The System Caught You But It Won't Get Me

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Here's the small art collection i mentioned.

This is just a page that has some files pretaining to very current events. You should visit this often.

My little chat room. Go here. Maybe someday I'll setup a schedule. Provided by

Well this page has all the email addresses to the authors in one place and has the survey and guestbook. Go here to voice your opinion.

Here is what will soon be the back bone of the page. It will be filled with many different essays on differnt subjects and different authors. Recommended to visit once a week.

links YOU should visit

These are some links in which you should visit for various sources of infomation about fighting censorship, in real life and the internet, some influencial persons and other crap of the sort.

A small collection of real audio files from both spoken word albums and music too.

This is just a log of all the updates. Go here to see what's new.

This many people have been suckered into coming here have been given a brain since 12/27/97.

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Music is the voice of change. If you're looking for some good political bands that have good ideals and what not, try the following: Crass, Dirt, Bad Religion, Good Riddance, Dead Kennedys, No Use For A Name, and Propagahndi.

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