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Hi, here u will find a lot of emulators and roms... be patient please.... I have a lotsa work and I can work on this page only during my spare time. But do not worry.... Soon u will find here a big collection of emulators and roms....

I will be glad If u will deside help me ..... How can u help me ?


- I need a lotsa disk place... remember more place - more emus and more roms /curently i have around 400MB of stuffs/

- I need the most current stufs ... I have no time to surf   for emulators.. somtimes my friends do... if u are a good friend help....

- U should pay my phone bills :))))))) ... no i am looking for sposors who will pay for them.... heheehhe. Yeah If u want to see your banner here and support this page u are welcome...

I want to inform u about another project... this is :               cwarez.gif (5358 bytes)

Classical Warez coming soon... I want rto publish there all old stuffs like Popolous, Dune, Harley Davidson, Defender of the Crown, North and Sout, Red Baron etc. These games are old, but they are still in our hearts... I remeber how many times I spent with Test Drive or Megalomania...... What I need is the same I need for Emulator page..

LOT OF SPACE / I have more than 2GB of old Warez/

If u want to help me ... email me please:                                  EMAIL.gif (6292 bytes)


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