Government Accountability Project (GAP)

[Spin-off from Institute for Policy Studies]

The Government Accountability Project (GAP), was spawned by the Institute forPolicy Studies in the early 1970s as a vehicle through which to attract government"whistleblowers" with emphasis on those with knowledge of covert intelligenceactivities. The GAP was separately incorporated in 1977, but retains ties to IPS.GAP's executive director was Louis Clark; success breeds success in attractingwhistleblowers, Clark saying in a fundraising letter of the late 80's:
"In the past 10 years, for example, 300 cases of dangerous and flagrant wrongdoing discovered by GAP have been seen by over 120 million people on programs like "60 Minutes," "20/20" and national network news specials."
GAP's advisory board has included Rev. Philip Zwerling, First Unitarian Church,Los Angeles; William Worthy, journalist; Alfre Woodard, actress; IPS senior fellowRoger Wilkins; Senator Lowell Weicker (R-CT); Robert Vaughn, AmericanUniversity Law School; John Shattuck, Harvard University vice-president; MarkRoth, American Federation of Government Employees general counsel; TonyRoisman, Esq.; David Morse, actor; Susan Morse, actress; George McGovern;Arthur Kinoy, Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR); Benjamin Hooks, NAACPexecutive director; Morton Halperin, director, ACLU National Capital Area; Rep.Mervyn Dymally (D-CA); Rosemary Chalk, American Association for theAdvancement of Science; Rev. Ken Brown, executive director, CommunityRelations Conference of Southern California; Bertrand Berube, former GeneralServices Administration regional administrator; Scott Armstrong, executive director,National Security Archives (NSA); Robert Alvarez, director, Nuclear WeaponsProject, Environmental Policy Institute; and Jack Anderson, syndicated columnist.
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