We Have An Opportunity to Restore Whitehouse
ONCE AGAIN, IT WAS MY PRIVILEGE TO EXERCIZE MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH/PRESS AND PRESENT THE GOSPEL IN OUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER. BELOW IS THAT LETTER. MY REFERENCE TO A STATE COLLEGE PASTOR IS RELATED TO A SAD SITUATION. THIS PASTOR WAS CAUGHT SOLICITING A 14 YEAR OLD BOY OVER THE CHURCH AMERICA ONLINE ACCOUNT. PROBLEM WAS--THE "BOY" WAS AN UNDERCOVER FBI AGENT. THE PASTOR HAD TO RESIGN AND HE IS FACING UP TO 10 YEARS IN PRISON, AND PUNISHING ETERNITY UNLESS HE REPENTS. GOD BLESS THE TRUTH! With the Whitehouse failing us(consider the immoral, perversion-supporting occupants), with the churchhouse frustrating us(consider the accusation against and confession of a State College pastor), and the moviehouse fighting us(consider CDT's report of Actress Rene Russo blasting the beauty industry for encouraging shallow values while she continues swearing, stripping, and submerging in steamy scenes), one wonders who we can trust. Thankfully, the Whitehouse can be restored by a man who enjoys marital bliss, who exhibits sterling character, who exercises principle inspite of fierce opposition, and who unashamedly exposes his belief in Jesus as his Savior. Providentially, the fallen pastor from State College can also be transformed. The prolonged "illness" he acknowledged is curable by One who is "faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to CLEANSE us of ALL unrighteousness"(I John 1:9.) Backslidden David prayed in Psalm 51, "Cleanse me from my sin...create in me a clean heart...cast me not away from Thy presence." While some won't forgive, and the vile seek to legalize such behavior, the repentant will find deliverance. Sadly, there's little hope for Hollywood if Russo is any example. She embraces Christianity yet defies all Christian standards. This double standard caused my parents to trash their TV 35 years ago, as did Malcome Muggeridge, the British media mogul. He even insisted that "Jesus would never have put his salvation message on TV: it promotes fantasy rather than truth." "'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus." He is truly trustworthy. Rev. Gabriel J. Morley |