Inner Realm of Patria
Antarbhumi Ramrajya
XLVII Con. Pat.
Annual Message to Congress (at closing of Session)
June 27, 2003
Om Sri Matre Namaha. Salutations to the Divine
Mother, who is the Mother of all. Over the years this annual message
to Congress on the last day of the session before the summer recess has become
a tradition much like the U.S. President’s annual State of the Union message.
With the Divine Mother’s blessings, this tradition continues once again as
the First Session of the 47th Congress is adjourned.
It should be obvious to all that the key issue Congress has dealt with –
or has failed to adequately deal with – is the faltering economy. After
one year in office, the 47th Congress has failed to make significant progress
toward the goal it had set out to accomplish when this session began last
September: to restore security, stability, and first-chakra groundedness –
the likes of which have, for the most part, not been experienced since the
43rd Congress. The stable, secure years of the late 1980s must be the
model to which the 47th Congress should strive to attain. The lower-chakra
roots that were put down some fifteen years ago must be re-planted if there
is to be economic prosperity and financial security.
At best, the 47th Congress has maintained the “same old, same old” of the
latter part of the 46th Congress. There have been a few cosmetic changes,
but generally it has, thus far, not established an identity for itself distinct
from the 46th Congress, other than “46th Congress light” – everything you
always wanted in a Congress and less. Less grounding, less stability
as the secure days of the 43rd Congress become an even more distant memory.
The economy has not recovered from the post-9/11 recession; indeed, it has
not even fully recovered from the recession of 1990-91.
Because Patria has enjoyed a special relationship with Canada since 1867,
the SARS epidemic has hit home even if no cases of SARS have been reported
in the Inner Realm. In April, Patria’s consular office in Toronto was
closed and diplomatic personnel pulled out of Canada due to the SARS epidemic.
Citizens of Patria who travel to the 416 and 905 area codes in Canada have
been warned that they do so at their own risk, although this session did not
authorize a mandatory quarantine.
While there were no cases of SARS exported from Canada or the Far East to
Patria during this session, the threats of West Nile virus and Mad Cow disease
being exported from Canada are very real. Congress has voted necessary
funding to control mosquito infestations and halt the spread of West Nile.
Imports of Canadian beef have been banned, but of course no one in Patria
should be eating beef anyway.
Only a few days ago, marriages between gay and lesbian couples became legal
in Canada. But here in Patria, Congress affirmed that marriage is a
sacred commitment between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriages will
not be recognized in a realm that fosters traditional spiritual growth and
places the highest value on the ancient teachings of Vedic dharma.
While the National Union and the neo-conservatives backed George W. Bush
and Tony Blair to the hilt, the spiritual parties spoke out to condemn Gulf
War II, John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the others who perpetrated
the war. They have been vindicated, since the bombing stopped, by the
findings that Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction and has never had
any connections with 9/11 or al-Qaeda. The SRM-Amrita coalition not
only opposed Bush and Blair’s war against Saddam out of respect for the Hindu
teachings of ahimsa, but they dared to expose the real reason for fighting
this war. Not a war against terrorism, not a war to root out alleged
weapons of mass destruction, not a war for oil, not even a war to ensure Bush’s
re-election – or legitimate election – in 2004, but a war for Israel.
A war that would benefit only the Jews and the Israel-first lackeys in the
White House who pushed hard for “regime change” in Iraq (and perhaps Iran
or Syria next) and who have virtually dictated U.S. Middle Eastern policy
for more than half a century. Israel has a right to exist, with secure
boundaries established in 1948, but the 47th Congress supports a free and
democratic Palestine and in this past year has spoken out against one of the
root causes of 9/11: Israeli atrocities and brutality in the occupied territories.
By publicly challenging Zionism and the Israel-right-or-wrong agenda, in
this past year Congress has incurred the wrath of Jewish groups such as B’nai
B’rith and the Anti-Defamation League, who
despise Patria anyway as a haven for non-practicing Jews drawn to yoga and
Hinduism. Where violent crimes are concerned, there is zero tolerance
for racism, anti-Semitism, or any form of bigotry in Patria. Hate crimes,
i.e. acts of violence such as gay-bashing or vandalism against synagogues
and mosques, have been vigorously prosecuted in the past year. But
Congress has affirmed that there must be no such thing as politically incorrect
“thought crimes”. Thus, it is not a hate crime to debate on the floor
of this House whether the Jews hold influence that goes far beyond their
numbers through their control of the print media, television, and motion
picture industries, and as the Israeli tail that wags the American dog.
Finally, if there is one achievement that both the Hindu parties and the
National Union-led right wing can be proud of after one year of the 47th Congress,
it is that Patria has resisted pressure from sanctimonious leftist do-gooders
and apologists for John Ashcroft’s destruction of civil liberties by emphatically
saying “no!” to the thought police. Police officers have better things
to do, such as fighting violent crime and catching murderers and rapists,
rather than censoring constitutionally protected free speech and spying on
non-violent fellow citizens who may sincerely believe, for example, that
the Holocaust did not happen. No matter how unpopular, loathsome and sick
these beliefs are, to the extent that those who profess them do not resort
to violence or serious threat thereof, they are protected by the Constitution of Patria. No one in Patria will
face prosecution or risk losing their job for non-violent advocacy of politically
incorrect views, construction of politically incorrect web sites, participation
in politically incorrect hobbies, or even for hurting the feelings of certain
ethnic or racial minorities by expressing politically incorrect thoughts.
As is traditional, this session is adjourned with a brief prayer:
Asato ma sad gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityor ma amritam gamaya.
Hari Om. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
[Lead us from untruth to truth. Lead us from darkness to light.
Lead us from death to immortality.]
Pení potentíx ín mirím investíx Constituxioníx
Patriaë, ímí diclarí Prímedí Sexión
47-íe Congressus Patriaë imán fermití, et ímí
appelí; íllí Congressus primadíním 15-lí
septimbríe 2003 híc reconvæt, períful inceptán
Duödí Sexión 47-íe Congressus Patriaë.
Under the power vested in me by the Constitution of Patria, I declare closed
the First Session of the 47th Congress, and call this Congress to re-assemble
here on Monday, the 15th of September 2003, to open the Second Session of
the 47th Congress.
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©2003, XLVII Con. Pat. The above text is an official transcription,
as published in The Congressional Record, June 27, 2003, 1·XLVII