"In the past 10 years, for example, 300 cases of dangerous and flagrant wrongdoing discovered by GAP have been seen by over 120 million people on programs like "60 Minutes," "20/20" and national network news specials."GAP's advisory board has included Rev. Philip Zwerling, First Unitarian Church,Los Angeles; William Worthy, journalist; Alfre Woodard, actress; IPS senior fellowRoger Wilkins; Senator Lowell Weicker (R-CT); Robert Vaughn, AmericanUniversity Law School; John Shattuck, Harvard University vice-president; MarkRoth, American Federation of Government Employees general counsel; TonyRoisman, Esq.; David Morse, actor; Susan Morse, actress; George McGovern;Arthur Kinoy, Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR); Benjamin Hooks, NAACPexecutive director; Morton Halperin, director, ACLU National Capital Area; Rep.Mervyn Dymally (D-CA); Rosemary Chalk, American Association for theAdvancement of Science; Rev. Ken Brown, executive director, CommunityRelations Conference of Southern California; Bertrand Berube, former GeneralServices Administration regional administrator; Scott Armstrong, executive director,National Security Archives (NSA); Robert Alvarez, director, Nuclear WeaponsProject, Environmental Policy Institute; and Jack Anderson, syndicated columnist.