While I always enjoy a nicely cooked
venison steak, maybe a squirrel or two, animals should not be tortured.
That does not mean that legitimate medical experiments should not be done.
Oh no, if fifty monkeys die this year so that old Earl's grand babies have
safe medicine, then do it.
Animals were put here for man to use
not abuse. If you all want to hunt, then make sure you use as much
of the animal as possible. Head hunters who leave a rotting carcass
piss me off. You can haul the whole thing home and if you don't want
to eat the meat give it to a neighbor.
Animals have the right to fill our
stomachs with tasty meals. They have the right to look pretty when
we take the kids out to the woods. I also think that we should allow
them to be unmolested in the wild unless hunting.
All of you tree huggers that think
animals are people or some such nonsense need to have a reality check.
Fight polluters and Earl is there with ya. Try to better the condition
of animals at zoos and parks, fine. But hunting is a natural thing.
If you do not wish to partake then stay home.