of foreign capital. Similar findings, concerning desirability of state-governed regulation of economic life as well as the form of ownership that should dominate, state or private could be ascertained.


Political background

After the Berlin Wall was breached in the summer of 1989, it was believed that the era of a truthful multiparty system began in the Eastern European countries. At the same time, privatization of the state-owned property was initiated in all those countries, forming the authentic base for multiparty system functioning. The situation in Yugoslavia was significantly different. The national question was the predominant one. The elite in power, by changing its basic identity, converted from the class to the national one. During the period that began in 1990 when Serbia had the first multiparty elections, until the last 1998 elections, there has been just one political party in power in Serbia - the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), which holds not only majority, but is dominant [Goati, 1999].

Ruling party in Serbia has grown from the former League of Communists. The core of the SPS political technology is the populism. By looking for the support from the electoral body SPS denoted itself as an exclusive representative of the national interests in the disintegrating SFR Yugoslavia, having in mind that at that moment there were Serbs in Croatia (Krajina) as well as everywhere in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Simultaneously, SPS identified itself as the representative of interests of the social groups who were possible or probable losers in the process of transition. Thus the social energy of the society faced with the challenges of transition, followed by uncertainty and worry about the effects of change, was transformed into the tide of nationalistic hysteria [Obradovic, 1996]. The ideological foundation of this party is the equalization of the Serbian national interest with the preservation of socialism [Obradovic, 1996]. At first this was the rule in entire SFR Yugoslavia, but later just in Serbia, Montenegro and in parts of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina where the Serbs represented a major population.

The basic method by which this party can be recognized is the mobilization and homogenization of the masses with a simultaneous atomization of the society. In the beginning, in the form of general set up for war, Serbia offered a narrow space for the establishing and functioning of interest groups, free trade unions and non-governmental organizations. Political parties, just formed, faced with one-sided and state-controlled mass media. Every single declaration of theirs was interpreted as if it were the act directed against the national interests. Therefore the parliamentary life was a kind of facade at the back of which the absolute political monopoly of the ruling party could be found.

It could also be stated that the ruling party, at least in political life, behaved as if it were the agent of potential social losers in the process of economic transition. That is why it would not be contradictory if one states that, from the point of view of direct interests of unfavorable social groups, despite their worsening economic situation, the ruling party comported as a socialist party. Nevertheless, concerning the entire society as a criterion, it is a conservative party because it blocks the transition process [Goati, 1995].


Sanctions and elections

In December 1990 the first free elections were held in the Socialist Republic of Serbia. The SPS won 45.8% of the vote and obtained, on account of the majority formula system, which was applied only on that occasion, 77.6% of the legislative seats in Serbian National Assembly (190 out of 250). Slobodan Milosevic, at that time presidential candidate, won 65.35% of votes (46.72% of the entire popular vote). Taking into consideration the partiality of the media throughout the election campaign, the support that the Serbian authorities received from respectable individuals in the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences and in different writers' associations, then from retired generals and many others who come to the surface of events for the period of crises, it must be conceived that the electoral results are modest success of SPS and an absolute victory of Slobodan Milosevic. The majority of the population has been accepting his national program despite the fact that the social part of his program, consisting on preserving the status quo, divided the population. While voting for the national program, the Serbian electors actually chose the territorial conquest and the integration of all "Serbian territories".

The war broke out and the United Nations imposed the sanctions on Serbia and Montenegro on May 30, 1992. How did the public accept this fact? Almost seven months after the imposition of the U.N. sanctions, new parliamentary and presidential elections were held in Serbia. It should be remarked that an ultra-nationalist political party appeared on the Serbian political scene - Serbian Radical Party (SRS). It is a typical example of a strong leader political party (its president is Vojislav Seselj, at the time being vice-president of the Serbian government). Although his activities are based on anticommunism, which is the opposite identification to SPS, SRS shares the same national program and addresses to the same social groups, which represent potential losers in the process of transition. It explicitly proclaims what SPS declares implicitly. His slogan: "Karlobag-Ogulin-Karlovac-Virovitica" representing western Serbian countries border is just one along with many publicly proclaimed by SRS. On the above mentioned elections held in form of proportional method in nine electoral units for the total of 250 legislative seats, SPS won 28.8% of votes and 101 legislative seats (40.4% out of total number), SRS received 22.6% of votes with 73 legislative seats, DEPOS, which was the coalition headed by the Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) 16.9% of votes and 50 legislative seats and the Democratic Party (DS) only 4.2% of votes corresponding to 6 legislative seats. All other political parties that caught the limit won 20 legislative seats in republic parliament. The share of voters that took part in elections was 69.7% of the entire electoral body, where the base includes the Albanians who mainly boycotted the elections. The lack of support for the national program expressed by the voters could be witnessed through the percentage of votes obtained by Slobodan Milosevic. He wins, again in the first round of elections, with 53.24% of all votes (37.12% of the entire electoral body). Milan Panic, the protagonist of finding a peaceful solution to the national question, won in these elections 32.11% of votes (22.38% of the entire electoral body). It is very interesting that 38% of SPS followers would vote for SRS as the second best solution, while 39% of SRS followers would cast a vote to SPS as the second best political party. The U.N. sanctions produced first, although indirect, effects that were reflected in the percentage of votes gained by Milan Panic and the decrease of Slobodan Milosevic's popularity. The electoral body in Serbia stays divided regarding internal regulation, because more than a half of votes were cast to the political parties, which defend status quo - SPS and SRS. SPS decided to form the minority government, but it could count on parliamentary support from SRS, concerning internal regulation and foreign policy issues. It should also be noted that the international monitoring group of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) gave its own evaluation of the elections and concluded that the elections held on December 20, 1992, did not meet the minimum of democratic standards.

Official mass media treated the radicals with affinity. The latter not only candidly defended the Great Serbia policy but also expanded the dread of the opposition activities within Serbia.

The U.N. Security Council issued Resolution 820 on April 17, 1993, which called upon all member states to tighten the embargo against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The break up of the implicit cooperation between the ruling SPS and SRS took place by the middle of 1993 because the Serbian authorities accepted the "Vance-Owen" peace plan for resolving crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The very next day the state-controlled mass media changed the treatment of radicals. They were accused of "utterly primitive chauvinism", "incitement of warmongering atmosphere", "contribution to the isolation of Serbia in the world" and "atrocities against the civilians in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Krajina".

Having completed some usual propaganda and systematic promotions, new parliamentary elections were held in December 1993. This time the situation drastically changed concerning the porousness of the borderline between SPS and SRS. At that moment only 7% of the SPS followers described SRS as the political party they would vote for (as their second best selection), while 6% of the SRS followers selected SPS as the second best solution [Goati, 1999]. The saying that the citizens of Serbia create their opinion on the basis of state-owned TV, radio and press seems appropriate and true.

During the period of the most intense inflation, the consequences of which the citizens of Yugoslavia were experiencing, polling stations were "visited" once more by 61.6% of the electoral body. SPS secured 36.7% of votes and acquired 123 seats (49.2%), DEPOS (only this time without the Democratic Party of Serbia) won 16.6% of votes and 18% of seats, SRS just 13.8% of votes and 15.6% of seats, DS 11.6% of votes and the same percentage of legislative seats. All other parties obtained the total of 14 seats (5.6%). For a second time almost identical percentage of voters chose SPS and SRS, just like in the preceding 1992 elections (51.4%). Differences within society stayed the same. The populist parties, which in reality defend and carry out the system of the paternalistic redistribution, earned again the confidence of every second citizen.


Political opposition and authorities

This survey of results of the elections that were held from 1990 to 1993 points out the fractionalization of the Serbian oppositional scene. DEPOS, as a movement, SPO, DS, DSS and some other minor parties, are usually called and really are oppositional. They oppose the ruling party by their apprehension that political and economic transition process is absolutely necessary. Each of them supports the abrogation of every kind of public property, and the division among legislative, executive, and judiciary powers. Someone could always ask a question why these parties were not more successful in opposing the policy of the ruling party.

It is obvious that the weaker is the opposition the stronger is the regime. The strength of the communist regime in Serbia rests on two levers. The first one is much wider support it enjoyed than the related regimes in the rest of the Eastern European countries. Namely, the communists rose to power on account of the authentic social revolution that took place during the period 1941-45. They came out of the civil war and the battle against the occupants as winners. The allied powers, which won World War II - United States of America, the United Kingdom and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, recognized the communists. After the war they complied with the model of 20th century revolutions, which could be described as "the project of accelerating history as well as of shortening the paths of development" [Stojanovic, 1996]. This concept had, concerning Serbia, very deep roots, which could be found in the model of so called populist socialism in the second half of the 19th century. Permanence of those ideas in Serbian political history uncovers very much about their social, historical and political foundations. By promoting rural (and workers', if this one could be defined as a particular social group) social groups, with a fast disagrarianization of the country, they developed an interest social block, which, consciously or unconsciously, supported the ruling order. They thought about themselves as if they were actual winners in this new system. Authoritarianism, insufficient social differentiation and deficiency of democratic traditions contributed to legitimacy and stability of the regime. At the same time, the communists could enjoy the fruits of the specific rent they have been receiving due to a game they played between the west and the east before the Berlin Wall was demolished in 1989, and by which they could disguise the system inefficiency. The proportions of this rent could easily be observed from the fact that SFR Yugoslavia, following certain estimates, during the entire period of its existence did not produce a single cent of its own accumulation, simultaneously accomplishing the economic development. Foreign aid and financial credits were the main source.

As it was already mentioned, the communists changed their basic identity, converting it from the class to the national one, just on the eve of the war and disintegration of Yugoslavia. Having done this way, the communists in Serbia have seized the space of national interests promotion, which the political opposition pleaded for. Practically speaking, just before the 1990 elections they created a sort of alliance with the opposition for the purpose of joint struggle for the Serbian national interests.


"The opposition was in an almost schizophrenic situation: its national program from 1990, on which it constructed the greatest share of its popularity, and which proposed to make the secession of areas inhabited by Serbs impossible for independent Croatia, even using weapons if needed, was taken by the ruling elite and literally carried out; hence, if the opposition wanted to preserve its basic political program consistency, it had to support the martial policy of the regime and thus awarded the regime with the most wanted gift - a complete political legitimacy" [Antonic, 1993].


The Serbian opposition dragged its national program as a bob. Due to this program it could not switch to the questions of transition and of political reorganization of the entire society in Serbia. For example, the privatization issue has never got its place on the list of priorities. The process of a massive privatization was initiated in the whole country during 1989 by the reformist government of Mr. Ante Markovic. Two years later, through 1991, this process was significantly decelerated, as a result of a very repulsive approach of SPS. Amongst the rest, this is just one of the reasons why Serbia did not experience the forming of a wide pro-reformist block, which would most certainly have a very strong impact on the electoral results in 1992 and 1993.

Consequently the political scene in Serbia was divided into two political blocks. Each block was archaic because they followed the territorial conquest policy, in the end of the 20th century, in country that is geographically an integral part of Europe. There could not be found a political leader of some important oppositional political party, which would have, just from the beginning, enough imagination and courage to support the resolution of the conflict and Serbian national interest in a peaceful manner. After Badintaire EC arbitrary commission reported that SFR Yugoslavia was disintegrated, real policy sense had to provoke a change in attitude on the resolution of the Serbian national question among the opposition leaders. The opposition accused the authorities of the war, only with respect to the modalities of its conduct, not of undertaking this military adventure in the first place. The autism of the political scene, regarding the messages of the international community, was absolute.

It is now possible to estimate more clearly the effects of the sanctions imposed by the international community against Serbia and Montenegro. The economic effects of the sanctions were immediately perceptible. Their effects on the state of spirits realize very slowly, but the final outcome is still unpredictable.


The question of modernization - some demographic facts

The second important factor that should be taken into account concerning relative stability of the ruling system in Serbia is the demographic structure with reference to its division into rural, mixed and urban groups. The communists found the following structure when they took over in 1945: 75% of total population in villages and 25% in compound settlements and towns. Hidden unemployment in villages was, with foreign financial support after 1965, the main source of postwar accelerated industrialization process. According to the census of 1991 some 10.5 millions of inhabitants have been living in FR Yugoslavia. Out of this total, 28.4% belonged to rural population, 56.8% consisted urban and the rest of 14.8% constituted so-called mixed population. The expression "urban population" should be accepted with reserve. Every settlement that was declared urban automatically received the designated status. Thereby the settlements with no more than 3,000 inhabitants could have the status of a town. Nevertheless, the disagrarianization of the economy was completed. This is why so high percentage of the population, employed in industry, still lived in rural milieu. So-called second-raters constitute the greatest contingent of industrial labor force. Partly in industry, partly in village, they live twofold life. They obtain social security, pension and health insurance in industry. They acquire additional funds by working on their own estates in villages. Industrialization did not denote modernization. This fact is absolutely confirmed by the lack of modern working class. Industrial workers, especially ones more than 30 years old, share traditional standpoints, and have a tendency to accepting authoritarian type of social organization, and, in addition, they are xenophobic. The absence of numerous memberships in modern unions synthetically confirms this fact.

There is one more demographic characteristic that deserves full attention. In line with the census of 1991, in the group of population aged 15 or more years, 9.5% was completely illiterate, 2.9% completed up to three years of elementary education, 20.5% completed up to seven years of elementary education, and 25% accomplished elementary school education. Just 5% of total population, or more precisely 354,610 persons with more than 15 years of age received university education. Educational structure of the Yugoslav society is extremely underdeveloped. The share of semiliterate population accounts for one third, which represents an aggravating circumstance for promoting modern political options.

Resulting from modernization incompleteness, together with unsatisfactory educational structure of population, the populist political parties (SPS and SRS) enjoy "the natural" support from a great number of citizens. This is why their "political nets" were always loaded enough to allow them to exercise their power freely. Western countries' will, expressed through the Security Council sanctions, as well as through the decisions of the European Union, could be interpreted, by the part of population, as an international conspiracy. Such an interpretation was verified during the elections, although meagerly and with many abuses, but verified.


Life after sanctions - an estimate of long-run effects

Among other experts in different fields, many academic and professional economists drew attention to short-run and long run consequences of such domestic authorities policy, which they called "the pure policy" [Madzar, 1994]. All decisions made were based, at least formally, on political considerations. The authorities took the position of the Serbian national interests guard, as it was represented in state-owned media, whatever was meant by that. The authorities understood and interpreted these interests in a special form and they were advocated at any price. There were no economic reasons, estimates of short-run and long run costs, effects on different social groups situation, which would be either convincing or even relevant for the pure policy criteria.

Besides, many economists supported the idea of "unjust and undeserved sanctions" [Mihajlovic, Cobeljic, Gnjatovic, 1994], which was mass media leitmotif. Some radical measures were backed up, at the outset, the import substitution. Even the president of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic, personally opened a new oil field, and promised, on that occasion, that "our rich country" would face a very fast development process in all segments of national economy. Afterwards, there were no press or TV reports on oil exploitation in this part of Vojvodina plane.

Tackling the problem seriously, it is very difficult to quantitatively represent all long-run effects of FR Yugoslavia's policy, and, consequently the effects of sanctions. Something, which is absolutely sure, is a negative sign that stands before these effects. Under the assumption that sanctions were definitely lifted at the moment, it would be possible to speak about the resulting economic, political and psychological consequences.

Yugoslavia spent one key resource during the sanctions and that is time.

The level of GDP stands at 35% of this indicator from 1989. That is the direct consequence of war and sanctions, together. The economic consequences reflect in a fact that Yugoslavia would experience a missing capital gap. Yugoslavia must meet certain conditions in order to take part in international capital markets again. It should be useful to depict the fact that, according to official sources, external indebtedness of Yugoslavia in 1996 counted for 8 billions of US dollars, approximately. Out of total, Yugoslavia owes 3.6 billions to the Paris Club of creditor governments, 2.7 billions to the London Club of Western creditor banks, a sum of more than 1 billion to the World Bank and about 900 millions to all other creditors [Jovicevic, 1998]. First of all, the status of FR Yugoslavia in IMF should be restored in order that IMF could approve a stand-by agreement for Yugoslavia. Conditions that must be met are: a significant foreign trade liberalization, free prices and interest rates, accompanied by an equilibrated exchange rate. Something, which must also be fulfilled, are very restrictive monetary policy, hard budget constraint and privatization of the rest of economy. Afterwards, it would be possible to open negotiations on Yugoslavia's membership in the World Bank. Assuming successful negotiations, it could be expected that Yugoslavia would obtain financial assistance for its economy (SAL, F-SAL credit lines). Yugoslavia should also settle its obligations toward the World Bank, which are due, but not paid off. Domestic companies in relation to foreign commercial banks must perform the similar procedure. Bearing in mind that Yugoslavia has almost no foreign currency reserves, it should initiate negotiations with foreign commercial banks as well as all other Paris Club creditors.

Nevertheless, it is absolutely uncertain when will Yugoslav foreign currency reserves, held in foreign countries, be defrost, because several issues concerning the former SFR Yugoslavia assets and debts succession are not still discussed. Besides, it could be expected that ex-Yugoslav republics would lay claims to the assignment of foreign currency reserves volume, which existed before FR Yugoslavia broke up.

All that was mentioned depends crucially on the attitude on resolution of issues concerning the outer wall of sanctions, which is not time-limited. The outer wall of sanctions will stay firmly until the authorities in Belgrade meet all American and E.U. countries' requests concerning the cooperation with War crimes tribunal in Hague, completing the division of assets and mutual recognition of all ex-Yugoslav states in the region, implementing the process of democratization in Serbia on the basis of recommendations of the commission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which this organization established after local elections and mass civilian protests during the winter 1996-1997, as well as the official recognition of electoral results of recent presidential (1997) and parliamentary (1998) elections held in Montenegro.

The year 1998 is characterized as breaking. According to scientific institutions' researches, if there is no improvement in reestablishing relations with IMF and other financial organizations, if there is no response to the above listed requests, if the process of necessary structural adjustments and reforms is not initiated, Yugoslavia will face the worst scenario. It means that GDP will decrease at the rate of 6% a year cumulatively, living standards will decline at the rate of 15% and a massive destruction of capital followed by its ransom (1.5 billions of dollars a year) will take place, in order to equilibrate the balance of payments. Such a scenario would be tenable for just three years. Yugoslavia would enter the new millennium with a time lag measured by several decades. Rather gloomy foresight.

The outer wall of sanctions is still operational and its lifting is simultaneously close and distant. Everything depends on development of political events in Yugoslavia. In the meantime 19 NATO member countries bombed Yugoslavia, which was later verified by decisions of the United Nations Security Council. Also, the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe is now offered, but it is assumed that Yugoslavia would previously fulfill some political requirements. First of all, the people are expected to change the existing regime.

The issue that turns out deals with political consequences of sanctions. Ruling political parties, SPS and SRS, used sanctions of international community as an evidence for the existence of international conspiracy against the Serbian people. There is a very famous motto of SPS about "unjust and undeserved sanctions, of so-called international community, against a small and peaceful nation". Ruling oligarchy used sanctions as a means for consolidation of dichotomous differentiation of the society. One side of the society is characterized as traditionalistic, traditionalistic and autistic. The authorities rely on their support. The other part of the society is pro-European and did not support the Great Serbia policy, at least in subsequent phases. This part of the society is not reluctant to the transition, conceived as a process of disintegration of old regime as well as old, but still actual, system. Thus, sanctions contributed to the polarization of political forces in Yugoslavia. What will be the outcome of these measures, or, more precisely, what will be their consequences on internal scene - permanent isolation from the worldwide community, triumph of any side resulting from political processes, or a civil war - is very difficult to assess. International community undertook a radical step by imposing sanctions against Yugoslavia and especially by keeping the outer wall of sanctions operational. But it plays safely in realizing this project, which is overloaded by risks. Target country bears all costs of selected option.

It is not possible to separate psychological estimation of effects of sanctions from psychological consequences of war in the region of the former Yugoslavia. War and sanctions persist almost eight years now. Urban population is currently in a condition that could be described as an overall tiredness, apathy and despair. Consumption of medicines dropped because of ruined health services and impoverished population, but consumption of tranquilizers increased several times. The young who live in urban areas are terribly affected by the cognition that they have no perspective. One could find on the streets of Belgrade a graffito that was written some 5 or 6 years ago: "It's a spring and I live in Belgrade..." This frustration is occasionally released through citizens and student demonstrations. In winter 1996-1997 hundreds of thousands of people have been demonstrating for 88 days in all big Serbian cities, because of an electoral fraud made on the local elections. This is a case without precedent in modern political history of the world. Demonstrations ignited spontaneously, which could be noticed from political leaders' astonishment. They addressed protesters from the balconies, by speaking about the electoral fraud, not by offering any kind of political program. "Ground floor is better than balcony this time", was a typical commentary of young protesters. Massive energy of these protests transformed into a social implosion after break up of Coalition "Together", whose protagonists were SPO and DS, the political parties that conducted demonstrations.

It is not surprising that, in the course of war, from 1991 until today, some 300,000 people emigrated from Yugoslavia. The main target countries were Canada, New Zealand and not too often countries that belong to the European Union. These persons were mostly young and educated. They refused to be engaged in a war conducted for purposes they did not feel as personal ones; furthermore they faced unemployment and no perspective. Out of 750 thousands of unemployed persons during 1992, some 300 thousands received high, higher and secondary professional education, or 40% of the total of the unemployed labor force. This one-way exodus incurred a high cost for Yugoslavia if it is well-known that a creation of an expert requires an amount ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 dollars [Grecic, 1994]. Some 2,000 researchers, who were employed, left the country in the course of war and sanctions. Deficiency of scientific communications as well as meager possibilities for promotion were stated as main motives for their emigration.

Massive departure of young and educated people will most certainly have long-run negative consequences on development of the society. First of all such an emigration causes negative political and sociological consequences. As defenders of an idea of Europeanization of Serbia they were protagonists of modern political conceptions. After they have left, spreading of such ideas within Serbia is extremely impeded.


Final comments

Simultaneously with the fall of the Berlin Wall, Yugoslavia was confronted with the choice of its further way of existence: redefinition of the political system - asymmetric federation, confederation, alliance between countries or something else - or a bleeding war for territories. Serbia and Montenegro opted for the latter option. Behaving as a rhinoceros, Serbia believed in its indestructible predominance over Yugoslav partners. When international community interfered in Yugoslav conflict, one could observe that Serbia, when it opted for war, could not recognize some important characteristics of its international position. The authorities were and still are completely autistic concerning the historical changes in Europe.

Serbia began the war with disguised communists in power. Ruling political party changed its identity from class to a national one, thus removing the opposition from the political scene. Ruling political party, SPS, took over the operationalization of the national program. It was not too hard for this party to do so, having in mind the fact that all other opposition parties have been, implicitly or explicitly, supporting the war as the only method for Serbian national question to be resolved.

Respecting the fact that SPS is a party of continuity, it gave the same level of importance to both Serbian national question and preservation of the old political system - of socialism. That is why the war for territories was accompanied by a silent confrontation to the process of transition. In fact, SPS is profoundly conservative political party. After an ultranationalistic party appeared, SRS, a conservative political block was built and it rules Serbia since 1992 elections.

Parliamentary system, administration of justice and mass media represent a facade for undemocratic regime. What makes this regime so stabile?

Citizens can vote for a tyranny, the ancient Greeks used to say. The structure of Serbian society is extremely unfavorable. It is still in a prepolitical status. Serbia is an experimental model for the application of authoritarian, xenophobic and nationalistic political recipes, along with its certain characteristics: hardly more than a half of the total Serbian population is settled in towns, where the term "urban population" should be considered with a reserve concerning the European standards; it has no modern working class; and the share of illiterate and semiliterate population is very high. The regime used these facts for performing the above-mentioned experiment, with presence of international sanctions. Mass media, especially TV, were abused to such a great extent that a separate paper could be written on it.

Economic system remained basically unchanged, but in some cases it was degraded - a very good illustration of this is the episode about the privatization process. Regime wanted to preserve the support it has been receiving from the citizens. The motto: "workers cannot be discharged during sanctions" was not a simple motto, because it was transformed into a law. Pension system was taken from old socialist times and it functions as pay-as-you-go scheme. A real army consisted of pensioners, by the way, traditional strong point of the regime, had to be supported financially by the fading economy. Both school system and health services remained with the same financial structure. The state kept its prior status of an omnipotent arbiter. As the time was passing, funds for distribution were progressively decreasing. For example, proceeds that were due in April were paid in September. The state faced such a level of liabilities, which exceeded its real capacity. One of the ways to balance liabilities with real capacity is printing money, or, in other words, inflation. Hyperinflation in Yugoslavia in the course of 1992-1993 is a separate story. By using hyperinflation, the authorities actually robbed their own citizens, forcing them to pull out the very last foreign currency bill, which outlasted in their straw mattresses.

The conditions created by war and sanctions generated ideal situation for spring up of a rent-seeking society. Clientelism and corruption represent usual manner of behavior in business sphere and they spread from top to bottom of a social pyramid. A new class of owners is generated in Serbia, and they are recruited from public entrepreneurs, war profiteers and similar persons who reached high levels in (and around) a pyramidal governmental structure. There are 47 large companies among the private companies in Serbia. The public cannot access the names of these Serbian "barons". The authorities probably decided that it is not still time to present them. Serbia experiences a process of perverted privatization, which involves a few chosen persons and it is certain that this process comes to an end.

This is how Serbian authorities fell into their own trap, after ten years. Instead of defending a national card, which they were playing, they supported socialism, and finally lost both. Now isolated, but not from the beginning, the authorities must find a new identity for domestic use. For the time being, they find reliance in a use of bear force against the citizens, in quietness of working class, pensioners and, finally, in nationalistic "sound and fury" expressed by progressively dwindling parts of population. The authorities are aware of the fact that such identity is not completely congru (Fr).

In the course of autumn 1999, new demonstrations against the ruling regime began in Serbian cities. The part of population that protests excludes second-raters, pensioners and peasants. A meager number of real working class also protests. Serbia that is literate, tolerant and not afraid of transition participates the demonstrations. The demonstrator is Serbia that has no place to go.


Conclusion, if any

Formally, sanctions endured approximately two and a half years. At the same time, in the area of the former SFR Yugoslavia, a brutal war for territories was carried on. Not only were Yugoslavia under imposed sanctions, but also all the economic and technological relations with former Yugoslav republics - Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina - were broken up. Even if there were no international community sanctions, this fact is sufficient for explaining to a great extent so great reduction in national product as well as in industrial output, which were registered in the observed period. Sanctions just overloaded the society, which has already behaved like a swimmer on the heavy sea. Yet, were the sanctions successful?

The answer to this question depends on what is meant by the goal of sanctions. Their goal could be punishing the subject of international law - the state. Consequently, the residents of the state in question would be punished as well, in spite of the intentions of the sanctions enforcers. A very famous maxim of Montesquieu: "First of all I'm a man, then I'm French", could not be of use to any individual who is unfortunate to be a citizen of the target country. Alternatively, the imposition of sanctions could be observed as a manifestation of aspiration of the international community (the United Nations, or, precisely, the Security Council) to influence a change in demeanor of a state, which endangers international peace and security. The sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro have been imposed under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, intended for the change in behavior. Yugoslavia signed the Dayton Peace Agreement, renounced territorial conquests, precisely; the war against internationally recognized countries - Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Yugoslavia did change its comportment. The international community did achieve its goal. Sanctions were lifted. Punished by the international community or not, Yugoslavia has changed its policy towards neighboring countries. However, is it capable of implementing a policy of friendly relations with other countries, of international cooperation, of guaranteeing attainments of the European democratic societies within its borders and hence become one of the oarsmen in the European ship?

Involving Serbia into another internal war in Kosovo and confrontation with NATO, Milosevic and his regime have played they ultimate card. Sanctions finally have got the military form. The guess is that sanctions have consolidated Milosevic and his regime. Formally, there is a chance that Serbia becomes modern country, because the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe is now offered. But, the Serbian society looks like it is devoid of the inner levers for its acceptance as well as for carrying it out.



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