2000 Fall Calendar
The General Election on November 7, 2000 is fast approaching. It is imperative that we make sure all of our friends and neighbors are registered to vote. One way to make sure they are registered is to ask them. We have cards available and Deputy Voter Registrars can help you, but you have to act. We can't win if they can't vote.October 14, 2000 the Washington County Jaycees will hold their political forum at the sales pavillion on the Washington County Fairgrounds beginning at 1:00 PM. Immediately following the forum we will hold a rally at Gilbert and Katherine Janner's. For more information contact any club member. For more information about the Washington County Democratic Club please Call David Bagley @ 251-7542 or E-mail us washington_county_democrat@Yahoo.com
Your 2000
officers are:
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