The Birch Log ----------------------------------------------------- The Harmful Effect of Gingrich by John F. McManus Release date: 4/29/96 Who can be surprised that the Republican Party has chosen as its presidential candidate Bob Dole, the quintessential Establishment "conservative." While he has a far more appealing personal history than does Bill Clinton, he will offer hardly any difference on major issues. Like Clinton, he is an internationalist and a big spender. Most of all, he is a compromiser. Dole used his considerable clout in the Senate to ruin any conservative action over the budget, troops to Bosnia, and gun control. He has also supported NAFTA, GATT, affirmative action, environmentalism, tax increases, and "reform" at the UN rather than U.S. withdrawal from this world government-to-be. While it is certainly important who fills the office of President, the real battle to restore constitutionally limited government will be won in the House of Representatives where, the Constitution says, "All Bills for raising revenue shall originate...." Simply put, if the House decides not to fund the Department of Education, military deployment to Bosnia, participation in the United Nations, agriculture subsidies, etc., there is nothing the Senate, the President, the Supreme Court, or anyone else can do about it. A friend recently summarized the dismal performance of the 104th Congress in the House led by Speaker Newt Gingrich. After expressing his awareness that many Americans believed the huge influx of freshmen would start unraveling big government, he noted: "Gingrich has achieved something almost unthinkable: He has kept Republican freshmen from being conservative and yet has set them up for possible defeat in November for being too conservative!" The 73 new representatives elected in 1994 were overwhelmingly committed to shrinking the size and cost of government. But they accomplished next to nothing. Gingrich was their leader and his "Contract with America" was sold to the nation as good medicine for an ailing country. But the Contract called for a lot of downright poison: balance the budget with a loophole-filled amendment that would reflect ill of the Constitution instead of Congress; expand NATO; deliver more crime control power to the federal government; federalize a host of laws dealing with children; etc. During the 104th, Gingrich became deservedly known as a master of offensive brashness and know-it-all bluster. Before 1995 had ended, he had achieved one of the highest negative ratings ever detected by the nation's pollsters. In the coming election campaign, Democrats plan to have their House candidates run as hard against Gingrich as they do against their Republican opponents. The tactic threatens to be so successful that numerous freshmen Republicans have already expressed concern about their re-election chances. Some, like John Hostettler (R-IN) and Helen Chenoweth (R-ID), have either asked Gingrich to stay out of their district or breathed a sigh of relief when the Speaker decided to cancel appearances on their behalf. Gingrich isn't fooling anyone who has studied his career. He also isn't fooling a lot of the media that continues to portray him as a hard-line conservative, even as it characterizes hard-line conservatism as detestable. His membership (along with Bill Clinton's) in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations says plenty. And the constant reminder from CFR types that Gingrich is the leader of the conservative opposition - his being named Time magazine's Man-of-the-Year, for instance - should make any reasonably informed person wonder why the Establishment is boosting Gingrich. One of the Speaker's crucially destructive deeds was his pro-GATT/WTO leadership during the December 1994 lame-duck session of Congress. The vote on GATT should never have occurred until the far more conservative new Congress convened in January 1995. But the Establishment eagerly wanted America entangled in this latest stepping stone to world government. The Speaker-to-be could have forced the vote into the next Congress, but he performed well for his internationalist friends who got a key item in their destructive agenda approved. Only recently, GATT's World Trade Organization flexed the muscles given it by Gingrich and others to interfere with our nation's importation of oil. We must now submit to the dictates of a 120-member international trade confederation. Newt Gingrich won his seat in the Congress in 1978. During his first term, he supported, among other things, the creation of the Department of Education and most favored nation status for Communist China. He later voted to supply taxpayer money to facilitate trade with the murderous regime in China. The word was out, however, that this Rockefeller-supporting Republican must be labeled a conservative, a designation that would prove to be very useful for America's internal enemies in the years ahead. Newt Gingrich's leadership has been a disaster for the nation. What he is and what he stands for must become known if the House of Representatives is to accomplish the task it is empowered to do: Roll back big government and disentangle America from the new world order. Copyright 1996 The John Birch Society ----------------------------------------------------------------- For more information, please write: The John Birch Society / Appleton, WI 54913-8040 Send e-mail to: Sponsored by the El Paso Chapter of The John Birch Society