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warp.across.to/2002 ---- updated February 27 2000
"Homophile" is used to refer to either homo-sexuals or those who adopt the same-sex culture without any reservation- the antonym of "Homophobe".
"Gay Cult" - "please don't use gay cult to describe..." - true or false? --
Cults usually have distinctive meeting places, regalia, a flag or symbol, doctrine explaining cult beliefs, pictures of cult heros or members seen as venerable.
Cult members usually have a discrete method to identify themselves to each other in public (like an armband, whistle, lapel pin, etc). Only members know how to behave or what to wear at a cult meeting; it has it's behaviouralisms and gestures that are unique and non-members feel awkward.
Members hold to unusual beliefs and recruits are cautioned not to trust outsiders; doubts are dealt with internally, and the recruit is repeatably told to only trust other members and instruction from cult doctrine. Indoctrinated members are loyal to cult leadership, despite the efforts from outside the cult to clearly identify irrational or fraudulent claims of the cult, scientific or otherwise.
Cults usually feel persecuted for their world-view and want to change the world to suit their view. "Us versus Them" public protests provide outlet for aggression and strengthen internal loyalty to "the struggle". Cult numbers are unrealistically exaggerated by leadership to bolster doctrine and make political aims of cult seem achievable. Cult is secretive about actual membership roll or roll is not taken at all.
Cult has agenda of growth through recruiting youth (world-view unformed) and growth of cult numbers in itself is seen as justification of beliefs.
Doctrine says outside influences are "guilty" when members or prospective members suicide or stop attending cult meetings; this "guilt" is used to persuade outside authorities to have cult beliefs incorporated into mainstream education (pre-empt world-view). It also follows that therapists and counsellors are attacked for attempts to normalise members. Cult promotes psuedo-scientific claims that attempts to withdraw members causes "psychological harm" and is tantamount to persecution. Claims are usually traceable to cult membership. ref 33 Cult leadership sees infiltration of professions as a priority.
Recruits are told to only trust cult members and beliefs, not parents. Parents of recruits and their opinions are isolated from the recruit as much as possible in "best interest" of recruit, referring back to previous point - "harmful" ploy. Parents attempts to explain world-view to recruit are labeled as "ignorant" since non-members have not studied doctrine. Recruit gradually discards non-member peers (and their world-view) and is encouraged to make friends inside the cult, reinforcing dependence on cult.
Cult claims their members are persecuted class in society and should have access to all outsider institutions, even those who object to cult doctrine, to counter levels of persecution. Cult claims all people, to some degree, "know" the cult is right, but are avoiding issue because of "fear" they are wrong. Cult leaders organise actions to break down attitudes of non-members in interests of growing membership.
Experiences of Ex-members and the negative inferences on cult dogma are minimised. Cult is paranoid about outside opinion and uses all legal and financial means to fashion reality to conform to beliefs.
Cults rarely gain the numbers and credibility to influence public policy. The hope of such influence plays a large part in sustaining the cult and necessary level of activity to maintain a momentum.
What degree of fanaticism is exhibited in the agenda of the Gay Cult? Who are the real Zealots?
Snipped from the D. Timble Nobel Lecture Dec 10 1998:
"A political fanatic" Amos Oz said, "is someone who is more interested in you than in himself."...
A political fanatic is not someone who wants to perfect himself. No, he wants to perfect you. He wants to perfect you personally, to perfect you politically, to perfect you religiously, or racially, or geographically.
He wants you to change your mind, your government, your borders.
He may not be able to change your race, so he will eliminate you from the perfect equation in his mind by eliminating you from the earth.
"Bigotry" is one of those wonderful labels used as a powerful insult, when in fact the dictionary definition ("one intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions or prejudices; synonyms being fanatic, enthusiast, zealot") reveals that all persons holding a deeply held opinion are bigotted. Anyone who draws a line in the sand is a bigot. But the activist media don't refer to Union members as bigots, or atheist humanists as bigots or all politically dedicated inteligensia as bigots or the millions of football team supporters as bigots: just people who are politically incorrect according to the activist media.
With a closer look, the choice of words used in the western media's promotion of the cult is interesting: why do they prefer to use "gay" or "queer", and not "homo-sexual or "pervert" and a handful more? The faster answer is that they have are allowed to use the first two labels because members of the cult uses those labels in their media releases themselves. The slower answer is that the other labels are not approved of by the members of the cult and are therefore taken as being "vilification", and "homophobic" according to homo-sexual lore. Those two last two re-education-gulag-buzzwords, slavishly lifted straight from the cult's propaganda, infest the media by way of cookie cutter journalism. The activist media were able to force their homophile orthodoxy throughout the old media, (in lieu of the real thing in the real world), but, providentially, not the new media of the Net.
Further examination of what the politically correct media got up to in the last decade reveals that what the gay cult craves of the real world is not standard issue tolerance, but the deluxe accessory: respect. Every person tolerates disagreeable corners of society everyday; I can tolerate other persons infected with vices like alcoholism or prostitution or pornography or illicit drugs or deviant sexuality --but that in no way infers I respect the vice victim or their particular vice, especially if they are proud of it. If tolerance means respect, then respect means honour, and honour means celebrate, and celebrate means promote, and promote means approve. Is tolerate-respect-honour-celebrate-promote-approve the manna the cult activists are looking for? Well, Hell will freeze over before I respect a vice. No way ever. God's Word instructs me not to, and it is common sense; it is as obvious and final as death.
Respect is not a right. I have a right to respect whoever I wish. Self-respect is all it says it is. It would be a decadent nation that granted the degenerate the liberty to foist anti-social vices and immorality on its citizens. I submit that the gay cult easily qualifies as anti-social and immoral. Look it up.
I reiterate, the victims of vices should not be subjected to further evils like violence and hatred, but the opposite. Remember, "there but for the Grace of God go I". Those who do violence (to anyone) are decieved and their vice is just as evil; hatred is a vice. Victims need our love and care to overcome their vice and break free of Deception. The recalcitrants of all vices are under God's judgement, His alone. And He weeps.
Some more news (re the 2002 Gay Games issue) came along in September 1999. The answers in this transcript below has prompted a revision of the article... and only more questions.
This transcript is interesting for what it does not say. Here the ALP government, the State Treasurer, is quizzed about tax payer funding of the 2002 Gaymes...
Wednesday 8 September 1999
Examination of proposed expenditure for the portfolio areas:TREASURY, STATE DEVELOPMENT
Chair: Reverend the Hon. F. J. Nile
NSW Treasurer: The Hon. M. R. Egan
NSW Treasury Dept: Mr Harris
p20CHAIR: We know the Government rightly has spent a great deal of money on the Sydney Olympics, but has the State Government given or promised any public funds for the 2002 Gay Games to be held in Sydney?
THE HON. M. R. EGAN: To my knowledge, no.
CHAIR: Did the New South Wales Government pay in whole, or any part of, the winning bid or licence fee to the Federation of Gay Games to have them held in Sydney? A licence fee must be paid, which was reportedly up to $1 million.
THE HON. M. R. EGAN: Again, to my knowledge, no, but it would not normally be something under State Development. According to Mr Harris there has been no funding approved. Apparently there has been an application to the events committee.
Mr HARRIS: There was an application made to the major events committee of [Department of] Tourism New South Wales and to the best of my knowledge no funds have been provided by that committee and no funds have been given by [Department of] Tourism New South Wales.
transcript from NSW Parliament Hansard.
Note that the ALP Treasurer denies any funds (any at all) have BEEN given or promised to the 2002 Gaymes and that no part of the FOGG FEE has been paid by the tax payers of NSW. So who is paying? Stay tuned.