Public Works Concession
Public Works Concession constitutes an integral part of the Polish Public Procurement Law and can be found in the Chapter 4 "Award and execution of concessions" Article 128-131 (page 59). Due to its limited scope (services are not included) the new legislation has been prepared that will cover in the separate act of law both public works concession and concession for public services.
Act on Toll Motorways and National Road Fund
This act refers specifically to the concessions awarded to the motorways and other toll or shadow toll roads constructed in Poland. The text of the current Act on Toll Motorways and National Road Fund is available in The Polish language version, but due to a low demand it was not translated into English language within the framework of this service, but it can be translated against a specific order.
Civil Code
Civil code can be and it is being used as the base for multi-annual agreements including Public-Private agreements in absence of the PPP law. It is important to notice, that existence of the new PPP Act does not preclude possibility to conclude PPP agreements based on the Civil Code alone.
The Civil Code is available in the Polish Language Version.