In their own words, "Abuzz is a knowledge network where you can use email and the Web to ask questions, give answers, and share your knowledge with other Abuzz members."
There are many circles of interest; check out the Politics Circle to discuss politics.
This is a politics-oriented news site from CNN and Time.
In their own words, "Your best source for antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities". is a division of the Center for Libertarian Studies.
The International Magazine on Arab Affairs
"The World's Best Free On-Line Political Guide"
The Magazine for People in Politics
In their own words, "The Center for Voting and Democracy studies how voting systems affect participation, representation and governance and disseminates its findings to civic organizations, elected officials, journalists and the general public."
"Holding Power Accountable".
In their own words, " is a nonpartisan forum created to give engaged citizens a place on the Web to discuss, debate and inform themselves on key legislative issues arising before Congress. Our goal is to provide an inside look at current issues before the U.S. Congress through Op-Ed's and Q & A sessions with Members of Congress, as well as interactive discussions, news, legislative updates, polls and information resources. "
This site provides information about the "Direct Democracy Project - "Direct Democracy is the people controlling government directly through our nonpartisan elected representatives and deciding all matters of taxation and public policy. The technology exists for us to have direct democracy by establishing voting networks of interactive electronic devices connected to the voters homes."
In their own words, "A consortium of top public policy organizations and advocacy groups, the Electronic Policy Network provides timely information and leading ideas about the policies and politics that shape our world."
They advertise themselves as "Your political action network.". It contains a lot of interesting political clubs and groups.
This site allows you to create a group around a political action, for example, third party politics. It also provides you with group email and a bulletin board for your club.
This site provides interesting articles and opinions about politics.
In their own words, "The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy."
An information site.
A site dedicated to using the Interent as a tool for activism.
"New Leaders For A New Time"
"Campaign For America'a Future"
In their own words, "Since its inception, has been dedicated to using online communications to enhance civic participation in public policy . . . enjoys active participation by leading think tanks, advocacy groups, businesses, policy analysts, professors and other policy organizations both as content providers and as dedicated users of the site."
This is a daily newspaper for politics.
A political newsletter.
"Politics Everyone Can Enjoy"
"Congress Watch is a division of Public Citizen, a 150,000 member national non-profit, non-partisan, member-supported public interest group founded by Ralph Nader in 1971. Congress Watch monitors Congress and fights for consumer rights, government and corporate accountability, campaign finance reform, a clean environment, and health and safety protection through lobbying, public education, research and media outreach."
This is a political discussion site.
In their own words, "The #1 source for public opinion data on the Internet".
This site provides political news and allows you to "become an online activist". It provides messaging tools to get your political message out and also provides a bulletin board to discuss issues.
The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Food
This is a fun community that discusses all types of politics.
"A Project to Study and Invigorate the American Electoral Process"
If you are interested in Campaign Finance Reform, Ballot Access, Third Party Politics, and more, visit this site!
"Your place on the web to see the headlines on Third Party Campaigns - The campaigns and people the mainline media forgot."
"Reforming the Electoral Process"
A Bimonthly Jewish Critique Of Politics, Culture & Society
"Conservative News and Information"
"The Ultimate Politics Network"
"Defending your freedom by protecting your vote"
Their tag line is "The Home of Online Activism". This site is similar to In fact, bought them.