TV Promotes Decadence: 'We Are
What We Watch'
The Dec. 9 CDT reports that Penn State police are investigating voyeur incidents. Some man is invading the privacy of women's apartments, apparently to see and film what he can see. Such behavior is clearly unethical and disgusting, but perhaps this man is simply exercizing the philosophy "If it feels good, do it." Or in this case, "If it looks good, look at it." In this day of tolerance, relativism, free-thinking and free-doing, voyeurism shouldn't be all that surprising. Hasn't this man seen women showering on TV scores of times? And haven't women allowed themselves to be prostrated like this before cameras voluntarily? (A quick glance at a hospital waiting room TV showed a comercial of a man using the restroom as he demonstrated a hands-free cell phone.) TV removes all doors, and perhaps this is part of the reason people are feeling free to do so in real life. We are what we watch. If what we observe powerfully influences us, then let us open the door to the stable this Christmas, and look upon Jesus "the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the Cross--Hebrews 12:2. The believing, searching shepherds of Bethlehem peeped into the manger and saw Him Who is "Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father"-- Isaiah 9:6. Let us swing wide open the doors of our hearts and sincerely sing, "Oh, come to my heart Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for Thee."
Rev. Gabriel J. Morley