Incumbent, Harry Lee met with token opposition in "Renee" Washington. Washington collected 21% of the vote. Sheriff Lee's opponents, these days, all seem to have little success in challenging him. Supposedly, loves to hang around with felons (not necessarily reformed) claiming it's nobody's business but his. Sheriff Lee always seems to get out of trouble. The westbank's black population had some problems with his Street Crimes Unit, but Harry calmed them down. Meanwhile, his opposition seems to come from ex-deputies and minorities - to no avail.
11/4/00 - After seeing former Causeway police officer Ronald Guggliardo resign his position from the sheriff's office, Sheriff Lee is wrangled in another controversy. It seems Harry okayed the appointment of Brian Miller as a reserve deputy. Miller was a former full-time deputy with Lee who allegedly barricaded himself in a Kenner home in 1996 and who allegedly also had (or is it has?) a "serious cocaine addiction."
Now as stupid (or insanely loyal) as these incidents sound, Harry has been taking some unnecessary flack. It seems the black population on the West Bank, according to Harry, is concerned too much with these two hirings and not overly concerned about recent black-on-black murders. Harry says that the black community should be inflamed over music lyrics and similar crimes just as much as they are about his stupid moves. They're both right. Harry's moves were evidenced by the way they inadvertently left. And, the black community should be outraged over anyone's death in their community. Common sense dictates that this is true, don't you think?
7/20/02 - Tim Coulon has promoted Assistant Recreation Director Tim Quigley as his executive assistant. Quigley has been working for the parish since 1971 when he started as an assistant recreation supervisor. He is Coulon's fourth assistant in less than two years. Hmmm. Salary is between $52,112 and $80.844.
District 1 - Shane Guidry (35%) is in a runoff with T. J. "Butch" Ward (48%). Danny LaMont brought up the rear with 16%. This was a very nasty race. Guidry's father, the former owner of the Treasure Chest, was fined, I think, $1.5 million dollars for some illegal deal he was involved in. I think it was based on the casino boat he owned. Anyway, he sold the Treasure Chest for around $150 million dollars. $1.5 million dollars from about $150 million is a lot of money made. His tugboat operation was also investigated, and subsequently dropped from investigation due to his bargain with federal prosecutors. Good deal. Now, his son, Shane wants to be councilman. Hmmm... Lots of mudslinging here. Lots!
District 2 - Lloyd F. Giardina won outright with 69% of the vote. The incumbent defeated Michael "Mike" Oncale (27%) and C.A. "Rod" Rodriguez (3%).
District 3 - Dona, beat Cedric Floyd (not a friend of Karen Barnes) and "Danny" Webber. Jones - 59%
Floyd, the ex-school board member - 26% Webber - 15%
District 5 - John Lavarine (50%) is in a runoff with with Robert T. Garrity Jr. (36%). Loser was Anne Marie Vandenweghe (poor Anne, she lost again) with 9% and "Sal" Lejarza with 6%.
12/7/99 T.J. "Butch" Ward bragged, shortly thereafter, that he beat a "400 pound Chinaman". Ward was referring to Jefferson Parish Sheriff Harry Lee who supported his opponent Shane Guidry (see above). Lavarine won also. More later.....
2/26/00 The Times Picayune reports that the lame duck council is giving raises to their clerks. 28% raise! One aide 40%! Some, twice as much as their equals elsewhere. Butch Ward's aide making $80,844 a year? Only Muniz's aide stays the same.
4/16/00 - Charlie French was defeated by Judy Colgan who supported higher standards by a margin of 15% points. French was supported by the J.F.T. and School Board President Martin Marino.
7/14/01 - News is that Kevin Dermody and Emerald Investments mismanaged investments in a retirement supplemental plan. Gary Burke, a politician, also was instrumental in approving the association. JeJe? 5-4 board vote - Hagan, Katsanis, Moran and French dissented.
7/21/02 - A measure to boost monies failed miserably yesterday. Cuts are expected. Sales taxes would have been 9.5%.
8/19/00 - In the 24th District, Division E, Greg Guidry and Anne LaCour qualified. Division J had Pat Hand, Steve Windhorst and Susan Neathamer qualify. You know, sometimes I get the feeling that some of these lawyers are tired of chasing ambulances, DWIs and other low-paying cases. Not everyone can be a Wendall Gauthier. Is that how you spell his name? I've never written out a damages check for him. What kind of car does Wendall drive again? Or, are these attorneys simply tired of asking secretaries to take a message.
10/8/00 - Greg Guidry and state Rep. Steve Windhorst were elected to divisions E and J of the 24th Judicial District Court. Sol Gothard will retain his 5th Circuit Appellate seat after beating Robert T. Garrity.
12/12/01 - Months after the parish made an effort to curb littering by opening up a litter court, no tickets have been written. In fact, three of the officials have yet to pick up their books! The court's inaugural session had to be cancelled. The eight constables are supposed to enforce litter laws - but obviously, don't want to. Their excuse - no uniforms or marked cars. Oh yeah, well then, give them a uniform and paint their cars. Come on guys, do what you're supposed to do.
11/15/01 - Three propositions are on the ballot: renewal of a 1.71. millage for sewerage operation and maintenance, renewal of a 2.40 millage for garbage collection and disposal, and third, renewal of an 11.02 millage for fire protection and suppression. Renewal's we suggest you vote for them. After all, improvements are everywhere. At least we know they're spending the money as they should. Right, guys? Westwego has three renewal issues too. Ooops, make it four. Renewals. We support these two. They're renewals, not new taxes.
11/18/01 - Several propositions from different areas appeared on the ballot and all passed. First, in Kenner a sewerage measure passed via a 1.71-mill property tax extending through 2012. A garbage tax renewal for ten years passed with 82% support that will help pay for Kenner's garbage collection and disposal. The fire tax of 11.02-mills passed in Kenner enabling fire services to continue. Individuals pay about $27.55 per household. In Westwego, residents renewed a series of millages to pay for city services including fire, police and parks. All propositions passed.
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