I wish to look at the reasons that liberals and people of color wish to attack white people's free speech.
While I do not wish to make light of the things that some white people
did in the past, some were wrong. It is just as wrong, or really
stupid to judge the past with the values of the present. Where do
many of today's rewriters of history think we would be if not for our Western
Tradition. It was white men who thought of the United States and
freedom for all men. The Magna Carta was a white thing, as was the
writings of such men as Voltaire and more.
Now in these sad days we are seeing even the great Founding Fathers
of the United States coming under attack. Some idiots in New Orleans
renamed their school because they say George Washington owned slaves.
But, where would they be today if George hadn't risked everything to get
this country started? Just look in the news for examples of the uneducated
and illiterate people that we kowtow too. The "niggardly" incident
is a perfect example.
Anti-white people do not want to hear about all the good whites have
done and continue to do. They can not build, but only destroy.
Since many (not all) non-whites can not or will not put in the effort needed
to achieve a higher standard of living, they continually use tactics to
drag us down to their level. You only have to see how the rap/hip-hop
culture has affected the youth of this culture.
Thus we can see that in the world today it is the non-white and others
who are against traditional American values such as hard work and free
speech that are the real racists and bigots.
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at earlturner88@yahoo.com