1997 Young Democrats Of America Platform
As adopted in National Convention
August, 16, 1997, Miami, Florida
We, as members of the Democratic Party, seek to uphold a long and honored tradition as
defenders of individual liberty and equal opportunity. We are gratified that the voters
shared our views in 1996 with the reelection of President Bill Clinton. We take great
pride in our heritage as the party of the people. In this role, we have realized the value
of a fair and responsive government and the merits of an active citizenry. As Young
Democrats, we recognize the need to actively participate in the political process and
encourage all people to become informed and involved in public decision making. To this
end, we promote social awareness, community involvement and political activism as a means
to achieve a more fair and just society.
Federal Economic Policy
The Democratic Party believes that all Americans need to have an opportunity for
economic success while being held responsible for their individual actions. We believe
that the federal economic policy should foster a healthy economic environment for all
Americans. As the result of these Democratic policies, Americans are now enjoying the
result of low inflation, low unemployment, and the lowest interest rates in a generation.
- The Young Democrats of America support efforts to balance the federal budget while
protecting Democratic values such as Medicare, Medicaid, social security, and the
- The Young Democrats of America support tax reductions that benefit working families and
the majority of Americans.
- We recognize the need to preserve and protect the safety and welfare of our nation's
senior citizens, and other groups at risk. We also recognize the need to protect the
economic security of future generations.
- The Young Democrats of America recognize the increasing importance of responsible
international trade in preserving America's economic growth and prosperity.
Labor Standards
- Minimum Wage - We believe all Americans should be guaranteed a liveable wage which
encourages people to work, provides for an improved standard of living and empowers our
- Right to organize - We believe all workers should be assured the protection of effective
laws that guarantee their right to organize, join the union of their choice, and bargain
collectively with their employer free from anti-union tactics. In that spirit, we oppose
permanent replacement of striking workers. We also oppose "right-to-work" laws.
- Worker-right-to-know - We support comprehensive right-to-know laws giving all employees
access to information about hazardous materials used in their work place and the correct
protective measures to reduce the risk of harmful exposure.
- We support state and federal prevailing wage laws; free collective bargaining;
non-discriminatory, equitable employment practices; the use of affirmative action to
achieve those goals; and preservation and protection of public and private pension funds.
Law And Justice
- The Young Democrats of America applaud and support the courage and leadership it took to
pass the Crime Bill of 1995, which was signed into law by President Clinton which includes
community policing, placing 100,000 officers on our streets, and the Violence Against
Women Act.
- The Democratic Party believes if a person or organization commits a crime on an
individual or society they should be held responsible for their actions and should be
- We oppose all efforts to weaken the civil justice system; moreover, we oppose caps on
monetary damage awards.
- Domestic violence poses a serious threat to the American family; the Young Democrats of
America supports all efforts to educate communities on ways to reduce the incidence of
domestic violence.
- The Young Democrats of America supports all efforts to increase child support
National Security
- The Young Democrats of America believe that the United States should maintain the
strongest military in the world. The United States should ensure that our military meets
all needs of operation, readiness, and maintenance in the most cost effective manner with
the highest level of technology available.
- We believe that United States foreign defense policies should aid and encourage
democracies. We further believe, free access to a democracy is a basic human right.
- We believe the United States as a world leader, must seek throughout the world social,
religious, economic, and political rights which improve the world's standard of living.
- The Young Democrats of America denounce oppression of all peoples living under
totalitarian regimes, and support the empowerment of all people in and outside of the
Untied States to foster Democratic principles.
The Young Democrats of America support the protection of the environment for future
generations. We recognize that the earth has limited resources, and environmental planning
must ensure sustain ability of future resources.
- We believe that all people have a fundamental right to clean air, clean water, and to
live in an environment free of pollution.
- We believe it is the responsibility of our government to protect and preserve our
environment. Because of its purchasing power, our government must exercise leadership by
pursing the promotion and preservation of environmentally sound practices that do not
threaten continued economic growth.
- Because of diminishing natural resources we support the use of economically sound and
environmentally safe renewable, alternative fuels.
Health And Social Issues
The Young Democrats of America support and remain strongly committed to the principles
that are a matter of simple human dignity that the protection and services of the nation
and the opportunities which our economy and society afford should be equally available to
all persons.
- We oppose discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, creed,
religion, disabilities, and socioeconomic status under any circumstances.
- We support reform of the health care system and the health insurance industry. We
believe in the control of escalating costs through the power of the free market with
minimal government intervention. We also support adequate funding for prevention and
- The Young Democrats of America support a woman's right to choose, regard
less of
ability to pay, and we welcome individuals with other views to participate in the
Democratic party.
- We believe that education is the key to prosperity and the wisest investment we can make
in the future of our nation. Quality public education is essential to providing equal
opportunities for success.
- We believe that education is a life-long pursuit and support programs which encourage
public educational opportunities during all stages of life.
- We believe that access to education is critical, and no one should be denied
opportunities based on physical, emotional, or mental disabilities.
- We believe that our public schools should offer a well rounded education in the
sciences, humanities, arts and athletics.
- We believe that funding levels should be optimized in a fair and equitable manner. We
support the principle of exceptional, affordable and inclusive higher education.
The Young Democrats of America believe ethics in campaigning and ethics in government
are absolute principles to which candidates and public officials must continually adhere
to. We support an effort to clearly define acceptable and unacceptable conduct. We believe
those who run for public office as well as those who are office holders must be held
accountable to the public for ethical acts.
- We the Young Democrats of America believe in the values of Democracy and support efforts
to ensure fair and free elections.
- The Young Democrats of America support continued efforts on campaign finance reform to
ensure that money is not an overwhelming factor in the outcome of elections.
- We believe responsible government should serve all people and encourage their active
participation in the political process regardless of their race, age, physical abilities,
sexual orientation, religion, gender, or national origin.
- We believe that voting is both a right and a duty, and that unreasonable impediments to
the exercise of that right and the practice of that duty are deplorable.