Speech - "Spotlight on the U.N." While I am generally very sceptical of conspiracy theories, especially of an international type, I must say that in the case of the UN and its various agencies and very powerful non-governmental organizations such as IPPF, WHO and the World Bank from my personal experience and that of others who understand the machinations and internal functioning of these bodies there is substantial evidence of a carefully planned takeover.
The UN and its agencies and supporters appear to be bent on establishing a world government which is designed to impose its will and idealogy by means of a whole system based on human rights reinforced by international laws over-riding national laws. We have already seen in our own country the previous government exerting pressure on and claiming authority over long recognised state laws. The authority to do this is assumed by the Federal Government having signed certain treaties that have emanated from the UN, treaties that were not brought before us for debate or ratification but to which we are committed. The democratic process is thus bypassed. I am sure that such actions by the Federal Government, together with its commitment to and financial support for a number of fringe ideologies with insufficient attention to the needs of its traditional labour supporters led to its downfall. At the last UN conference I attended in Istanbul last June it was obvious there was a softening of the hard line stance by the coalition government which would seem to be open so some well placed lobbying. The stakes are high as the whole Judaeo-Christian ethic is at risk. I would like to quote from a paper given at a pro-life, pro-family meeting immediately prior to the most recent UN conference, this time the FAO or World Food Summit held in November 1996 in Rome. Key concepts that are now being promoted by the UN. These extend far beyond "reproductive health" and "reproductive rights" and amount to a systematization of a new pagan anthropology. It could be described as "collective individualism" having a "people centred approach" in which the people are not self-giving but pleasure seeking individuals. The UN conferences from Rio to Istanbul have had a cumulative effect. Federico Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO, pointed out in Istanbul they provide all the guidelines needed to manage the social reform required by the new social contact. The UN has now entered the action or implementation phase. The components of this contact are systematically integrated into each other eg: These have all been integrated into a tightly closed and logical system exclusive of the traditional Judaeo-Christian vision of society. The systematic UN rights approach is contributing to the current legalizing of society, a society governed by judges; a litigious society which may put an end to democracy if we do not stop it. Four UN inter-agency task forces were set up in 1995 to ensure more efficient follow-up of global conferences. One of these, the task force on basic social services is headed by UNFPA. An example of integration: Family planning is integrated into primary health care and into a "wider framework which addresses peoples' overall reproductive and sexual needs". Reproductive rights are integrated into human rights, women's health and development. The new ethics of WHO is integrated into overall public health policies. Health issues, including reproductive health must "permeate all sectors of society not just Ministries of Health". Environmental concerns are integrated into overall development. The nutritional field is now integrated into population projections of the UN, gender issues into health and food security. UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali said he was determined to integrate the gender perspective: "into all aspects of the work of the UN, into policies and programs and make sure that it is fully taken into account in furthering the (UN) Organization linkages with Civil Society." The UN's decision to approach health and development rom the stand point of "rights" has led to an increase in acceptance of the concept in national parliaments and in public opinion, leading to a proliferation of all kinds of new rights - right to health, rights to public health, right to housing, to food, to education, rights of the environment and so on. We must not forget that consensus documents such as those produced at UN conferences are likely to become an important source of customary international law and to have a certain juridical weight. Legally, reservations from dissenting countries concerning parts of these consensus statements do not necessarily prevent a consensus from entering law. Over time the position expressed in the consensus document will become part of customary international law. It will eventually become binding - and we are clearly moving in that direction. Peeters suggests we have to mobilize Christian intellectuals, law professors and policy-makers against the formation of customary international law through so-called consensus. The social consensus of the UN is a new form of enlightened despotism and does not come from the people. This process could be made more difficult by adequate national law to which judges could refer. We could examine whether the current hierarchy between international and internal law in which international law in many jurisdictions enjoys an automatic priority, should not be reversed. This would make it much more difficult for the international agenda of the UN to enter national law and national tribunals. The UN consensus is incompatible with the Judaeo-Christian tradition. Dr Nakajima head of WHO has been quoted as saying that "Monotheistic ethics as such cannot be applied in the future". The WHO order of health care priorities is the woman first, then the mother, then the new born baby, then the child. The individualistic concept of women's rights is dominant. The unborn is totally absent. Equality between the woman and the unborn or even the child cannot be sustained where this individualistic concept of human rights is dominant. The UN on 10-21st March 1997 at its HQ in New York held yet another meeting under the control of its office on the Status of Women to plan the implementation of the program of action put out at the 4th Women's World Congress in Beijing in September 1995... The pro-life, pro-family forces were there in strength. They will continue to fight the good fight. May the Lord be with them! Dr K Hume, KSG, MB, BS, FRACGP |